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Handyman Contractors in Creekside, PA

Address: 990 Baker Road, Creekside, PA 15732

Phone: (724) 801-2567

Service: Handyman, Lighting, Electrical, General Contractors, Ceilings

HIC #:PA125322


Type:Electrical New Panels, Panel Upgrades, Full Residential Electrical Services, Lighting Fixtures, Outlets And Switches, Whole House Wiring, Trouble Shooting Electrical Issues, Adding Circuits, Removing Circuits, Subpanels, Ceiling Fans, All Forms Of Residen

Date Issued:06-21-2016

Address: 4842 Chambersville Rd, Creekside, PA 15732

Phone: (724) 422-0368

Service: Landscaping, Handyman, Lawn Care

HIC #:PA097335


Type:Full Service Landscaping Company. Lawn Mowing To Snow Plowing.

Address: 49 Water St, Creekside, PA 15732

Phone: (724) 463-9811

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating, Furnaces

HIC #:PA041540


Type:Service And Install Furnaces And Air Conditioners.

Address: 280 Matty Rd, Creekside, PA 15732

Phone: (724) 397-8524

Service: Handyman, Trim, Tree Service, Stump Removal

HIC #:PA078402


Type:Tree Service Including Tree Pruning And Removal, Stump Grinding, Non-Invasive Tree Climbing And Bucket Truck Work, Trimming Of Shrubbery, Hedges, And Ornamental Trees.Services Provided By This Company Tree Removal, Tree Planting, Tree Trimming, Stump Grin

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