Mike Shapouri
16089 SAN DIEGUITO ROAD, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
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Permits (20)
15390 Vista Jamul, Jamul, CA 91935
Date: May 17, 2013
Permit type: Miscellaneous
Description: Area: lyons valley
Parcel #: 597-101-13-00
Permit #: PDS2013-LDPCHG-00055
15390 Vista Jamul, Jamul, CA 91935
Date: Jan 15, 2013
Permit type: Miscellaneous
Description: Area: lyons valley
Parcel #: 597-101-13-00
Permit #: PDS2013-LDPCHG-00002
15390 Vista Jamul, Jamul, CA 91935
Date: Aug 21, 2012
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: lyons valley
Parcel #: 597-101-13-00
Permit #: PDS2012-4210-19377
9586 Camino Santa Fe, San Diego, CA 92127
Date: Jul 12, 2010
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: ralphs ranch proposed use of graded site: road emergency contact: owner 858.922.0577 issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 9/12/8
Parcel #: 678-060-12-00
Permit #: PDS2010-4701-15415
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: May 9, 2008
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: aliso canyon proposed use of graded site: sfd emergency contact: paul holling 760.271.6644 issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 6/10/5
Parcel #: 265-270-61-00
Permit #: PDS2008-2701-1439
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Oct 4, 2007
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: aliso canyon proposed use of graded site: sfd emergency contact: paul holling 760.271.6644 issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 6/10/5
Parcel #: 265-270-61-00
Permit #: PDS2007-2701-1348
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Sep 27, 2007
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: aliso canyon proposed use of graded site: sfd emergency contact: paul holling 760.271.6644 issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 6/10/5
Parcel #: 265-270-61-00
Permit #: PDS2007-2701-1342
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Jun 22, 2007
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: aliso canyon proposed use of graded site: sfd issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 6/10/5
Parcel #: 265-270-61-00
Permit #: PDS2007-4701-14719
10950 Pala Rd, Pala, CA 92059
Date: Jul 3, 2006
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Warner ranch, gpa, sp, rez, tm, mup, ad april 2011 the project proposes an amendment of the general plan, a specific plan, a rezone and a vesting tentative map to allow for the development of approximately 513.6 acres including 780 residential units (556 single family detached and 224 multi-family and attached town homes), approximately 10.8 acres of proposed private community parks including a clubhouse, 5.5 acres of landscape areas, an 8.0-acre public active recreational park, and 344.2 acres of on-site preserved biological open space which is included as a proposed hard-line area in the draft north county multiple species conservation program (ncmscp), dated february 2009. onsite grading will consist of 2.4 million cubic yards of earth movement. the site will include a fire station, a waste water treatment plant, and frontage improvements on state route 76 (sr-76). the project site is located in the northwestern portion of the county approximately 5 miles east of interstate 15 on pala road (sr-76) and west of pala temecula road in the pala pauma subregional planning area, within unincorporated san diego county. the site is subject to the general plan 1.3 estate development area (eda) regional category, land use designation (18) multiple rural use and (19) intensive agriculture. zoning for the site is a70 limited agriculture and a72 general agriculture uses. the project proposes a specific plan and associated general plan category change to 21 and zoning change to s88. access would be from sr76 and secondary access from pala temecula road. the project site currently does not have water, sewer, or fire service districts. annexation to the yuima water district and the north county fire district is proposed. the project proposes to be implemented in 6 phases.
Parcel #: 110-021-09-00
Permit #: PDS2006-3910-0602020
10950 Pala Rd, Pala, CA 92059
Date: Jul 3, 2006
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Warner ranch, gpa, sp, rez, tm, mup, ad april 2011 the project proposes an amendment of the general plan, a specific plan, a rezone and a vesting tentative map to allow for the development of approximately 513.6 acres including 780 residential units (556 single family detached and 224 multi-family and attached town homes), approximately 10.8 acres of proposed private community parks including a clubhouse, 5.5 acres of landscape areas, an 8.0-acre public active recreational park, and 344.2 acres of on-site preserved biological open space which is included as a proposed hard-line area in the draft north county multiple species conservation program (ncmscp), dated february 2009. onsite grading will consist of 2.4 million cubic yards of earth movement. the site will include a fire station, a waste water treatment plant, and frontage improvements on state route 76 (sr-76). the project site is located in the northwestern portion of the county approximately 5 miles east of interstate 15 on pala road (sr-76) and west of pala temecula road in the pala pauma subregional planning area, within unincorporated san diego county. the site is subject to the general plan 1.3 estate development area (eda) regional category, land use designation (18) multiple rural use and (19) intensive agriculture. zoning for the site is a70 limited agriculture and a72 general agriculture uses. the project proposes a specific plan and associated general plan category change to 21 and zoning change to s88. access would be from sr76 and secondary access from pala temecula road. the project site currently does not have water, sewer, or fire service districts. annexation to the yuima water district and the north county fire district is proposed. the project proposes to be implemented in 6 phases.
Parcel #: 110-021-09-00
Permit #: PDS2006-3000-06-040
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Oct 14, 2005
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area:rancho santa feproposed use of graded site: sfd pademergency contact: paul holling 858.755.0253issuance of grading permit approved by xxx, dpw project manager on xx
Parcel #: 265-270-41-00
Permit #: PDS2005-2701-951
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Sep 14, 2005
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area:rancho santa feproposed use of graded site: sfd pademergency contact: paul holling 858.755.0253issuance of grading permit approved by xxx, dpw project manager on xx
Parcel #: 265-270-41-00
Permit #: PDS2005-2701-926
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Aug 22, 2005
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area:rancho santa fe. proposed use of graded site: sfd emergency contact: paul holling 858.755.0253. issuance of grading permit approved by r.lee shick, dpw project manager on 07.31.2003
Parcel #: 265-270-41-00
Permit #: PDS2005-4701-14441
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Jun 10, 2005
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: aliso canyon proposed use of graded site: sfd issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 6/10/5
Parcel #: 265-270-61-00
Permit #: PDS2005-4700-14719
18133 Pacifica Ranch Dr, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: May 9, 2005
Permit type: Fences
Description: Ash ten administrative permit: fence, wall, gates and entry structureslinked cases: description: entry gate. execption to standards persuant to zo 6708 h.ad05-026dpw manager: n/adplu manager: hogan, michaeldpw trust: n/adplu trust: wn8117
Parcel #: 265-270-62-00
Permit #: PDS2005-3000-05-026
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Jan 4, 2005
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Rancho pacifica hlp05-001 & tm5148 habitat loss permit rancho pacificadpw manager:lee shick/tom duffydplu manager:dplu analyst:dpw trust:l14719 & tm 5148-1dplu trust:
Parcel #: 265-270-41-00
Permit #: PDS2005-3950-05-001
18125 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Aug 25, 2004
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area: aliso canyon proposed use of graded site: sfd emergency contact: paul holling 760.271.6644 issuance of grading permit approved by r shick, dpw project manager on 6/10/5
Parcel #: 265-270-61-00
Permit #: PDS2004-2700-14719
18137 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Jul 31, 2003
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area:rancho santa fe. proposed use of graded site: sfd emergency contact: paul holling 858.755.0253. issuance of grading permit approved by r.lee shick, dpw project manager on 07.31.2003
Parcel #: 265-270-41-00
Permit #: PDS2003-4700-14441
18137 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: May 30, 2003
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Area:rancho santa feproposed use of graded site: sfd pademergency contact: paul holling 858.755.0253issuance of grading permit approved by xxx, dpw project manager on xx
Parcel #: 265-270-41-00
Permit #: PDS2003-2700-14441
18133 Pacifica Ranch Dr, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
Date: Jan 13, 2003
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Israni tpm 20612 israni tpmdplu regional planner: dportepldplu planner: fbishopl trans to camille passon 3-1-07dpw assigned: rshickpwdpw resource: greg carltonversion rpl5 received 31-oct-2005version rpl4 received 15-july-2005version rpl3 received 04-apr-2004version rpl2 received:13-jan-2003version rp1 received:15-aug-2002version received:17-may-2001dplu traust: wn6347
Parcel #: 265-270-62-00
Permit #: PDS2003-3200-20612