18315 Willow Creek Rd, Occidental, CA 95465
Contractor: Huffman Charles Robert
Date: Apr 3, 2003
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Filled land septic system routed to wedison 8/20/01 checklist rcvd 10/5/01, sent 10/5/01, routed to hard file 10/5/01 issued 10/16/01, rerouted to wedisons tub 10/16/01 finalled,routed to sg 4/03/03.we 4/3/03 copy to owner, assessor, engineer. engineer's letter rcvd 3/31/03. permit routed to hard file sg
Fee: $636.00 paid to City of Sonoma, CA
Parcel #: 074180090
Permit #: SEP01-0948