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Swimming Pools Permits in Moss Beach, CA

206 California Ave, Moss Beach, CA 94038

Contractor: Blue Sky Design, Inc.

Date: Jun 18, 2009

Permit type: Swimming Pools

Description: Pool/pond pool/pond sawcut part of edge of road to contruct new asphalt concrete swale per county road inspector. construct exposed aggregate concrete driveway approach behind the property line.

Fee: $475.00 paid to City of San Mateo, California

Parcel #: 037114160

Permit #: DPW2009-00186

795 Park Ave, Moss Beach, CA 94038

Date: Mar 5, 2010

Permit type: Swimming Pools

Description: Demolish swimming pool with engineered fill. resubmittal #1 rmm 03-19-10 - soils report.

Valuation: $500,000

Fee: $553.79 paid to City of San Mateo, California

Parcel #: 037253100

Permit #: BLD2010-00292

840 Lincoln St, Moss Beach, CA 94038

Date: Oct 1, 2015

Permit type: Swimming Pools

Description: Illegal dumping on private property illegal dumping on private propertythere is a huge pile of trash, coolers, camping items that appear to have been part of a party. there were 2 tents in the location but they appear to have been removed.

Parcel #: 037061150

Permit #: VIO2015-00417

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.