17019 S Denker Ave, Gardena, CA 90247
Contractor: Edwin E Garcia
Date: Dec 10, 2008
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Swimming pool, spa, fire pit, bbq
Valuation: $3,200,000
Fee: $816.55 paid to City of Gardena, California
Client: Garcia, Edwin A
Parcel #: 6106012014
Permit #: 50008-0508
2931 W 133Rd St, Gardena, CA 90249
Date: Dec 8, 2010
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: 368 sqft-installation of fiberglass swimming pool
Valuation: $1,700,000
Fee: $620.45 paid to City of Gardena, California
Client: Fulcher, Marvin
Parcel #: 4060007051
Permit #: 50010-0605