10730 W Sandpiper St, Boise, ID 83709
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Jun 20, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: New pool
Fee: $47.93 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R6905510380
Permit #: MEC12-02004
2222 S Rushmore Way, Boise, ID 83709
Contractor: Pools West
Date: Jul 26, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: This permit is for the placement of a new 720s.f. inground vinyl lined swimming pool with r-1b setbacks approved by colleen carroll. all per the approved plans as marked. pep
Valuation: $2,400,000
Fee: $420.46 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R6989380095
Permit #: BLD12-01983
2573 N Pleasant Hill Way, Boise, ID 83702
Date: Aug 17, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new free form inground gunite swimming pool with a-1 setbacks approved by sue cummings. esc12-00700 ok for this permit. all per the approved plans as marked. pep
Valuation: $3,300,000
Fee: $524.64 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R8037540160
Permit #: BLD12-02198
101 W Horizon Dr, Boise, ID 83702
Contractor: Gem Gunite Pools
Date: Sep 11, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: This project is for the placement of a new 512s.f. inground gunite swimming pool and and approximately 150 l.f. of fully engineered retaining wall in the hillside area approved under cfh12-00023 by terry records and r-1b ok per colleen carroll. a letter from the applicants geotechnical engineer indicating that the pool subgrade is acceptable must be approved by public works prior to scheduling inspections. if you have any questions call terry records at 384-3946. separate electrical permit is required and bonding of all metal parts is required to be approved by the electrical division prior to approval for placement of any concrete by the structural division. this pool is using an automatic clorinator with mineralization system. the backwash system will be into the lawn southwest of the pool. all per the approved plans as marked, esc approved plan, engineering and the engineers details. pep
Valuation: $4,300,000
Fee: $636.24 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R3729750670
Permit #: BLD12-01744
11187 W Southerland Ct, Boise, ID 83709
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Sep 13, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Valuation: $120,000
Fee: $47.93 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R8048690480
Permit #: MEC12-03221
2904 W Dill Dr, Boise, ID 83705
Contractor: Hdt Concrete Const Inc
Date: Oct 31, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Misc-pool heater
Fee: $47.93 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R1387000130
Permit #: MEC12-03873
12650 W Running Brook Ct, Boise, ID 83713
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Nov 14, 2012
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: New pool
Fee: $47.93 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R1095160370
Permit #: MEC12-04043
4569 N Settlers Ridge Pl, Boise, ID 83703
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Feb 28, 2013
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new inground 790s.f. gunite swimming pool with cartridge filter in the hillside area. a-1 setbacks approved by colleen carroll. separate electrical permit is required and bonding of all metal parts is required to be approved by the electrical division prior to approval for placement of any concrete by the structural division. a letter from the applicants geotechnical engineer indicating that the pool subgrade is acceptable must be approved by public works prior to scheduling inspections. if you have any questions call jason taylor at 384-3946. all per the site plans as marked and the plan review notes. pep
Valuation: $7,698,600
Fee: $920.10 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R0523750270
Permit #: BLD13-00352
297 S Winthrop Pl, Boise, ID 83709
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Apr 26, 2013
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: This project is for the placement of a new inground gunite swimming pool with cartridge filter system. r-1c ok per josh johnson. all per the approved plans as marked and the plan review notes. pep
Valuation: $3,600,000
Fee: $558.12 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R2107150280
Permit #: BLD13-01009
490 N Strata Via Way, Boise, ID 83712
Date: Jul 22, 2013
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Permit for swimming pool
Fee: $42.22 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R5983360120
Permit #: ELE13-01915
205 N Alto Via Ct, Boise, ID
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Aug 27, 2013
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Other = 2 pool heaters
Valuation: $200,000
Fee: $59.34 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R5983390070
Permit #: MEC13-03480
205 N Alto Via Ct, Boise, ID
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Aug 27, 2013
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new 577s.f. inground gunite swimming pool with a-1 setbacks approved by leon letson. esc approved by jason taylor along with hillside requirements. separate electrical permit is required and bonding of all metal parts is required to be approved by the electrical division prior to approval for placement of any concrete by the structural division. a letter from the applicants geotechnical engineer indicating that the footing sub-grade is acceptable must be approved by public works prior to scheduling a footing inspection. call jason taylor at 384-3946. pep
Valuation: $3,280,000
Fee: $524.64 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R5983390070
Permit #: BLD13-02309
2835 E Migratory Dr, Boise, ID 83706
Contractor: Titan Pools
Date: Oct 8, 2013
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new 800s.f. inground gunite swimming pool with safety cover with r-1a setbacks ok per. the pool is to have a salt disinfection system with a lawn filter flush method. this permit may required additional fence modification to insure complete code compliance. all per the approved pot plan and the plan review notes. peppep
Valuation: $4,000,000
Fee: $602.76 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R5983880230
Permit #: BLD13-02774
11964 W Blueberry Ct, Boise, ID 83709
Contractor: Pools West
Date: Mar 12, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Permit for the construction and installation of a vinyl inground pool per the approved plans. the property has an existing 6 foot tall fence which encloses the pool. a auto cover will also be istalled on the pool.. all required electrical bonding is required to be inspected prior to the placement of any concrete. the new pool is 648 sq. ft in area. r-1a zoning and setbacks per planning. cdm
Valuation: $2,600,000
Fee: $446.52 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R6989300200
Permit #: BLD14-00563
732 E Santa Paula Pl, Boise, ID 83712
Contractor: Douglas W Tamura
Date: Apr 4, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Permit is for the construction of an inground pool at the rear of the home, the pool is to be constructed as per the approved plans, the attached engineering, appendix g of the 2009 irc, and current local codes. jg a letter from the applicants geotechnical engineer indicating that the footing subgrade is acceptable must be approved by public works prior to scheduling a footing inspection. if the pool is closer than 7' to the top/toe of slope a geotechnical engineer must provide a letter approving the setback conditions prior to placing foundation elements. if rock retaining wall is taller than 4' an engineer must approve wall prior to occupancy. call jason taylor at 384-3946
Valuation: $5,000,000
Fee: $714.36 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R0310250110
Permit #: BLD13-02822
2779 S Goshen Way, Boise, ID 83709
Contractor: Spa Pool Center Inc
Date: May 2, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new inground fiberglass swimming pool with salt and chlorine disenfection system and onsite lawn application. r-1c okper sue cummings. all per the approved plot plan and the plan review notes (appendix g 2009 irc. pep
Valuation: $2,380,000
Fee: $420.46 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R5887710445
Permit #: BLD14-01122
2601 N El Rancho Dr, Boise, ID 83704
Contractor: Spa Pool Center Inc
Date: Jun 6, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new 288s.f. inground fibeglass swimming pool with salt chloring disinfection and sand filter with onsite lawn backwash method. r-1c setbacks ok per colleen carroll. all per the approved plot plan as marked and the plan review notes. pep
Valuation: $3,500,000
Fee: $546.96 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R9437500110
Permit #: BLD14-01559
5499 N Discovery Pl, Boise, ID 83713
Contractor: Pristine Pools & Spas
Date: Jun 30, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new 600s.f. inground gunite swimming pool with chlorine tablet disinfection and cartridge filter. this pool is in the rear yard of parcel see bld13-02464. r-1c setbacks are ok per sue cummings. separate electrical permit is required and bonding of all metal parts is required to be approved by the electrical division prior to approval for placement of any concrete by the structural division. all per the approved plans as marked and 2009 irc appendix "g" requirements. pep
Valuation: $3,000,000
Fee: $491.16 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R1095180610
Permit #: BLD14-01612
2440 S Heritage Pl, Boise, ID 83709
Date: Jul 11, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: To place a new inground vinyl lined 648s.f. swimming pool with r-1b setbacks approved by sue cummings. all per the approved plot plan and "appendix g" attached. pep
Valuation: $3,240,000
Fee: $524.64 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R9373230080
Permit #: BLD14-01982
4393 N Cartwright Rd, Boise, ID 83703
Date: Jul 29, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: This project is for the placement of a new inground gunite swimming pool with structural retaining walls per engineering details with calculations. this pool will be supplied with a auto pool caver and gas heat. separate a letter from the applicants geotechnical engineer indicating that the pool footing subgrade is acceptable must be approved by public works prior to scheduling a footing inspection. call jason taylor at 384-3946
Valuation: $6,000,000
Fee: $790.56 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R3241770040
Permit #: BLD14-01647
2548 S Simsbury Pl, Boise, ID 83709
Date: Jul 30, 2014
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: Permit is for the installation of a new 467 sq. ft. in ground vinyl lined swimming pool, pool barrier per the appendix g of the 2009 irc, construction of swimming pool to be per the approved plans, appendix g and current local codes. an electrical, plumbing permit is required. jg
Valuation: $1,500,000
Fee: $283.19 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R5887700430
Permit #: BLD14-02168
11230 W Joplin Rd, Boise, ID 83714
Contractor: Carman Electric Inc
Date: Aug 12, 2015
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: New: fiberglass swimming pool
Valuation: $160,000
Fee: $71.03 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: S0522438925
Permit #: ELE15-02538
951 S Aurora Dr, Boise, ID 83709
Date: Jun 1, 2016
Permit type: Swimming Pools
Description: The scope of work is to add an 18x36 inground gunite swimming pool in the hillside. a barrier (fence) per the attached appendix g shall be installed prior to occupancy. ****pool cannot be more than 7' from top of slope.****a letter from the applicants geotechnical engineer indicating that the pool subgrade is acceptable must be approved by public works prior to scheduling inspections. if you have any questions call jason taylor 384-3946
Valuation: $4,212,000
Fee: $636.24 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R7335500062
Permit #: BLD16-01734