72 East 97 Street, Manhattan, NY
Date: Aug 28, 2002
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - cabinets/antena installating telecommunications cabinets and antennas with related dunnage on roof in conformance with tppn# 5/98. no change in use, egress or occupancy
Valuation: $2,500,000
Fee: $346.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1602/38
Permit #: 103213906-01-EW-OT
555 West 186 Street, Manhattan, NY 10033
Contractor: Akhtar Construction Co In
Date: Aug 21, 2003
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc strip roofing, remove wood sheathing , install batt insulation , install new wood sheathing, b/u roofing, flashing, counterfflashing, install new alum. ldr., remove & rebuild 100 lin. ft. of brick parapet walls, install new skylight, install new bulkhead door & buck. no change in use, occupancy, or egress.
Valuation: $5,826,500
Fee: $866.20 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2157/93
Permit #: 103544112-01-EW-OT
9 East 84 Street, Manhattan, NY
Contractor: Akhtar Construction Co In
Date: Aug 10, 2005
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc install new 4 condensor units and dunnage at roof. no change to egress, occupancy or use. remedy violation ecb # 34484027p
Valuation: $4,200,000
Fee: $521.10 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1496/9
Permit #: 104191054-01-EW-OT
540 Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10027
Contractor: Akhtar Construction Co In
Date: Aug 15, 2005
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc installing tele communications cabinets with related dunnage and antenas on roof all in conformance with tppn5/98 no changes
Valuation: $2,500,000
Fee: $346.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1949/47
Permit #: 104132920-01-EW-OT
900 West 190 Street, Manhattan, NY
Contractor: Dna Contracting
Date: Oct 7, 2005
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc remove existing tiles and membrane on terrace. provide new tiles, membrane, scupper and flashing.
Valuation: $5,000,000
Fee: $603.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2179/373
Permit #: 104255672-01-EW-OT
71 West 109 Street, Manhattan, NY 10025
Contractor: Jodana Development Inc
Date: Nov 30, 2005
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 3 - antenna insatlling telecommunications cabinetsand antennas on roof, in comform ance with tppn#5/98 no change in useegress or occupancy
Valuation: $2,500,000
Fee: $346.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1845/1
Permit #: 104278826-01-AL
501 West 33 Street, Manhattan, NY 10001
Contractor: Jodana Development Inc
Date: Dec 22, 2005
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 3 - antenna installing telecommunicatons cabinets with related dunnage and antennas on roof in conformance with tppn #5/98.no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $2,500,000
Fee: $346.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 705/32
Permit #: 104277863-01-AL
9 East 86 Street, Manhattan, NY
Contractor: Abr Moulding Llc
Date: Feb 22, 2007
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 1 - plans and applications filed to installpartitions on part of the bas.& 6 th fl.to enclose the existing egressstair and to change occupancy of the cellar-6th fl. & roof to one familydwelling and to install pavers in rear yard to extend exist. terrace and install enclosed exterior passageway on roof.
Valuation: $7,788,000
Fee: $207.58 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1498/8
Permit #: 104005924-01-AL
98 Park Terrace East, Manhattan, NY 10034
Contractor: Dolmen Restoration Inc
Date: Jan 28, 2008
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc remove and replace damaged concrete catwalk at rear of property. replace with new open grate steel catwalk at with same dimensions and hieght as existing. no change to use, egress or occupancy
Valuation: $2,000,000
Fee: $294.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2243/309
Permit #: 104879419-01-EW-OT
311 Cherry Street, Manhattan, NY 10002
Contractor: Henrysmith Property Mgt
Date: Nov 21, 2008
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr remove damaged slab on grade and install new lightgage metal joists support on existing grade beams repair floor with new hardwood. no change in use, egress or occupancy
Valuation: $2,000,000
Fee: $294.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 246/7501
Permit #: 110382675-01-EW-OT
601 W 163 Street, Manhattan, NY 10032
Contractor: E M & E M Chimney And Mas
Date: Aug 22, 2013
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr. install 75' of 18" stainless steel external stack in 12 gage with 20; of 16" diameter 14 gage carbon steel breeching
Valuation: $2,000,000
Fee: $419.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2137/110
Permit #: 121696263-01-EW-OT
77 West 68 Street, Manhattan, NY
Contractor: E M & E M Chimney And Mas
Date: Aug 27, 2014
Permit type: Residential
Description: Alteration type 2 - structural install temporary shoring beam in conjunction with work performed under application # 140221711. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,000,000
Fee: $316.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1121/1
Permit #: 122111945-01-EW-OT
1165East 54Th Street, New York, NY
Contractor: E M & E M Chimney And Mas
Date: Mar 7, 2016
Permit type: Residential
Description: alteration type 3 - antenna modification to existing telecommunication site. replace antennas and install related rrh units and gps units on roof. all work in conformance with tppn#5/98. no change in use, egress, or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,520,000
Fee: $348.30 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 7780/8
Permit #: 321262628-01-AL
157West 78 Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Chilmark Construction Cor
Date: Mar 8, 2016
Permit type: Residential
Description: alteration type 2 - str reinforce existing wood roof in a class building by adding steel beams between existing wood joinst.no change in occupancy use or egress
Valuation: $2,000,000
Fee: $419.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1150/108
Permit #: 122487585-02-EW-OT
1642West 9Th Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Alexey Braginskiy
Date: Mar 23, 2016
Permit type: Residential
Description: alteration type 3 - gen. constr. application hereby filed to remove existing glass enclosure over an existing roof patio and propose open canopies over existing sliding glass doors no change in use egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,200,000
Fee: $307.10 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 6622/7501
Permit #: 321171076-01-AL
301West 45Th Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Jacobs Telecommun. Inc
Date: Apr 8, 2016
Permit type: Residential
Description: alteration type 3 - antenna modification to existing telecommunications site. replace antennas with related rrh units on roof. all in conformance with tppn 5/98. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $550,000
Fee: $245.30 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1036/29
Permit #: 122674560-01-AL
320West 83Rd Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Abilene Inc
Date: Apr 13, 2016
Permit type: Residential
Description: alteration type 2 - gen. constr. install new metal chimney liner as per plans. replace breeching and reconnect to existing boiler. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $8,700,000
Fee: $1,109.60 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1245/34
Permit #: 140478873-01-EW-OT