8661 Covington Hwy Ste 102, Conyers, GA 30012
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: *10-20-14: the application was revised for a wholesaler by the applicant/tenant in the m district, since retail is not allowed per the planning division first review. a copy of the applicant's state of georgia license was submitted as well.* miai this permit is issued in overlay district - stonecrest overlay district
Permit #: 875366
2011 Gees Mill Rd, Conyers, GA 30013
Contractor: R & R Communications
Date: Feb 1, 2001
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Colocation- type iv, unprot-unspkld
Valuation: $3,000,000
Fee: $107.00 paid to City of Greensboro, North Carolina
Permit #: 200022803