9830 Burch Grove Ln, Rickreall, OR 97371
Contractor: Jet Industries Inc
Date: Mar 21, 2014
Permit type: Miscellaneous
Description: R14-0183
Parcel #: 07430C005600
Permit #: 99053-BMC-14-00027
5892 North Oak Grove Rd, Rickreall, OR 97371
Contractor: Terrys Best Construction Inc
Date: Jul 2, 2014
Permit type: Miscellaneous
Description: Project id 69064 permit id 119794 to construct a new single family dwelling the subject property has been identified as having expansive soils. we recommend obtaining a geotechincal report for the subject property. the property lines must be marked at the time of the first inspection in order for the setback distances to be verified by the inspector. - ivr number = 687100044332 ~ ivr phone = 1-888-299-2821
Fee: $130.80 paid to State of Oregon
Client: Higgins Jerry & Cheryi I Etal
Parcel #: 064280000905
Permit #: 687-B14-96-MECH
5892 North Oak Grove Rd, Rickreall, OR 97371
Contractor: Terrys Best Construction Inc
Date: Jul 2, 2014
Permit type: Miscellaneous
Description: Project id 69064 permit id 119618 to construct a new single family dwelling the subject property has been identified as having expansive soils. we recommend obtaining a geotechincal report for the subject property. the property lines must be marked at the time of the first inspection in order for the setback distances to be verified by the inspector. - ivr number = 687100044331 ~ ivr phone = 1-888-299-2821
Valuation: $26,640,600
Fee: $2,944.84 paid to State of Oregon
Client: Higgins Jerry & Cheri I Etal
Parcel #: 064280000905
Permit #: 687-B14-96