635 Grandview Ln, Culver, OR 97734
Contractor: Culver Electric Llc
Date: Jan 25, 2012
Permit type: Kitchen Remodeling
Description: Two circuits for paddle fan reroute kitchen light
Fee: $81.87 paid to State of Oregon
Parcel #: 12237
Permit #: 451-E12-0017
4060 Sw Smith Ln, Culver, OR 97734
Date: Jul 9, 2012
Permit type: Kitchen Remodeling
Description: Addition to existing residence: adding master bath / bedroom, new 2nd bedroom, also relocating existing bath to new location "kids bath" adding laundry room / mechanical room, some kitchen remodel
Fee: $2,613.44 paid to State of Oregon
Parcel #: 5253
Permit #: 451-B12-0071