1022 Aina Manu Pl, Makawao, HI 96768
Contractor: Central Construction Inc
Date: Feb 3, 2005
Permit type: Hvac
Description: Curb ramps at various locations (cy'03) fap stp no. 0900(66). pavement: 2000 lf sidewalk: 2000lf. work to be done: demolish and reinstall curb ramps. demolish and repave existing ac pavement pavement markings. install new pushbuttons on traffic signals.
Parcel #: 2240400180000
Permit #: WTP 20050008
81 Ohaoha Pl, Makawao, HI 96768
Contractor: Richard Jahner
Date: Mar 7, 2007
Permit type: Hvac
Description: Project: reid douglas. fill: 145 cy excavate: 40 cy grubb: .4 ac.
Parcel #: 2250140060000
Permit #: G-RS 20070043