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Fences Permits in Cleveland, OH

11105 Western Ave, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jul 13, 2010

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 47 lf of 6' high wood fence in rear side yard as perplan. finished side facing out toward adjoining property.

Valuation: $124,500

Fee: $66.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Branham, Christopher S

Parcel #: 00510010

Permit #: B10026091

1731 Merl Ave, Cleveland, OH 44109

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Sep 1, 2010

Permit type: Fences

Description: Inst 29 lin ft of 6' high vinyl fence in side rear yard per plans - finished side facing out towards neighboring property

Valuation: $160,000

Fee: $66.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Mary Prager

Parcel #: 01007031

Permit #: B10033383

12912 Angelus Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Oct 21, 2010

Permit type: Fences

Description: Erect 128lf of 6'high vinyl fence in side yards,a nd gate, and 12lf of 42" high split rail fence in front yard, all as per plan, finished side facing out.

Valuation: $539,700

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Sullivan Ted J

Parcel #: 13723086

Permit #: B10039702

4437 W 53 St, Cleveland, OH 44144

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Nov 15, 2010

Permit type: Fences

Description: Inst approx 54 lin ft & 11 lin ft wide gate of 4' high black vinyl chain link fence per plans

Valuation: $160,400

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Dennis Wing

Parcel #: 01203126

Permit #: B10043019

6604 Woodhaven Ave, Cleveland, OH 44144

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Apr 8, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Inst 33 lin ft of 4' high chain link fence & gate per plans - finished side must face out toward adjoining properties

Valuation: $119,000

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Heather Roberts

Parcel #: 01311074

Permit #: B11010505

15717 Barbara Ave, Cleveland, OH 44135

Contractor: Borchert Fence Company

Date: Apr 13, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Inst approx 190 lin ft of 4' high chain link fence per approved plans/city code - finished side must face adjacent property/street - height of fence cannot exceed distance from fence line to neighbor's house - remove debris

Valuation: $220,000

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Lisa M. Yasko

Parcel #: 02723062

Permit #: B11011132

12808 Summerland Ave, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 7, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 179 lin. ft. of 6' high wood fence and rear yard as per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far away from neighbor's house as fence ht.

Valuation: $383,000

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Carlene Stanks

Parcel #: 01910058

Permit #: B11018376

4509 W 30 St, Cleveland, OH 44109

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 7, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 183 lin. ft. of 6' high wood fence side and rear yard as per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far away from neighbor's house as fence ht.

Valuation: $453,600

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Tiffany Sedlacek

Parcel #: 01104152

Permit #: B11018367

4157 E Garrett A Morgan Pl, Cleveland, OH 44105

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 16, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 45 lin. ft. of 6' high vinyl fence and gates in rear yard as per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far away from neighbor's house as fence ht.

Valuation: $225,600

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Theresa Robertson

Parcel #: 13808057

Permit #: B11019552

15619 Fernway Dr, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 23, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 65 lin. ft. of 6' high vinyl fence in side yard as per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far away from neighbor's house as fence ht.

Valuation: $322,800

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Joseph Spicuzza

Parcel #: 02402054

Permit #: B11020463

16700 Saint Clair, Cleveland, OH 44110

Date: Jul 13, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx. 647 l.f. of 6' high chain link fence with 3 strands of b.w.. as per per attached plan. finished side must face the street. fence must be minimun 10' - 0" back of st. clair property line & 4' - 0" back of e.166th st. p.l.

Valuation: $900,000

Fee: $190.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Frank Lasky

Parcel #: 11621003

Permit #: B11022923

911 Judie Dr, Cleveland, OH 44109

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Nov 14, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 74 lf of 6'high vinyl fence in side yard as per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far away from neighbors house as fence height.

Valuation: $379,700

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Anthony R Sanchez

Parcel #: 01018036

Permit #: B11039306

16008 Normandy Ave, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Dec 8, 2011

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install aprox., 77 lin. ft. of 4' board on board fence and gate. 87' lin. ft. of 6' high privacy fence per approved plan and city code. finished side must face adj., property and st. ht. of fence cannot exceed the distance from the fence line to the neighbor's house. remove debris.

Valuation: $180,000

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Fox, David C.

Parcel #: 02409053

Permit #: B11042353

4874 W 12 St, Cleveland, OH 44109

Contractor: Acme Fence & Lumber Company

Date: Apr 18, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx. 69lf of 6' high wood privacy fence as per attached plan finished side must face adjacent properties. work to meet pres. code.

Valuation: $230,000

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Tammy Wamaser

Parcel #: 01012097

Permit #: B12013559

12750 Shaker, Cleveland, OH 44120

Contractor: Borchert Fence Company

Date: May 1, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Erect approx., 70 lin. ft. of 3' high ornamental metal fencing for outdoor patio per approved plans. separate electrical permit req'd.

Valuation: $800,000

Fee: $320.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Rta Administration

Parcel #: 12908002

Permit #: B12016025

10322 Loretta Ave, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 20, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 132 linear feet of 6' high wood fence in rear/side yard as per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far waway from neighbor's house as fence height.

Valuation: $344,500

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Mendez, Aida J.

Parcel #: 01712066

Permit #: B12023399

15304 Fischer Rd, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 21, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 44 linear feet of 4' high ornamental fence and gate in side yard as per plan. finished side of all fencing must face out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel amd must be as far away from neighbor's house as fence height.

Valuation: $202,600

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Tom Gibbons

Parcel #: 02403040

Permit #: B12023430

15336 Alonzo Ave, Cleveland, OH 44128

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jul 9, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx. 54 lf of 6' high wood fence, 99 lf of 4' high ornamental fence and gate and 60 lf of 3' high bumper posts per city code. fence in seback area must be at least 50% open finished side must face street and adj. property. ht. of fence cannot exceed distance from fenceline to neighbors house. remove debris

Valuation: $638,800

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Walker, Julia

Parcel #: 14216041

Permit #: B12026105

7125 Camden Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jul 20, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx 87 lf of 6' high wood fence per approved plan & city code. finished side must face adj property & street. ht of fence cannot exceed the distance from the fenceline to the neighbor's house. remove debris.

Valuation: $180,000

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: James Walker

Parcel #: 00629113

Permit #: B12028585

11520 Kelton Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106

Contractor: Borchert Fence Company

Date: Oct 15, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx 182 lf of 6' high b/b wood fence as per attached plan. finished side must face adjacent properties. fence ht. shall not exceed dist. between adj. residence. work to meet present code.

Valuation: $369,700

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: County Land Bank

Parcel #: 12010141

Permit #: B12042032

9515 Fuller Ave, Cleveland, OH 44104

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Oct 23, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install 179 linear feet of 6' high wood fence in front/side/rear yard, per plan. finished side of all fence must be facing out toward neighboring property. all fence must be on same parcel, and must be as far away from neighbor's house as fence height.

Valuation: $473,200

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Dorothy Cardwell

Parcel #: 12715047

Permit #: B12043188

11506 Matilda Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105

Contractor: Borchert Fence Company

Date: Oct 24, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx 68 lf of 4' h. orn. fence & 56 lf of 6' h.b/b fence. finished side must face adj. prop/street. work to meet pres code.

Valuation: $288,900

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: County Land Bank

Parcel #: 13606017

Permit #: B12043324

6803 Bonna Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103

Contractor: Borchert Fence Company

Date: Oct 24, 2012

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx 74 lf of 4' h. orn. fence & 88 lf of 6' h. b on b fence. finished side must face adj. prop/street. work to meet pres code.

Valuation: $394,500

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: County Land Bank

Parcel #: 10523102

Permit #: B12043315

3606 Beyerle Rd, Cleveland, OH 44105

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: May 17, 2013

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx. 145 lf of 4'high chain link fence & gate per approved plan & city code. finished side must face adj. rpoperty & street. ht. of fence cannot exceed the distance from the fence line to the neighbor's house. remove debris.

Valuation: $223,900

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Tom Piskach

Parcel #: 13128055

Permit #: B13016972

4011 E 121 St, Cleveland, OH 44105

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Jun 11, 2013

Permit type: Fences

Description: Install approx 30.5 lf of 5 high clf per approved plan & city code. finished side musct face adj. property & street. ht. of fence cannot exceed the distance from the fence line to the neighbor's house. remove debris

Valuation: $164,600

Fee: $71.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Albright, Reva & Robert

Parcel #: 13802110

Permit #: B13020150

3125 Joslyn Rd, Cleveland, OH 44111

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Company

Date: Oct 7, 2014

Permit type: Fences

Description: Erect 5' high x 84" lin. ft. wood privacy fence good side faces neighbors house and 4' high x 25" lin. ft. aluminum picket fence per plan with gates.

Valuation: $357,000

Fee: $90.70 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: 3125 Joselyn

Parcel #: 02110010

Permit #: B14032150

10818 Bernard Ave, Cleveland, OH 44111

Date: Feb 19, 2016

Permit type: Fences

Description: Erect 43lf of 4ft ht fence & 60lf of 6ft ht fence to be placed 30in from owners houe & garage

Fee: $25.00 paid to City of Cleveland, Ohio

Client: Ramdat Sarran

Parcel #: 018-09-022

Permit #: BZA16-00027

8802 Frederick Ave, Cleveland, OH 44104

Contractor: Great Lakes Fence Co.

Date: Apr 16, 2016

Permit type: Fences

Description: 8802 frederick ave.

Valuation: $41,900

Client: City Of Cleveland Land Bank

Parcel #: 12606060

Permit #: B16013418

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.