3117 Astoria Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73122
Date: May 5, 2010
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Approved with the following added to the permit: grantee/applicant should maintain a 10 minimum separation distance from the proposed portable storage building and the wastewater (sanitary sewer) main. grantee/applicant hereby acknowledges that should permission be granted to erect a portable storage building wherein that the city of oklahoma city and the oklahoma city water utilities trust (ocwut) own, operate, and maintain wastewater utilities and facilities that the rights of the city and ocwut and their contractors, employees and agents to operate, maintain and replace said wastewater utilities and facilities may result in the destruction of or damage to the portable storage building in and around the wastewater utilities and facilities. grantee/applicant expressly agrees that in exchange for the permission granted herein that the city, the ocwut, and their contractors, employees, agents, and representatives shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or destruction of the sign from the actions of the city, the ocwut, and/or their contractors, employees, agents and representatives in the operation, maintaining or replacing of wastewater utilities and facilities and the grantee/applicant shall be solely responsible for any cost, expense or loss resulting there from.
Fee: $50.00 paid to Oklahoma City, OK
Client: Armando Gallegos
Permit #: REVO-2010-00075
99 Sw 39Th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Date: Apr 5, 2011
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Draper park mp-0395 park improvement pat murphy, lakeshore estates, overholser, draper, woodosn, lightning creek, stars & strips, tinsley, red andrews, pilot, wheeler
Fee: $55.00 paid to Oklahoma City, OK
Permit #: SWL-2011-00180