1 Milligan Place, Manhattan, NY 10011
Date: Nov 13, 1990
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - brick repair rosetting loose bricks, repointing brick joints, and parging with 1/2" thick cement plaster.
Valuation: $2,100,000
Fee: $295.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 606/70
Permit #: 100129638-01-EW-OT
8 East 18 Street, Manhattan, NY
Date: Jun 4, 1991
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - to remove shutters. install new facia boards top & above store front. expose and paint c.i. columns at front. no change in use, egress & occupancy.
Valuation: $400,000
Fee: $115.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 846/69
Permit #: 100253137-01-AL
10 East 21 Street, Manhattan, NY 10010
Date: Feb 20, 1992
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - brick facade repairing of existing brick facade.
Valuation: $7,600,000
Fee: $975.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 849/70
Permit #: 100325667-01-EW-OT
63 Downing Street, Manhattan, NY 10014
Date: Oct 28, 1996
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - g.c. general construction,roof resurfacing an d exterior facade repair, inxluding masonry pointing,window lintel steel replacement aluminum flashing a coping cover installations, and miscella neous caulking and waterproofing,as s on plans. no change in use,egress or occ upancy.
Valuation: $4,000,000
Fee: $500.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 528/7501
Permit #: 101408530-01-AL
72 Grove Street, Manhattan, NY 10014
Date: Aug 22, 2000
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning erect non illuminated awning inside bulding line - no not adjacent to arterial hwy
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 591/20
Permit #: 102706975-01-AL
630 West 165 Street, Manhattan, NY 10032
Contractor: Accurate Signs & Awnings
Date: Jan 9, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning awning
Valuation: $100,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2137/168
Permit #: 102904136-01-AL
10 Sheridan Square, Manhattan, NY 10014
Contractor: Accurate Signs & Awnings
Date: May 17, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repairs exterior repairs consisting of repointing of chimneys, replacing lintels, corner reconstruction at water tank/bulkhead and cement balcony repairs. no change to use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,000,000
Fee: $191.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 592/7501
Permit #: 102921590-01-EW-OT
25 Chittenden Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10033
Contractor: Pheonix 132 Sutton Street
Date: Aug 24, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repair replacement of window lintels and defective masonary on various elevations as shown on drawings. no change is use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,500,000
Fee: $243.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2179/261
Permit #: 102340959-01-EW-OT
1 Pace Plaza, Manhattan, NY 10038
Contractor: Pheonix 132 Sutton Street
Date: Mar 27, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade cleaning exterior facade cleaning. no change in use, egress or occupancany.
Valuation: $3,000,000
Fee: $397.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 102/1
Permit #: 103124325-01-EW-OT
88 Trinity Place, Manhattan, NY 10006
Contractor: Summit Waterproofing & Re
Date: Jul 18, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - exterior repair exterior repairs. no change in use, occupancy or egress.
Valuation: $50,000,000
Fee: $5,238.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 51/15
Permit #: 103210259-01-EW-OT
82 West 12 Street, Manhattan, NY
Contractor: Viles Contracting Corp
Date: Aug 5, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen construct facade repair: includidng masonry repair s, cornice replacement, parapet reconstruction, roof membrane replace ment, window replacement. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $25,000,000
Fee: $2,663.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 575/13
Permit #: 103200304-01-EW-OT
50 King Street, Manhattan, NY 10014
Contractor: Viles Contracting Corp
Date: Aug 20, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - gen const. local law 10/80 repairs - exterior facade, parapet & bulkhead wall repairs along all exterior facades. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $9,200,000
Fee: $1,036.10 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 519/14
Permit #: 103217877-01-AL
71 East 77 Street, Manhattan, NY
Contractor: Viles Contracting Corp
Date: Oct 30, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - masonry masonry restoration, pointing of upper s ide of east wall, sill and lint ls replacement @ north facade and courty ards. no change in use, egress or occup ncy.
Valuation: $10,000,000
Fee: $1,118.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1392/30
Permit #: 103244963-01-EW-OT
94 Greenwich Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10011
Contractor: Viles Contracting Corp
Date: Nov 12, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning install non-illuminated storefront busin ess retractable awning. size: 14'-8"(w) x 6'-0"(max, projection) wording: "barocco hots"
Valuation: $100,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 617/28
Permit #: 103222763-01-AL
40 Waterside Plaza, Manhattan, NY 10010
Contractor: Viles Contracting Corp
Date: Jun 11, 2003
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - masonry repairs misc. exterior masonry repairs and steel shelf angle replacements.
Valuation: $2,500,000
Fee: $346.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 991/60
Permit #: 103458170-01-EW-OT
99 Nassau Street, Manhattan, NY 10038
Contractor: Romulus Enterprise Ltd
Date: Jul 30, 2004
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - const. repairing exterior wall surface ; striping paint from the facade;claening exterior wall surface ;repairing .settlement cracks;resetting coping stones on parapet walls; repairing & replacing cap flashing; patching . holes dents in cornice to restore their original appearance; repainting previously-painted surface the same color
Valuation: $10,000,000
Fee: $1,118.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 89/1
Permit #: 103771651-01-EW-OT
99 10 Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10011
Contractor: Lighton Industries Inc
Date: Sep 2, 2004
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen.constructn. install new bullet resistant window in existing masonry facade at street level. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 688/7501
Permit #: 103914686-01-EW-OT
559 West 156 Street, Manhattan, NY 10032
Contractor: Lighton Industries Inc
Date: Jul 28, 2005
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - gc fixing defective building facade at building exterior covering 20 linear feet at each side of south west corner of building. correcting violation # 34471160l. no change in use , occupancy, or egress.
Valuation: $400,000
Fee: $120.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2115/1
Permit #: 104179461-01-AL
825 West 179 Street, Manhattan, NY 10033
Contractor: Crm Contracting Llc
Date: Mar 8, 2006
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repair exterior parapet rebuild . no changein use, egress or occupancy
Valuation: $9,000,000
Fee: $1,015.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2177/166
Permit #: 104370672-01-EW-OT
9 Jones Street, Manhattan, NY 10014
Contractor: Geiger Roofing Co Inc.
Date: Mar 14, 2006
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen.constructn. exterior facade repairs along the south and north exterior elevations. no change in use egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $3,900,000
Fee: $490.20 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 590/77
Permit #: 104356340-01-EW-OT
99 10 Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10011
Contractor: Tower Exterior Solutions
Date: May 12, 2006
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc facade restoration no changes
Valuation: $4,600,000
Fee: $562.30 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 688/7501
Permit #: 104416712-01-EW-OT
585 West 214 Street, Manhattan, NY 10034
Contractor: Wolf Restorations Inc
Date: Sep 22, 2006
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc exterior facade repairs along exterior elevations and roof level repairs. no change in use, egress, or occupency.
Valuation: $26,100,000
Fee: $1,118.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2250/14
Permit #: 104530759-01-EW-OT
6 York Street, Manhattan, NY 10013
Contractor: New York Sign Contractors
Date: Oct 17, 2008
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning erect non-illuminated accessory business awning. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 212/45
Permit #: 110246314-01-AL
6 York Street, Manhattan, NY 10013
Contractor: New York Sign Contractors
Date: Oct 17, 2008
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning erect non-illuminated accessory business awning. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 212/45
Permit #: 110246323-01-AL
510 West 218 Street, Manhattan, NY 10034
Contractor: A S M Construction Of Ny
Date: Nov 16, 2010
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repair facade, replacement brick parapet wall, repair window lintel.
Valuation: $1,500,000
Fee: $243.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2243/277
Permit #: 120532655-01-EW-OT
651 West 125Th Street, Manhattan, NY 10027
Contractor: Par Environmental Corporation
Date: Mar 18, 2011
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repair of vertical facade crack @ se corner on third floor of building using an upper & lower tie beam. crack to be filled with cement grout after channels are installed. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $2,500,000
Fee: $346.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1996/56
Permit #: 120634493-01-EW-OT
104 West 70Th Street, Manhattan, NY 10023
Contractor: Deluc Inc
Date: Jan 14, 2013
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade masonry facade repairs. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,012,500
Fee: $201.80 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1141/7501
Permit #: 120694757-01-EW-OT
307West 102Nd Street, New York, NY
Contractor: I. Grace Co., Inc
Date: Mar 4, 2016
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: alteration type 2 - facade filing for exterior masonry work, including select brick masonry repairs and stucco coating installation at the northeast corner of rear (north) facade. no change use, egress, or occupancy.
Valuation: $2,100,000
Fee: $429.80 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1890/12
Permit #: 122417296-01-EW-OT
801East 14 Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Williams Specialty Servic
Date: Apr 11, 2016
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: alteration type 2 - structural storm hardening modifications at con edison's east river generating station. work to inlcude reinforcement of the east 14 street exterior wall; modification/installation of moat walss around steam mains.
Valuation: $78,653,800
Fee: $8,319.60 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 988/1
Permit #: 122695208-01-EW-OT
66West 84 Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Unitech Design Inc
Date: Jun 6, 2016
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: alteration type 3 - awning erect non-illuminated retractable business accessory awning on exterior wall. no change in egress, use and occupancy.
Valuation: $257,400
Fee: $195.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1197/61
Permit #: 122676158-01-AL
200West 111 Street, New York, NY
Contractor: Phoenix Sutton Str Inc
Date: Jun 13, 2016
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: alteration type 2 - facade replacement of damaged fiberglass cornice at the 111th street facade. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $6,500,000
Fee: $883.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1826/36
Permit #: 122768816-01-EW-OT
924West End Avenue, New York, NY
Contractor: Nova Restoration Llc
Date: Jun 28, 2016
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: alteration type 2 - facade repair/replace facade as necessary to include masonry, pointing, lintels and cleaning, 12th level balcony reconstruction as indicated.
Valuation: $85,175,000
Fee: $8,989.10 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1877/1
Permit #: 122803939-01-EW-OT