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Exteriors Permits in Jamestown, NC

201 Knollwood Dr, Jamestown, NC 27282

Contractor: Knb Electric, Inc.

Date: Aug 6, 2008

Permit type: Exteriors

Description: 8/22/08 homeowners have been advised by 150 that will need to get a licensed electrical contractor to do the wiring. they have had 3 failed inspections. enclosing existing carport to playroom/jamestown clearence certificate on file/on city water & sewer/deed on file deed book 6908 page 2564/smwcontact 454-0854 remzija hachani/smw need elect contr.listed or owner contract noterized form on file//smw8-6-08 submitted plans/smw.plan reviewed by jcl 08-08-08./owner contractor form on file the home owner is aware that if he fails twice he w/have to get a licn's contractor,he states he w/be doing the work.08/11/08.djs/deed on file/08/11/08.djs

Fee: $170.20 paid to Guilford County, North Carolina

Parcel #: 15947039B100300071

Permit #: 08-08-JARP-04547

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