1402 Wythe Place, Bronx, NY 10452
Date: Apr 14, 1997
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning installation of awning 38' awning reads casa blanca laundromat 12 sq ft of lettering
Valuation: $100,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2833/1
Permit #: 200416834-01-AL
850 River Avenue, Bronx, NY 10451
Date: May 27, 1997
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning installation of awning 12'awning reads twin festal .12 sq ft of lettering.
Valuation: $100,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2483/34
Permit #: 200420552-01-AL
4530 Bronx Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10470
Date: Sep 9, 1997
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - const. repair work to existing porch.install li ght weight concrete over existi g wood deck metal railing and conc.steps
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5075/27
Permit #: 200421203-01-EW-OT
98 Van Cortlandt Park South, Bronx, NY 10463
Date: Aug 26, 1999
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade exterior masonry restoration. no change in use, egress, or occupancy.
Valuation: $73,188,000
Fee: $7,628.10 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3252/287
Permit #: 200586810-01-EW-OT
5900 Arlington Avenue, Bronx, NY 10471
Date: Oct 1, 1999
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - construction masonry exterior facade repairs. no change in use, egress, or occupancy.
Valuation: $11,500,000
Fee: $1,273.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5953/240
Permit #: 200591662-01-EW-OT
3230 Steuben Ave, Bronx, NY 10467
Date: Aug 2, 2000
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - brick repair repair exterior brick work.no change to use,occupancy or egress.
Valuation: $200,000
Fee: $230.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3336/59
Permit #: 200627937-01-EW-OT
2429 Arthur Avenue, Bronx, NY 10458
Date: Oct 18, 2000
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 3 - awning install awning to exterior of building w all. no change to use egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $900,000
Fee: $181.20 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3066/18
Permit #: 200641412-01-AL
831 Cranford Avenue, Bronx, NY 10470
Date: Feb 6, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - no work to legalize enclosure of open porch in rear. no change in use, egress, or occup ancy.
Valuation: $400,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5118/7
Permit #: 200653881-01-EW-OT
56 East Mount Eden Avenue, Bronx, NY 10452
Date: Feb 13, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - masonry repair remove defective masonry vertical exten sions of existing brick mason t wall, remove and replace spalling bric kwork from exterior surface of parapet wall and rebrick exterior wall and/or s eal in vicinity of brick masonry cracks . professional cert. is requested. no change in use, egress or occupancy inc luded in this application.
Valuation: $400,000
Fee: $120.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2845/34
Permit #: 200655184-01-EW-OT
2891 Wilkinson Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461
Date: May 24, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - constr legalization of work.removal of porch an d repair of existing exterior s airs.no change in occupancy,use or egres s.closing of door to porch.
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4240/44
Permit #: 200645677-01-EW-OT
990 East 178 Street, Bronx, NY 10460
Date: Sep 25, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repairs exterior facade repairs and parapet reconstruction. no change to use egress or o ccupancy.
Valuation: $9,500,000
Fee: $1,067.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3130/20
Permit #: 200685963-01-EW-OT
3814 Dyre Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466
Contractor: Paradise Construction Co
Date: Oct 26, 2001
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - masonry repair masonry work necessary to repair the front brick facade from the door lintel to top of roof parapet.
Valuation: $800,000
Fee: $170.90 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4950/91
Permit #: 200695943-01-EW-OT
3339 Radcliff Avenue, Bronx, NY 10469
Contractor: Paradise Construction Co
Date: May 9, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - trellis construction a trellis (shed like struct ure) in front yard. no change to use egress or occupancy
Valuation: $100,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4634/68
Permit #: 200724350-01-EW-OT
230 Naples Terrace, Bronx, NY 10463
Contractor: Paradise Construction Co
Date: Jun 6, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - parapet rebuild rebuild areas of parapet inkind. rebuild areas of parapet and in stall new railings miscellaneous lintel replacement.
Valuation: $2,200,000
Fee: $315.10 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5704/50
Permit #: 200693035-01-EW-OT
2502 Lorillard Place, Bronx, NY 10458
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Aug 1, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Plumbing - alteration type 2 ms45 roof replacement, brick parapet re moval/rebuilding, decorative ter ra cotta band replacement, face brick re pointing, exterior door replacement mis . metal roof bulkhead siding and roof re placement, relocation of 2 plumbing ven stacks, relocation & replacement of 2 r oof drains & of 24 roof drains.
Valuation: $386,356,800
Fee: $40,187.70 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3067/1
Permit #: 200467823-01-PL
800 Baychester Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Aug 15, 2002
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - is181 exterior masonry modernization w/ brick repainting & lintel replac ement w/ brick stitching.
Valuation: $30,000,000
Fee: $3,178.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5141/150
Permit #: 200470515-02-EW-OT
4327 Byron Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Feb 26, 2003
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - legalize legalize enclosed of enclosed porch. no change to egress, use or occup ncy.
Valuation: $300,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5044/55
Permit #: 200762157-01-EW-OT
1435 Minford Place, Bronx, NY 10460
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Apr 29, 2003
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - general constru legalization of rear porch (wooden) no c hange in use, occupancy or egre s.
Valuation: $500,000
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2977/373
Permit #: 200781314-01-EW-OT
1460 Louis Nine Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10459
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Jun 5, 2003
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - conc porch cons construction of a concrete porch. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $600,000
Fee: $105.15 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2966/105
Permit #: 200790091-01-EW-OT
850 Baychester Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Jan 4, 2005
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Plumbing - alteration type 2 ps178 window glazing, bead & hardware re placement, new window guards, n w built-up roof, new exterior drs, face brick replacement, brick parapet replace ment @ roof, drain replacement @ roof
Valuation: $441,800,000
Fee: $45,593.90 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5141/150
Permit #: 200559895-01-PL
2745 Reservoir Avenue, Bronx, NY 10468
Contractor: A Berwind P&H Co Inc
Date: Aug 8, 2005
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repair repair/maintain the buildings facades. r eplace lintels anhd cracked bri k. no change in use, egress or occupancy .
Valuation: $4,000,000
Fee: $500.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3248/33
Permit #: 200976747-01-EW-OT
3491 Ropes Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475
Contractor: Specialty Restoration Llc
Date: Sep 6, 2005
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen constr removal of exterior entrance stairand porch, construction of new entrance stair and porch, installationof exterior chair lift
Valuation: $3,000,000
Fee: $228.75 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5654/379
Permit #: 200989564-01-EW-OT
1677 Fulton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10457
Contractor: Specialty Restoration Llc
Date: Sep 9, 2005
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - structural ps4 repair/replace deteriorated concrete , masonry & rusted window linte s
Valuation: $30,000,000
Fee: $3,178.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2930/1
Permit #: 200892374-02-EW-OT
110 E 177 Street, Bronx, NY 10453
Contractor: Castle Construction &
Date: Nov 26, 2008
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade replacement of parapet wall 65'lft.and 5 window lintel.no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $1,600,000
Fee: $253.30 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2805/41
Permit #: 210077691-01-EW-OT
4747 Bronx Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10470
Contractor: Anmol Construction Inc
Date: Oct 29, 2009
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr erect side walk shed and repair defective exterior wall at various points. replace rustted sagging steel lintels with same size, remove cracked and bulging brick work in exterior wall with new same bricks, repair erroded mortar joints. repair spalling cement stucco, at various points. no cange in use, egress, oroccupancy.
Valuation: $10,000,000
Fee: $1,458.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5102/27
Permit #: 220034237-01-EW-OT
3539 Decatur Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467
Contractor: Aziz Contracting Co
Date: May 21, 2010
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr replace existing damaged window lintels as noted on plan. repair damaged coping stone joints at roof. repair cracks in parapet wall. scrape and paint existing window lintels throughout as necessary. no change to use, egress, or occupancy.
Valuation: $4,750,000
Fee: $582.90 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3356/140
Permit #: 220063909-01-EW-OT
2619 Roberts Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461
Contractor: Gjushi Construction Com L
Date: Mar 2, 2011
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - construction repair & replace existing concrete wall & steps at front of premises (to comply with ecb violation 34889746)
Valuation: $1,200,000
Fee: $266.05 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4074/30
Permit #: 220106445-01-EW-OT
4200 Herkimer Place, Bronx, NY 10470
Contractor: New Life Mason And Water
Date: Jul 5, 2011
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade facade repairs... no change to use, egress or ocupancy.
Valuation: $10,000,000
Fee: $1,118.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3363/58
Permit #: 220082880-01-EW-OT
275 East 201 Street, Bronx, NY 10458
Contractor: Quality Building Construction
Date: Mar 22, 2012
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - facade misc.facade repairs.work to include brick replacement, masonry repointing, masonry repairs and lintel replacement,window sill replacement,new stucco,parapet wall replacement,concrete repair,coping stone replacement,metal step refurbishment. no change in use, egress nor occupancy.
Valuation: $91,325,700
Fee: $5,456.20 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3299/41
Permit #: 220175405-01-EW-OT
990 Leggett Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455
Contractor: Apartment Rehab Corp
Date: Jun 29, 2012
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr. exterior repair to include repair of defective brick arches, replacement of steel lintels, cut & point mortar joints, window replacement, replacement of existing stucco, replacement of parapets, widen gooseneck ladder connection, and application of thorolastic coating. no change in use, occupancy, or egress. no increase in bulk.
Valuation: $24,020,000
Fee: $2,695.80 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2684/76
Permit #: 220194769-01-EW-OT
700 East 141St Street, Bronx, NY 10454
Contractor: Apartment Rehab Corp
Date: Jul 27, 2012
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr. exterior repair to include repointing of brick joints, lintel replacement, window replacement, masonry arch repair, application of thorolastic material, exterior door & frame replacement, replacement of defective stucco. no change in use, occupancy, or egress. no increase in bulk.
Valuation: $17,755,000
Fee: $2,046.90 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2568/60
Permit #: 220170785-01-EW-OT
3530 Kings College Place, Bronx, NY 10467
Contractor: Biltmore General Contractor In
Date: Oct 26, 2012
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - structural ps094x: exterior masonry replacement including repointing, brick & terra cotta replacement, lintel replacement, rebuilding of parapets & related work including replacement of strip roofing. repair & waterproofing of existing concrete slab at basement. no change to use/egress/occupancy.
Valuation: $180,781,000
Fee: $18,835.90 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3356/42
Permit #: 201027833-01-EW-OT
1701 Fulton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10457
Contractor: Kg Construction Services
Date: Jun 28, 2013
Permit type: Exteriors
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr. at areas of water infiltration, replace damaged brick & parapets. repoint damaged stone and copings. replace damaged decorative terra cotta with cast stone. repair & reinforce roof trusses and steel columns at facade. replace damaged steel lintels. replace roofing at replaced parapets. repair interior surfaces damaged by water infiltration.
Valuation: $342,900,000
Fee: $35,532.20 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 2930/1
Permit #: 201028440-01-EW-OT