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Equipment Permits in Carmel, CA

200 Crest Rd, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: Aug 16, 1999

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Equipment shed (988) w/ ret. wall (560)

Valuation: $2,311,900

Fee: $1,551.06 paid to County of Monterey, California

Parcel #: 241-221-007-000

Permit #: BP992408

26635 Pancho Way, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: Feb 14, 2006

Permit type: Equipment

Description: One as build storage shed approximately 288 square feet and one 288 square foot storage shed.cross street: brookdale

Valuation: $339,900

Parcel #: 015-201-003-000

Permit #: BP060365

24973 Outlook Ln, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: May 26, 2006

Permit type: Equipment

Description: New cmu block retaining wall 170 linear feet with a maximum height of 6 feetcross st: outlook rd associated with bp061296 and gp060159

Valuation: $1,064,900

Parcel #: 015-521-010-000

Permit #: BP061297

37705 Palo Colorado Rd, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: Jul 25, 2007

Permit type: Equipment

Description: To clear ce070039: five (5) wood retaining walls with surcharge: 1) retaining wall- 57 feet in length by 6 feet high (342), 2) retaining wall- 106 feet in length by 11 feet high (1,166), 3) retaining wall with bench - 50 feet in length by 6.5 feet high (325), 4) 80 feet in length by 6.5 feet high (520), 5) 32 feet in length by 5 feet high (160), as built 95 square foot duck pen, relocate a 112 square foot laundry room from rear of house to patio are currently a storage room.cross street: garrapata road

Valuation: $257,800

Parcel #: 418-051-034-000

Permit #: BP071797

9 Goodrich Trail, Carmel, CA 93923

Contractor: P H Winters Construction

Date: Feb 1, 2008

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Construct a 566 square foot guest house with a 23 square foot cover porch, 216 square feet of trellis and 566 square feet of sprinklers.cross street: chamisal pass

Valuation: $313,200

Fee: $3,746.05 paid to County of Monterey, California

Parcel #: 239-102-019-000

Permit #: BP080173

309 Mt Devon Rd, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: May 19, 2008

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Construct a new residential single family dwelling 6,894 square feet including an attached 891 square foot garage; 7,853 square foot driveway, 1,751 square foot rear patio, 825 square foot front sidewalk & stairs, 51 square foot rear balcony, 517 square foot water tank pad, 7-retaining walls (r-1) 7 feet high and 40 feet long, (r-2) 5 feet 5 inches high by 56 feet long, (r-3) 6 feet high by 34 feet long (r-4) 6 feet 8 inches high by 33 feet 3 inches long (r-5) 9 feet 8 inches high by 91 feet long , (r6) 6 feet 5 inches high by 77 feet 5 inches long (r-7) 6 feet 5 inches high by 37 feet long. 6894 square feet fire sprinklers cross st boyd way

Valuation: $2,075,100

Fee: $13,057.43 paid to County of Monterey, California

Parcel #: 241-221-009-000

Permit #: BP080870

4105 Canada Ct, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: Nov 12, 2008

Permit type: Equipment

Description: To clear ce070188: construct two retaining walls a) 130 linear feet. b) 100 linear feet. both walls average 4 feet in height cross street: rio vista

Valuation: $960,500

Parcel #: 015-071-029-000

Permit #: BP082043

41352 Palo Colorado Rd, Carmel, CA 93923

Date: May 11, 2016

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Structural calcs for 2'-12 ft fence. as shown on plans under 16cp00704.

Valuation: $500,000

Fee: $391.14 paid to County of Monterey, California

Parcel #: 418-181-022-000

Permit #: 16CP01310

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.