1816 Verano Vista, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Mar 9, 2005
Permit type: Decks
Description: Office:km cross street: rancho santa fedescription of work: condo masterplan for map 14852 (tm5131-1) lots 49-54 - 70-75, phase 612 production units, lake san marcos estates, llc, see 1019 2005 0062 for all clearancesmodel # 4x, lot 743915 sqft 2 story sfd w/ac &fs612 sqft att. finished gar. w/fs13 sqft patio (elev. a & b)option x: 245 sqft deck
Parcel #: 222-030-51-74
Permit #: PDS2005-1019-20050073
1817 Verano Vista, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Mar 9, 2005
Permit type: Decks
Description: Office:km cross street: rancho santa fedescription of work: condo masterplan for map 14852 (tm5131-1) lots 49-54 - 70-75, phase 612 production units, lake san marcos estates, llc, see 1019 2005 0062 for all clearancesmodel # 4x, lot 713915 sqft 2 story sfd w/ac &fs612 sqft att. finished gar. w/fs13 sqft patio (elev. a & b)option x: 245 sqft deck
Parcel #: 222-030-51-71
Permit #: PDS2005-1019-20050072
1727 Azul Vista, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Mar 11, 2005
Permit type: Decks
Description: Office:km cross street: rancho santa fedescription of work: condo masterplan for map 14852 (tm5131-1) lots 1-3 & 8-11, phase 87 production units...lake san marcos estates, llc...see 1019 2005 0090 for all clearancesmodel # 4xr lot 93915 sqft 2 story sfd w/ac &fs612 sqft att. finished gar. w/fs13 sqft patio (elev. a & b)option x: 245 sqft deck
Parcel #: 222-030-51-09
Permit #: PDS2005-1019-20050095
1735 Pastoral Way, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: May 4, 2005
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street:blue sagedescription of work:1280sf addition to existing sfd, 126sf deck, misc electric and ducting, 7 new plumbing fixtures
Parcel #: 221-181-06-00
Permit #: PDS2005-1001-20050871
1735 Pastoral Way, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Jul 26, 2005
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street:blue sagedescription of work:1280sf addition to existing sfd, 126sf deck, misc electric and ducting, 7 new plumbing fixtures17-nov-2006.permit renewed at 25% of current fee.ljc.
Parcel #: 221-181-06-00
Permit #: PDS2005-1004-20050541
1977 Marilyn Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: May 8, 2006
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street:olive st. foundation:raiseddescription of work:4845 sq/ft two story sfd ( 790 sq/ft are built as hab.attic game room) w/ac & fs, 702 att.fin. garage and 1054 sq/ft cov. patios. 133 sq ft deck. 400 amp service.3/25/08; permit renewed at 25% of today's fees until 07-may-2009, must have inspection every 6 months. 1srs1/5/07 - plan change - see conditions of approval-ded11/1/06 - plan change....adding deck...see cofa...plh7/24/06 - add temp power permit...m1a/plh6/28/06 - plan change - see conditions of approval for details. tgb5/08/06 - plan change - see conditions of approval. tgb3/01/06 - customer is using existing f.e.h. as a temp. occupancy permit. and is to be removed prior to final. ok per debra frischer and cag on 3/01/06. tgb
Parcel #: 182-140-82-00
Permit #: PDS2006-1003-20060245
1785 Cassou Meadows Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Contractor: Mc Auley Design & Construction Inc
Date: Mar 12, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: twin oaks valley rd foundation: slab description of work: proposed 5160 sq ft two-story sfd (to be used as main dwelling, 4800 sq ft and att by breezeway 360 sq ft rec. rm., full bath and wet bar), ac/fs, 1012 sq ft attached fin garage, fs, 1215 sq ft covered patio, existing 940 sq ft sfd w/garage (246 sq ft) & deck (800 sq ft) to be converted to 2nd d.u. ac/fs. 400 amps.2nd dwelling address: 517 cassou rd
Parcel #: 182-240-26-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1001-20070295
1785 Cassou Meadows Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Contractor: Mc Auley Design & Construction Inc
Date: Mar 12, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: twin oaks valley rd foundation: slab description of work: grading for 1001-20070295 - (proposed 5160 sq ft two-story sfd (to be used as main dwelling), ac & fs, 1012 sq ft attached fin garage, fs, 1215 sq ft covered patio, existing sfd w/garage (246 sq ft) & deck (800 sq ft) to be converted to 2nd d.u.: 967 sq ft, ac & fs. 400 amps).2nd dwelling address: 517 cassou rd
Parcel #: 182-240-26-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1026-20070055
677 Becky Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Jun 22, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: tamara foundation: slab description of work: grading for 1001-20090368 sf two-story sfd, ac/fs,820 sf att garage, fin/fs, 2161 sf roof deck with 144 sf stair cabin (access to roof deck) 162 sf deck, 200 sf patio cover 400 amp elec,07/21/09 renew permit @ 25%...vmd this replaces 1001-20070517
Parcel #: 182-200-47-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1026-20070137
1785 Cassou Meadows Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Contractor: Mc Auley Design & Construction Inc
Date: Aug 27, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: twin oaks valley rd foundation: slab description of work: proposed 5160 sq ft two-story sfd (to be used as main dwelling, 4800 sq ft and att by breezeway 360 sq ft rec. rm., full bath and wet bar), ac/fs, 1012 sq ft attached fin garage, fs, 1215 sq ft covered patio, existing 940 sq ft sfd w/garage (246 sq ft) & deck (800 sq ft) to be converted to 2nd d.u. ac/fs. 400 amps.2nd dwelling address: 517 cassou rd
Parcel #: 182-240-26-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1003-20070338
2379 Tamara Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Oct 16, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: buena creek rd. foundation: stepped description of work: grading for 1001-20071125 (5811 sq. ft. of 2-story sfd with f.s. and a/c, 854 sq. ft. finished garage with f.s., 1435 sq. ft. deck, 200 amp service, and temp power)23-oct-2008.plan check renewed until final expiration date 14-oct-2009.ljc.
Parcel #: 182-200-23-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1026-20070197
2379 Tamara Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Oct 16, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: buena creek rd. foundation: stepped description of work: 5811 sq. ft. of 2-story sfd with f.s. and a/c, 854 sq. ft. finished garage with f.s., 1435 sq. ft. deck, 200 amp service, and temp power.notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection12/29/09 abandon letter given see 1001-20090378...vmd23-oct-2008.plan check renewed until final expiration date 14-apr-2009.ljc.
Parcel #: 182-200-23-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1001-20071125
2379 Tamara Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Oct 16, 2007
Permit type: Decks
Description: Otc cross street: buena creek rd. foundation: stepped description of work: 3250 sf total retaining walls (county standard max 7' and eng walls max 11'4" )for 1026-20070197 grading and 1001-20071125 (5811 sq. ft. of 2-story sfd with f.s. and a/c, 854 sq. ft. finished garage with f.s., 1435 sq. ft. deck, 200 amp service)
Parcel #: 182-200-23-00
Permit #: PDS2007-1005-20070830
246 Cassou Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Mar 17, 2008
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: twin oaks valley rd foundation: slab description of work: 6201 sq ft sfd w/fs and a/c, 1190 sq ft attached gar, 711 sq ft patio, 837 sq ft patio, 42 sq ft deck, 1190 sq ft decknotice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection12/29/2009: fees paid. ded12/29/2009: plans purged. ded
Parcel #: 182-060-76-00
Permit #: PDS2008-1001-20080296
2297 Sunshine Mountain Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Apr 15, 2008
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: buena creek rd foundation: slab description of work: 7021 sq ft sfd w/ac, fs and attached 2999 sq ft garage (below house) and 1189 sq ft roof deck. 400 sq ft of covered patio. misc elec only only 1 service allowed (existing 400 amp) ****see all other permits under previous apn 182-190-37-00***09/08/2009: plan change - see conditions of approval - ded07/16/09 plan change see c of a...vmdpc extend on 5/8/09 lhg--new expiration 14-oct-2009****09/08/09 per ksg/mdj existing permit needs to come in for plan change and taken off this plan check and notes added not to final until this permit is issued and finaled**** remove this note from scope
Parcel #: 182-190-80-00
Permit #: PDS2008-1001-20080414
1171 San Marino Dr, Bldg 5, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Aug 15, 2008
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: lake san marcos foundation: slab raised description of work: the meridan at lake san marcos a includes 6 buildings - 3 apartment bldgs, 1 assisted living building and 1 assisted living/alzheimer care bldg, 1 community building, and 1 underground parking structure, 200 amp service for each condo building & 1600 amp 3 phase service for community building. apartment building 5 (42 units) - 33,935 sqft 3 story condo building, 2859 sqft decks, 426 sq. ft. stairs, 172 sq. ft. elevator lobby, 240 sqft trash enclosure, (42) 200 amp services. 7-8-2013 plan change misc structural page changes relocated rooms. vam. 6-25-2013 permit renewed at 25% of current fees. good till 6-25-2014. must have valid inspection with 180 calendar days. vam. 5-31-2012 permit given a courtesy renewal per rln till 5-31-2012. must have valid inspection within 180 days of todays date. see comment screen for more information vam. 3-2-2012 plan change to buildings 1-5 see conditions of approval vam. (too much to list here) 10.20.2011: permit renewal at 25%, must have a valid inspection within 180 days to keep permit active, valid until 20-oct-2012...lhg 6-22-09 plan change see conditions of approval on 1019-20080208
Parcel #: 221-570-34-00
Permit #: PDS2008-1019-20080212
1175 San Marino Dr, Bldg 3, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Aug 15, 2008
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: lake san marcos foundation: slab raised description of work: the meridan at lake san marcos a includes 6 buildings - 3 apartment bldgs, 1 assisted living building and 1 assisted living/alzheimer care bldg, 1 community building, and 1 underground parking structure, 200 amp service for each condo building & 1600 amp 3 phase service for community building. apartment building 3 (27 units) - 26,474 sqft 3 story condo building, 2169 sqft decks, 426 sq. ft. stairs, 172 sq. ft. lobby, 677 sq. ft. trellised patio covers, (27) 200 amp services. parking structure serves as foundation. 6-5-2013 permit renewed at 25% of current fees till 6-5-2014 must have valid inspection with 180 calendar days vam 5-31-2012 permit given a courtesy renewal per rln till 5-31-2013. must have valid inspection within 180 days of todays date. see comment screen for more information vam. 3-2-2012 plan change to buildings 1-5 see conditions of approval vam. (too much to list here) 10.20.2011: permit renewal at 25%, must have a valid inspection within 180 days to keep permit active, valid until 20-oct-2012...lhg 6-22-09 plan change see conditions of approval on 1019-20080208
Parcel #: 221-570-34-00
Permit #: PDS2008-1019-20080210
1173 San Marino Dr, Bldg 4, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Aug 15, 2008
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: lake san marcos foundation: slab raised description of work: the meridan at lake san marcos a includes 6 buildings - 3 apartment bldgs, 1 assisted living building and 1 assisted living/alzheimer care bldg, 1 community building, and 1 underground parking structure, 200 amp service for each condo building & 1600 amp 3 phase service for community building. apartment building 4 (24 units) - 3 a units, 3 a-alt units, 1 b unit, 2 b units w/popout, 3 d units, 3 e units 1st level, 6 e-units 2nd & 3rd; 29,166 sqft 3 story condo building, 2826 sqft decks, 426 sq. ft. stairs, 172 sq. ft. lobby, 1400 sq. ft. trellised patio covers, (18) 200 amp services. parking structure serves as foundation. 6-5-2013 permit renewed at 25% of current fees till 6-5-2014. must have valid inspection with 180 calendar days of todays date. 5-31-2012 permit given a courtesy renewal per rln till 5-31-2012. must have valid inspection within 180 days of todays date. see comment screen for more information vam. 3-2-2012 plan change to buildings 1-5 see conditions of approval vam. (too much to list here) 10.20.2011: permit renewal at 25%, must have a valid inspection within 180 days to keep permit active, valid until 20-oct-2012...lhg 6-22-09 plan change see conditions of approval on 1019-20080208
Parcel #: 221-570-34-00
Permit #: PDS2008-1019-20080211
1661 Via Allondra, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Jan 21, 2009
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street:rancho santa fedescription of work:207 sqft sfd addition w/ ac (utility/laundry room); 339 sqft sunroom (non-habitable); 1641 sqft deck, 8' high/56' long retaining wall (448 sqft).26-jan-2010: plan check extended this date @ 25% fees. extension good for six (6) months only from date of expiration and will expire for good on 21-jul-2010.ksg
Parcel #: 222-050-05-00
Permit #: PDS2009-1001-20090055
677 Becky Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: May 29, 2009
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: buena crek foundation: slab raised description of work: 5587 sf two-story sfd, ac/fs,820 sf att garage, fin/fs, 2161 sf roof deck with 104 sf stair cabin (access to roof deck) 162 sf deck, 475 sf patio cover 400 amp elec, temp power 12.27.2011: packet purged...lhg12-6-2011 this permit has been canceled letter rec'd and in drawer vamnotice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspectionthis replaces 1001-200705179-17-2010 plan change see conditions of approval vam. 6/3/10...one-time only plan check extension @ 25% of today's fees; new expiration date is 11/29/10...vmt
Parcel #: 182-200-47-00
Permit #: PDS2009-1001-20090368
1785 Cassou Meadows Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Contractor: Mc Auley Design & Construction Inc
Date: Jun 24, 2009
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: twin oaks valley rd foundation: slab description of work: 2640 sq ft fs detached garage and 1000 sq ft deck.
Parcel #: 182-240-26-00
Permit #: PDS2009-1001-20090427
1785 Cassou Meadows Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Contractor: Mc Auley Design & Construction Inc
Date: Aug 31, 2009
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: twin oaks valley rd foundation: slab description of work: 2640 sq ft fs finished detached garage with 200 amp subpanel off of existing electrical in yard. 1000 sq ft deck at sfd10-7-2009 plan change see conditions of approval vam. 9-21-2009 plan change see conditions of approval vam
Parcel #: 182-240-26-00
Permit #: PDS2009-1006-20090205
2297 Sunshine Mountain Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Oct 19, 2009
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: buena creek rd foundation: slab description of work: 7021 sq ft sfd w/ac, fs and attached 2999 sq ft garage (below house) and 1189 sq ft roof deck. 400 sq ft of covered patio. misc elec only only 1 service allowed (existing 400 amp) ****see all other permits under previous apn 182-190-37-00 and 182-190-80-00*** 10/19/12: permit renewal @ 50% of current fee rate, good for 1-yr of renewal date & must call for inspection within 180 days...ss 10/19/12: permit renewal @ 50% of current fee rate, good for 1-yr of renewal date & must call for inspection within 180 days...m1a 10.14.2011: progress inspection ok per m1m...lhg
Parcel #: 182-190-83-00
Permit #: PDS2009-1003-20090199
1116 Montura Rd, San Marcos, CA 92078
Contractor: Marrokal Design & Remodeling
Date: Dec 1, 2009
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: pastoral waydescription of work: 1926 sqft 2 story addn. w/ac & fs, 388 sqft addition to basement, 586 sqft conversion of basement to habitable space (including replacement of slab), 170 sqft new crawl space (dirt floor), 176 sqft deck, & 29 sqft entry patio. major remodel to sfd including 267 l.f. of interior partitions, & 229 sqft of new windows, replace exterior stairs, new headers @ garage, upgrade elec. to 200 amps. misc. elec.,plum. & mech.3/5/10: plan change to sqft see cofa for info. 1srs
Parcel #: 221-171-04-00
Permit #: PDS2009-1001-20090758
1116 Montura Rd, San Marcos, CA 92078
Contractor: Marrokal Design & Remodeling
Date: May 5, 2010
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: pastoral waydescription of work: 1926 sqft 2 story addn. w/ac & fs, 388 sqft addition to basement, 586 sqft conversion of basement to habitable space (including replacement of slab), 170 sqft new crawl space (dirt floor), 176 sqft deck, & 29 sqft entry patio. major remodel to sfd including 267 l.f. of interior partitions, & 229 sqft of new windows, replace exterior stairs, new headers @ garage, upgrade elec. to 200 amps. misc. elec.,plum. & mech.11/14/10: plan change --strl only; see c of a...vmt11-10-2010 plan change shear wall, stucco misc structural see c of a vam
Parcel #: 221-171-04-00
Permit #: PDS2010-1004-20100105
1661 Via Allondra, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Jul 21, 2010
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street:rancho santa fedescription of work: 224 sqft sfd addition w/ ac (utility/laundry room); 339 sqft sunroom (non-habitable); 411 sqft attached workshop, 1812 sqft deck (411 sqft covered with trellis), 8' high/56' long retaining wall (488 sqft).06.29.2012: update to plan change see condition from below...lhg03.07.2012: plan change see conditions of approval...lhg
Parcel #: 222-050-05-00
Permit #: PDS2010-1004-20100158
677 Becky Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Dec 22, 2010
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: tamara ln foundation: slab description of work: 4473 sqft 2-story sfd w/ ac & fs, 344 sqft deck, 530 sqft covered patio, 624 sqft attached finished garage w/ fs, 200 amps service, temp power.notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection12-6-2011 plan check canceled and replaced with 1001-20110552 vam
Parcel #: 182-200-47-00
Permit #: PDS2010-1001-20100697
677 Becky Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Dec 6, 2011
Permit type: Decks
Description: Log in cross street: tamara ln foundation: slab description of work: 4562 sf 2-story sfd w/ ac & fs 871 sqft attached finished garage w/ fs, 570 sqft deck, 563 sqft covered patio, 400 amps service, temp power (green building) .notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection this replaces 1001-20100697 which has been canceled.
Parcel #: 182-200-47-00
Permit #: PDS2011-1001-20110552
1129 La Casa Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: May 9, 2012
Permit type: Decks
Description: Crawford, mup minor dev 76-027m7 major use permit: minor deviationlinked cases: 76-027m7permit difficulty:specific plan area: nonedescription:a revised plot plan dated 5/9/12, consisting of one sheet, was submitted by george montello for a "minor deviation" from plot plan approved in connection with major use permit p76-027 for a residential development with associated recreational facilities. the applicant's request is to remove an existing wood deck and replace it with a new concrete patio on grade with an associated retaining wall and to enclose an existing 12'x12' patio. the new concrete patio will extend 5' beyond the footprint of the original wood deck being removed. the property is located at 1129 la casa lane in the north county metro community planning area in the rv (residential variable) land use regulation.dpw manager:dplu manager: m. johnsondpw trust:dplu kronos account: 1002785
Parcel #: 222-431-31-00
Permit #: PDS2012-3301-76-027-08
677 Becky Ln, San Marcos, CA 92069
Date: Jun 15, 2012
Permit type: Decks
Description: Otc cross street: tamara ln foundation: slab description of work: 4601 sf 2-story sfd w/ ac & fs 871 sqft attached finished garage w/ fs, 570 sqft deck, 563 sqft covered patio, 400 amps service, temp power (green building). notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 5/6/13: plan change -- strl only -- see c of a...m1a 1/8/13: plan change; see c of a...vmt
Parcel #: 182-200-47-00
Permit #: PDS2012-1003-20120072
1771 La Plaza Dr, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Jul 17, 2013
Permit type: Decks
Description: Stf cross street: san pablo drive description of work: 352 sf deck addition
Parcel #: 222-450-13-00
Permit #: PDS2013-RESALT-003652
1618 Via Allondra, San Marcos, CA 92078
Date: Jul 2, 2014
Permit type: Decks
Description: Cross street: rancho santa fe description of work: 290 sqft detached deck replacement for existing sfd
Parcel #: 222-060-03-00
Permit #: PDS2014-RESACC-000448
1600 La Bonita Ct, San Marcos, CA 92069
Contractor: Top Line Roofing Inc
Date: Aug 29, 2014
Permit type: Decks
Description: Stf cross street: la bonita drive description of work: 2100 sf reroof for existing sfd. if a re-roof project is proposed, the following specifications apply. existing roofing material: comp shingle proposed roofing material: comp shingle manufacturer: gaf brand and model: gaf timberline hd color (if cool roof required): shakewood specific exemption from cool roof requirements (if applicable): in climate zone 10, min. r-4 new insulation installed above roof deck. required building inspector field verification* (if applicable): yes *note: self-certification by a licensed contractor is acceptable if a signed letter on company letterhead is provided to the building inspector.
Valuation: $1,245,300
Parcel #: 221-533-35-00
Permit #: PDS2014-RESALT-005697