5921 N Ridgeview Pl, Spokane, WA 99205
Contractor: Allwright Concrete Inc
Date: Mar 10, 2014
Permit type: Concrete
Description: Remove/replace sidewalk remove/replace sidewalk 25' permit pulled by orlando ferraro - 362-5396 - working for allwright concrete
Fee: $140.00 paid to City of Spokane, Washington
Client: Hipps, F A & L M
Parcel #: 26361.2207
Permit #: P1400560OBDD
908 E 26Th Ave, Spokane, WA 99203
Contractor: Cameron Reilly Llc
Date: Jun 19, 2014
Permit type: Concrete
Description: Replace sidewalk, curb, and driveway approach replace sidewalk, curb, and driveway approach - sidewalk and approach will be closed. jayson 475-7598
Fee: $100.00 paid to City of Spokane, Washington
Client: Mikkelsen, David & Melanie
Parcel #: 35294.1412
Permit #: P1402591OBDD
100 W 8Th, Spokane, WA 99204
Contractor: Avista Corporation
Date: Jul 16, 2014
Permit type: Concrete
Description: Gas work: / cut off/remove service avista gas crews will cut off 2" steel main there will be a 4x5' asphalt cut.
Fee: $90.00 paid to City of Spokane, Washington
Permit #: P1403054OBDV
1105 W Highpeak Dr, Spokane, WA 99224
Contractor: Cp Fisher & The Mudslingers
Date: Jan 29, 2015
Permit type: Concrete
Description: New driveway approach residential approach
Fee: $140.00 paid to City of Spokane, Washington
Client: Landerman, Thomas C & Kelly A
Parcel #: 34063.4109
Permit #: P1500302OBDD
1623 E Ross Ct, Spokane, WA 99207
Contractor: Avista Corporation
Date: Apr 10, 2015
Permit type: Concrete
Description: Cut off avista gas crews will cut off service at 1623 e ross ct, no asphalt cut
Client: Avista Corporation
Parcel #: 35093.1211
Permit #: P1501392OBDV