2230 S Depot St, Suite A, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Jan 5, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Plains pipeline maintenance permit exp 12/2015 annual electrical/mechanical maintenance permit (ssrrc) expires 12/2015
Parcel #: 111060024
Permit #: 16ANU-00000-00013
1555 Orcutt Hill Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Jan 5, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Pacific coast energy company lp exp 12/16 pacific coast energy co - 1555 orcutt hill rd annual electrical/mechanical maintenance permit exp 12/16
Parcel #: 101020074
Permit #: 16ANU-00000-00012
4099 Orcutt Garey Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Date: Jan 5, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Petrorock annual maintenance permit exp 12/16 annual maintenance permit exp 12/16
Parcel #: 129100014
Permit #: 16ANU-00000-00014
1553 Black Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93458
Date: Jan 8, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Adam new ag well service fax permit for new 200amp overhead ag service and new 100hp vfd and well pump. diesel conversion to electrical. well constructed prior to permit requirement. **addressing for pg&e purposes only** clearances required: building
Parcel #: 113120009
Permit #: 16CNP-00000-00026
201 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Jan 13, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Ca-7303-a nextel@old town orcutt abandonment remove all nextel antennas and ancillary equipment which includes all coax and radio equipment located inside shelter. (shelter to remain for sprint site sn45xc112). clearances required: building, permit compliance - analise merlo ph#805-934-6257
Parcel #: 105121006
Permit #: 16BDP-00000-00028
Marcum St, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Jan 15, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Chevron soil remediation-marcum street removal of hydrocarbon-impacted soil under oversight of the sbcphd-ehs. site restoration activities include the excavation and offsite disposal of up to 25,000 cy of hydrocarbon-impacted soil from two areas on the property. the excavated soil with hydrocarbon concentrations in excess of sbcphd approved cleanup goals will be segregated and hauled offsite to a permitted recycling/disposal facility.
Valuation: $9,848,000
Parcel #: 105330002
Permit #: 16GRD-00000-00008
2165 W Main St, Santa Maria, CA 93458
Date: Jan 19, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Main street produce erosion control erosion control permit for construction of buildings h, o, and s at main street produce. work started without permit.
Valuation: $1,000,000
Parcel #: 117160038
Permit #: 16GRD-00000-00009
1555 Orcutt Hill Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Jan 22, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Pcec electrical for seep can 99 install (1) 5 hp motors, (1) 5 hp vfd, (1) 8 amp disconnect for seep can 99 at the orcutt hill pod 7 area. (existing transformer) clearances required: building
Parcel #: 101020074
Permit #: 16ELE-00000-00061
Rice Ranch Rd, Santa Maria, CA
Date: Jan 25, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Rice ranch grading tm 14,805 grading for tract map 14,805-01: trenching for underground utilities, roadway construction, and house pad prep for 114 units in the pine creek neighborhood. 26690 cy cut, 21620 cy fill, 5070 cy export.
Valuation: $5,338,000
Parcel #: 101390007
Permit #: 16GRD-00000-00011
2617 E Clark Ave, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Date: Jan 28, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Greka smv field site exp 12/16 greka smv field site annual electrical/mechanical maintenance permit (sites: bradley 3, bradley 5, lloyd, security lcr, security fee, goodwin a, las flores, battles, jim hopkins, union sugar, lakeview, golco, nodlew, kemp, olean, cross dev., east valley farms, harbordt, mortensen) expires 12/16
Parcel #: 129120026
Permit #: 16ANU-00000-00021
1660 Sinton Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93458
Date: Jan 28, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Greka - sm refining co exp 12/2016 annual (ssrrc) electrical/mechanical maintenance permit - expires 12/2016
Parcel #: 113150005
Permit #: 16ANU-00000-00020
3550 Hwy 1, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Feb 12, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Moretti-cotti new ag service new 400 amp ag service for a 150hp deep well pump and vfd. 480v 3-phase 4wire, overhead. wp#0000423 **addressing for pg&e purposes only** clearances required: building
Parcel #: 113240010
Permit #: 16ELE-00000-00099
4099 Orcutt Garey Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Date: Feb 17, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Vaquero energy equipment foundation foundation pads for heater treater desander at the tunnell facility - (2) 10' x 10' pads. clearances required: building
Valuation: $220,000
Parcel #: 129100014
Permit #: 16BDP-00000-00107
7476 Graciosa Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Feb 18, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Righetti ranch ag storage building electrical for ag exempt storage barn. clearances required: building
Parcel #: 101020080
Permit #: 16ELE-00000-00116
4096 Betteravia Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Feb 23, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Betteravia pipeline removal inquiry to remove old pipeline under road encroachment permit n51306
Parcel #: 000000000
Permit #: 16RST-00000-00001
1555 Orcutt Hill Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Feb 23, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Pcec grading for seep can 99 grading for seep can 99 - 45 cy cut, 45 cy fill, 35 cy import, 35 cy export. (10' depth) cleareances required: building
Parcel #: 101020074
Permit #: 16GRD-00000-00031
1555 Orcutt Hill Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Mar 30, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Pcec electrical for seep can 100 install (1) 5 hp motors, (1) 5 hp vfd, (1) 8 amp disconnect for seep can 100 at the orcutt hill pod 7 area. (existing transformer) clearances required: building
Parcel #: 101020074
Permit #: 16ELE-00000-00193
4630 Song Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Apr 12, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Primrose rcfe 14bdp-00663 rev 2 revision: area of refuge change due to (e) grades not in compliance with ada reference original permit for clearances
Parcel #: 105010080
Permit #: 16REV-00000-00310
1615 W Main St, Santa Maria, CA 93458
Date: Apr 14, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Innovative produce new ag well service new 200amp ag service on a backboard, 75hp vfd and well pump for well #3. well permit #9161 (1990). overhead 277/480v, 3 phase, 4 wire. clearances required: building
Parcel #: 117170064
Permit #: 16CNP-00000-00381
1555 Orcutt Hill Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Apr 14, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Pcec grading for seep can 100 grading for seep can 100 - 16 cy cut, 16 cy fill (5' depth)
Parcel #: 101020074
Permit #: 16GRD-00000-00053
1555 Orcutt Hill Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Date: Apr 29, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Verizon wireless #885141@ mt. solomon alteration modification of the unmanned telecom facility: install (1) new 33.6" microwave antenna on (e) lattice tower, install (2) odu radios on back of microwave antenna, and add (2) 3/8: cables from (e) equipment to new antenna.
Valuation: $2,000,000
Parcel #: 101020074
Permit #: 16BDP-00000-00371
3650 Hwy 1, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Date: Jun 17, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Curletti greenhouse demo demolition of (2) green houses
Parcel #: 113240009
Permit #: 16BDP-00000-00533
Tepusquet Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Date: Jul 12, 2016
Permit type: Commercial Contracting
Description: Jet investment ag erosion control erosion control for ag road.
Valuation: $2,500,000
Parcel #: 131090081
Permit #: 16GRD-00000-00090