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Commercial Contracting Permits in Lathrop, CA

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: Joe Davis Electric

Date: Apr 8, 2010

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Repair underground secondary wiring to building

Fee: $88.75 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: BP-1000642

400 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jun 1, 2010

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Projecting sign (24 sf)

Fee: $30.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903002

Permit #: PS-1001101

400 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: Dave Uecker Construction Inc

Date: Jun 1, 2010

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: New wall mounted sign (with trailer)

Valuation: $60,000

Fee: $171.84 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903002

Permit #: BP-1001182

1601 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jun 23, 2010

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: marina w/restaurant, bar accessory to restaurant *** location: ** history: bl-80-672; bl-93-385 no live entertainment or dj permitted under this bl. need to apply for a seperate entertainment permit.

Fee: $485.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19127012

Permit #: BL-1000187

1601 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jul 16, 2010

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Referral: applicant was to return with fee. no payment as of 9/23/2010. application voided

Fee: $2,825.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19127012

Permit #: PA-1000159

3552 W Yosemite Av, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Aug 31, 2010

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: business license for truck parking. max of 8 trucks, trailers, and equip. *** location: on the south side of yosemite avenue, 1040 feet east of guthmiller road, lathrop. *** history: pa-0900141(sa) use type: truck sales & services-parking business license application

Fee: $500.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24140008

Permit #: BL-1000262

1691 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Mar 1, 2011

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: business license for a bar and resturant bar accessory to resturant. *** location: along the san joaquin river near frewert road in lathrop *** history: bl: 80-672, bl-93-385, bl, 1000187 *** no live entertainment or dj permitted under this bl need to apply for a seperate entertainment permit.

Fee: $500.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19127012

Permit #: BL-1100060

3356 W Yosemite Av, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Sep 7, 2011

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Demo of ag barn

Fee: $120.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24140013

Permit #: BP-1102234

3530 W Yosemite Av, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Sep 7, 2011

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Demo of storage unit building

Fee: $120.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24140009

Permit #: BP-1102233

1601 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Sep 20, 2011

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Referral: entertainment permit application for a marina with an existing bar and restaurant. events to include live entertainment and social events. *** location: 1 1/2 mile west of manthey road at the terminous of frewert road (600' north west of the access point). northwest of lathrop ** history: up-669; up-1928; up-3264; up-4108; pa-03-461 (ms) entertainment permit application applicant sent in letter requesting a refund, decided not to proceed with project. no longer in lease agreement to rent the property.

Fee: $2,951.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19127012

Permit #: PA-1100172

550 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Oct 4, 2011

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Removal of commercial coach (installed without permit)

Fee: $120.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19126015

Permit #: BP-1102487

920 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jan 20, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Referral: a use permit application to add urban green waste (which may include some food waste handling activities) to an existing agricultural green waste composting facility. no new buildings will be constructed. material is accepted into the facility and incorporated into windrows. the windrows will be turned periodically with a windrow turner and monitored for temperature and moisture. the final product will be cured and sold as organically certified compost to agricultural and landscape uses in the region. a maximum of five hundred tons per day and 182,500 tons per year of material will be accepted at the facility. this parcel is not under a williamson act contract. *** location: on the south side of frewert road, 1.3 miles west of manthey road, west of lathrop *** history: pa-0500726 *** use permit application bp-1201442: install commercial coach for office, final bp-1201486: sound wall for grinding operation of composting business, final

Fee: $7,833.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19126022

Permit #: PA-1200011

1601 E Madruga Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Apr 25, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: business license application for truck and trailer sales. max of 20 trucks and 5 trailers. *** location: on the north side of madruga road 407' east of guthmiller road (east of lathrop) *** history: bl-08-218, up-99-26 *** use type:truck sales and service- sales

Fee: $500.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24141043

Permit #: BL-1200089

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: May 1, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ip: improvement plan for one 2-day event wakeboard competition **** location: se side of mossdale, 1400 feet south of mossdale off ramp from i-5. *** date: 6-23-12; time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm date: 6-24-12; time: 8:00 am - 6:00pm

Fee: $433.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: PA-1200071

920 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: John Sikkema Construction Inc

Date: Jun 21, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Sound wall for grinding operation of composting business

Valuation: $200,000

Fee: $697.08 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19126022

Permit #: BP-1201486

1691 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jul 2, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: business license for a restaurant and bar accessory to marina. *** location: along the san joaquin river near frewert road in lathrop *** history:bl-11-060, bl-10-187, bl: 80-672, bl-93-385, bl, 1000187 *** no live entertainment or dj permitted under this bl need to apply for a seperate entertainment permit.

Fee: $500.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19127012

Permit #: BL-1200135

1262 E Madruga Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: Clean Energy Corp

Date: Jul 16, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Referral: a site approval application to expand an existing 6,160 square foot truck maintenance building and truck parking facility to include a new 900 square foot liquefied natural gal (lng) station, (2) two 42' 7" high 18,000 gallon lng tanks, (2) two (250) two-hundred fifty square foot cargo containers and on-site parking improvements as shown on the revised site plan dated september 12, 2012. the lng station will only be used by trucks at this location and is not open to the public. (use type: truck sales and services- parking) the parcels are not under a williamson act contract. **** location: south side of madruga road at guthmiller road, south of lathrop *** history: pm-83-80; dp-84-22 *** use type: truck sales and service-stops *** site approval application

Fee: $4,466.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24141025

Permit #: PA-1200140

1601 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Aug 1, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ip: improvement plan for outdoor special events. *** location: 1 1/2 mile west of manthey road at the terminous of frewert road (600' north west of the access point). northwest of lathrop ** history: up-669; up-1928; up-3264; up-4108; pa-03-461 (ms), pa-1000159 (void), pa-1100172 (en), en-1200406 dates of events: 8/11/12 1p-6p 8/18/12 2p-6p 9/16/12 1p-8p 12/31/12 8p-12p this is all four events allowed for 2012 improvement plan

Fee: $468.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19127012

Permit #: PA-1200156

1262 E Madruga Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: Clean Energy Corp

Date: Sep 12, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Installation of lng fueling station

Valuation: $50,000,000

Fee: $9,096.63 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24141044

Permit #: BP-1202266

1262 E Madruga Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Sep 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Me: merger of four parcels into one parcel as condition of approval for pa-1200140. **** location: on the southwest side of madruga at guthmiller **** history: pa-1200140(sa) **** merger application

Fee: $517.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24141025

Permit #: PA-1200187

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Apr 10, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ip: improvement plan for three outdoor special events for wakeboard competitions *** location: on the east side of mossdale road, 200 feet south of the 1-5 off ramp, lathrop *** dates of event 1: 6/7/2013-6/9/2013 8am-6pm dates of event 2: 6/22/2013-6/23/2013 8am-6pm date of event 3: 6/29/2013 8am-6pm *** history: pa-1200071 these are the first, second, and third special events for 2013

Fee: $433.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: PA-1300056

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: Stellar Energy Gp Inc

Date: Jun 20, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ground mount photovoltiac system for existing quarry

Fee: $680.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: BP-1301921

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jun 20, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ground mount solar array

Fee: $280.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: PS-1301641

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jul 18, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ip: improvement plan for one outdoor special event for 2013 barefoot waterski national championships; fourth event of 2013 *** location: on the east side of mossdale road, 400 feet south of the 1-5 on/off ramps, lathrop *** dates of event: 8/15/2013-8/17/2013 7am-5pm *** history: pa-1200071, pa-1300056 this is the last special event for 2013

Fee: $433.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: PA-1300123

1601 E Madruga Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jul 29, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: 200 amp three phase service for welder, air compressor to existing trailer sales and service facility

Fee: $120.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24141043

Permit #: BP-1302330

444 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Oct 31, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: business license for full service gas station *** use type: gasoline sales-full service **** location: north side of mossdale and i-5 northbound on-ramp **** history: bl-00-0027

Fee: $500.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903003

Permit #: BL-1300289

1250 E Madruga Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Nov 5, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Remove 12 antennas , replace 6 antennas, add 3 rrhs & surge protector to existing cell tower

Valuation: $1,500,000

Fee: $618.90 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 24141044

Permit #: BP-1303377

400 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Nov 8, 2013

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Bl: a business license application for a necessary health and service location to provide the surrounding community with wheelchairs, lifts, and other accessibility equipment sales, installation, repair, rental, and service; new use no more intense than previous use *** use type: public services - essential *** location: on the northwest side of w. mossdale road, 250 feet northeast of the northbound on/off ramps for state route 5/120, lathrop *** history: en-1300383 (open), bl-1000089, bl-0600347, bl-96-0331, bl-92-0930, sa-96-0048, ta-95-0009

Fee: $900.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903002

Permit #: BL-1300292

400 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jan 30, 2014

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Install flood vents and remove electrical in as built walls of existing storage area

Fee: $280.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903002

Permit #: PS-1400225

400 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Jan 30, 2014

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Remove electrical & add flood vents to existing walls in storage area

Valuation: $100,000

Fee: $285.27 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903002

Permit #: BP-1400243

444 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Contractor: A A Sign Image

Date: Feb 26, 2014

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Replace 3 (e) cabinets with one led display cabinet (sign reads price per gallon of gas) (e) electrical

Valuation: $232,500

Fee: $300.61 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903003

Permit #: BP-1400538

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Apr 18, 2014

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ip: improvement plan for one outdoor special event for 2013 barefoot waterski national championships; *** location: on the east side of mossdale road, 400 feet south of the 1-5 on/off ramps, lathrop *** dates of event: 6-14/15, 8 am to 10 pm; 6-21/22, 8 am to 8 pm 6-28, 8 am to 8 pm *** history: pa-1200071, pa-1300056, pa-1300123(ip) this is the first special event for 2014

Fee: $433.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: PA-1400078

800 W Mossdale Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Aug 26, 2014

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Ip: improvement plan for two-day power boat race *** location: on the east side of mossdale road, 400 feet south of the 1-5 on/off ramps, lathrop *** dates of event: 9/27-28/2014: 9 am - 4 pm *** history: pa-1200071 (ip), pa-1300056 (ip), pa-1300123 (ip), pa-1400078 (ip) *** this is the forth special event for 2014. no more special events permitted for 2014.

Fee: $433.00 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 23903008

Permit #: PA-1400175

690 W Frewert Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330

Date: Feb 17, 2015

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Like for like ada repairs to (e) accessible ramp

Valuation: $80,000

Fee: $126.76 paid to County of San Joaquin, California

Parcel #: 19126023

Permit #: BP-1500517

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.