4805 Se Capstan Ave, Stuart, FL 34997
Date: Jul 1, 2004
Permit type: Architecture
Description: The subject +/- 2.37-acre property is located on the manatee pocket on the northeast corner of the intersection of azimuth way and capstan way in the salerno shores community in port salerno. the site is currently in residential use. there are 13 units on the property consisting of 6 duplexes and a single-family dwelling. the property is currently zoned r-3 multiple-family residential and is designated for medium density residential use on the future land use map of the comprehensive growth management plan (cgmp). the r-3 zoning district was created with the adoption of the county's original countywide zoning code in 1967. the district was incorporated as a category c district in the current article 3 zoning code. the combination of the current r-3 zoning district and the medium density residential land use designation has placed the subject property into a mandatory zoning change requirement to an appropriate category a district if use changes or additional development is contemplated for the property. the medium density residential land use designation for the property restricts the use of the site to those uses that are provided for in the cgmp and the implementation zoning district(s) contained in the article 3 zoning regulations. there are four (4) "straight" zoning districts that are available to properly implement the medium density residential land use category. the districts include the following:. zoning options by land use categories. land use designations zoning options medium density residential rs-6 medium density residential districtsingle-family maximum density of 6 units/acre rs-8 medium density residential districtsingle-family maximum density of 8 units/acre rm-6 medium density residential districtmultiple-family maximum density of 6 units/acre rm-8 medium density residential districtmultiple-family maximum density of 8 units/acre. in addition to the "straight" zoning districts the pud (planned unit development) district option is also available. the pud district provides more flexibility to the applicant in exchange for more control by the county including a commitment to a specific use(s) and site plan for the property. the following matriindicates the uses permitted by each of the districts followed by the size and dimension requirements for each of the zoning categories. table 3.11.2 permitted uses category "a" selected districts and category "b" r-2 district. use category r s 6 r s 8 r m 6 r m 8 residential uses accessory dwelling units apartment hotels modular homes p p p p multi-family dwellings p p single-family detached dwellings p p p p townhouse dwellings p p dupledwellings p p zero lot line single family dwellings p p public and institutional uses administrative services not-for-profit community centers p p p p cultural or civic uses educational institutions p p p p neighborhood assisted residences with si(6) or fewer residents p p p p neighborhood boat launches p p p p places of worship p p p p post offices protective and emergency services p p p p public libraries p p p p public parks and recreation areas active p p p p public parks and recreation areas passive p p p p recycling drop-off centers p p p p residential care facilities p p solid waste disposal areas utilities p p p p commercial and business uses adult business bed and breakfast inns p p p p commercial amusements outdoor commercial day care p p p p construction sales and services family day care p p p p flea markets golf courses p p p p kennels commercial marine education and research medical services recreational vehicle parks recreational vehicle parks limited to the number and configuration of units lawfully established prior to the effective date of this ordinance restaurants convenience with drive through facilities restaurants convenience without drive through facilities veterinary medical services. table 3.12.1 development standards. cat zoning district min. lotarea(sq. ft.) min. lotwidth(ft) max. res.density(upa) max. hotel density(upa) max. buildingcoverage(%) max.height(ft)/(stories) min. open space(%) otherreq.(footnote) a rs-6 7500 50 6.00 -- -- 40 50 -- a rs-8 5500 50 8.00 -- -- 40 50 -- a rm-6 7500 50 6.00 -- -- 40 50 -- a rm-8 5500 50 8.00 -- -- 40 50 --. table 3.12.2. structure setbacks. front/by story(ft.) rear/by story(ft.) side/by story(ft.) cat zoningdistrict 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 corner a rs-6 25 25 25 25 10 20 30 40 10 10 20 30 25 a rs-8 25 25 25 25 10 20 20 30 5 5 10 20 25 a rm-6 25 25 25 25 10 20 30 40 10 10 20 30 25 a rm-8 25 25 25 25 10 20 30 40 10 10 20 30 25. zoning regulations for the r-3 multiple-family district section 3.406. r-3 multiple-family residential district. a. uses permitted. in this district a building structure or land shall be used for only the following purposes subject to any additional limitations pursuant to section 3.402:. 1. any use permitted in the hr-1 r-1 r-1a r-1b r-2 r-2b r-2a and hr-2 districts. 2. multiple-family dwellings. 3. apartments hotels motels cottage courts. 4. rooming houses and boardinghouses. 5. clinics except animal hospitals. 6. hospitals and sanitariums except mental hospitals. 7. tourist homes. 8. colleges clubs lodges social and community center buildings and/or structures. 9. restaurants not the drive-in type with an enclosed seating capacity of forty (40) persons or more. 10. commercial television receiving towers and antennas. commercial radio and/or television transmitting station towers poles masts antennas power plants and other incidental and usual structures pertaining to such stations. all structures and attachments thereto and appurtenances thereof shall comply with all applicable requirements of the federal communications commission and the civil aeronautics board and/or authority. towers poles masts and antennas shall be designed and stamped by a registered engineer or architect to assure the structure masts etc. will withstand hurricane force winds. 11. signs appertaining to the above uses. 12. boat docks and service facilities generally used in connection with sport fishing excluding any major overhaul or repairs. 13. funeral homes mortuaries and morgues. b. required lot area and width. lots or building sites shall have an area of not less than seven thousand five hundred (7500) square feet with a minimum width of sixty (60) feet measured at the building line:. 1. single-family structures: the minimum lot size shall be the same as above. a minimum of sihundred (600) square feet of living area shall be required exclusive of carports breezeways or utility rooms. 2. two-family structures: the minimum lot size shall be seven thousand five hundred (7500) square feet with a minimum width of seventy-five (75) feet and a minimum of eight hundred (800) square feet of living area per two-family structure shall be required exclusive of carports breezeways or utility rooms. 3. apartment buildings: the minimum building site shall be fifteen thousand (15000) square feet with a minimum width of one hundred (100) feet measured at the building line for the first four (4) apartment units. for each additional apartment unit two thousand sihundred (2600) square feet shall be added to the required minimum building site and an additional five (5) feet shall be added to the required minimum width at the building line. a maximum density of fifteen (15) apartment units may be permitted per acre depending on available community services and capital improvements. there shall be a minimum of three hundred twenty-five (325) square feet of living area in each apartment unit. 4. triplestructures: the minimum lot size shall be eleven thousand two hundred fifty (11250) square feet with a minimum width of eighty-eight (88) feet; a minimum of one thousand two hundred (1200) square feet of living area per three-family structure shall be required exclusive of any carports breezeways or utility rooms. c. minimum yards required. 1. front:. 1 story-20 feet 2 stories-25 feet. 2. sides and rear. 1 story-6 feet 2 stories-10 feet. 3. for structures in excess of two (2) stories five (5) feet shall be added to the required yards per story. 4. no structure shall be built within fifty (50) feet of the center line of any public platted right-of-way not designated through-traffic highway. 5. no structure shall be built within sixty-five (65) feet of the center line of designated through-traffic highway. 6. a minimum setback or yard of twenty (20) feet shall be required adjacent to water frontage. d. building height regulations. the maximum building height in this district shall be four (4) stories or forty (40) feet. e. percentage of land coverage. 1. one- to four-story dwelling structures and accessory structures shall not occupy more than thirty (30) per cent of the building site required. the applicant is requesting a zoning district change from the r-3 multiple-family residential district to the rm-8 medium density residential district. standards for amendments to the zoning atlas. 1. comprehensive growth management plan (cgmp) criteria for the granting of a zoning change:. the future land use map of the cgmp (comprehensive growth management plan) establishes the optimum overall distribution of land uses. the cgmp also establishes a series of land use categories which provide among other things overall density and intensity limits. the future land use map shall not be construed to mean that every parcel is guaranteed the maximum density and intensity possible pursuant to the cgmp and these land development regulations. all goals objectives and policies of the cgmp shall be considered when a proposed rezoning is considered. the county shall have the discretion to decide that the development allowed on any given parcel of land shall be more limited than the maximum allowable under the assigned future land use category; provided however that the county shall approve some development that is consistent with the cgmp and the decision is fairly debatable or is supported by substantial competent evidence depending on the fundamental nature of the proceeding. if upon reviewing a proposed rezoning request the county determines that the future land use designation of the cgmp is inappropriate the county may deny such rezoning request and initiate an appropriate amendment to the cgmp. the subject property has a current r-3 multiple-family residential district zoning and is designated for medium density residential use on the future land use map of the comprehensive growth management plan (cgmp). as noted in the matriabove there are four (4) "straight" zoning districts that are available to properly implement the medium density residential land use category. in addition to these districts the pud (planned unit development) district option is also available. the pud district provides more flexibility to the applicant in exchange for more control by the county including a commitment to a specific use(s) and site plan for the property. 2. in the review of a proposed amendment to the zoning atlas the board of county commissioners shall consider the following:. a. whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; and. the subject property is designated for medium density residential use on the future land use map of the cgmp. as noted in the matriabove there are four (4) "straight" zoning district that are available to properly implement medium density residential land use category. an additional option includes the pud district which is a district that provides more flexibility to the applicant and more control to the county over the specific land use(s) that may be proposed for the property. by a policy decision of the board any one of the zoning districts identified in the table above that corresponds to the applicable land use designation can be chosen as a consistent zoning district for the subject property. b. whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all applicable provisions of the ldr; and. as indicated above there are several zoning district option including the pud option that are available in article 3 zoning districts land development regulations martin county code to implement the medium density residential land use designation of the cgmp. the article 3 regulations were created to implement the land use policies of the cgmp. an action by a policy decision of the board to select any one of the zoning districts identified in the table above would be consistent with article 3. with respect to the other land development regulation requirements related to roads drainage environmental protection utilities emergency services landscaping etc. full compliance cannot be assessed until a specific plan has been selected for the property and an application is submitted to the county. the granting of a zoning change by the county does not exempt the applicant from any of the county's land development regulations. the applicant must demonstrate full compliance with all regulations prior to any approval action taken by the county. c. whether the proposed district amendment is compatible with the character of the existing land uses in the adjacent and surrounding area and the peculiar suitability of the property for the proposed zoning use; and. the subject property is located in the salerno shores community of port salerno. this residential community is one of the oldest established and built out communities in the county. the land use pattern is dominated by older single-family dwellings and also includes dupletripleand higher density multi-family dwellings. properties directly north and west of the subject parcel are in single family use and the property to the south is in multiple-family residential use at this time. there are currently 13 residential units on the subject property consisting of 6 duplexes and a single-family dwelling. the property is located on the manatee pocket. the community of salerno shores is within the port salerno community redevelopment area (cra). any future land development within the cra is subject to the overlay zoning district that has been adopted for the area. the overlay zoning supplements and/or supersedes the underlying countywide zoning regulations. the subject property appears to represent a classic case for infill development as targeted by the port salerno redevelopment plan. the requested zoning change to the rm-8 medium density district appear to be consistent and compatible with the existing land use and zoning on the adjacent properties and with the vision that has been adopted for the port salerno cra by the county. d. whether and to wha.
Fee: $200.00 paid to County of Martin, Florida
Client: Estridge Edward H
Parcel #: 5138410040110006070000
Permit #: D003 200400293
890 Ne Ocean Blvd, Stuart, FL 34996
Contractor: Accurate Fence Co.
Date: Aug 5, 2009
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Request for approval of an institutional minor development site plan for the redevelopment of the elliott museum and its associated parking on a 4.19 acre parcel located just east of the intersection of ne ocean blvd and ne macarthur blvd in stuart. the martin county historical society is proposing to demolish the existing museum and build a new museum that has 48648 sq. ft. of gross floor area. it will be two stories the first floor having a footprint of 33496 sq. ft and the second floor being 15152 sq. ft. at the 5/6/2008 bcc meeting the board of county commissioners approved a parking rate reduction to allow the 56 paved parking spaces and 35 grass parking spaces conditioned upon a shared parking agreement with martin county for 13 spaces on the adjacent property. this shall also be a condition of the development order.
Client: Martin County
Parcel #: 3137420000000006060000
Permit #: DI01 200900215
8303 Sw Lost River Rd, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Accurate Fence Co.
Date: Jan 21, 2010
Permit type: Architecture
Description: This is an application for an administrative amendment to an approved institutional development application. requesting an administrative amendment to the final site plan for a proposed park and ride lot with 40 spaces located within the halpatiokee regional park along the south side of the existing cover hockey rink. the proposed project is the development of a park and ride lot for martin county commuters to utilize the palm tran bus transit facility. the site will be located within the halpatiokee regional park along the south side of the existing hockey rink. commuter pick-up and drop-off will be at the existing parking lot along the north side of the hockey rink. the proposed location within halpatiokee regional park appears ideal for the commute to palm beach county due to its easy access to and from i-95. the proposed parking lot will replace the proposed additional uncovered roller hockey rink. participation in roller hockey has not grown as predicted and the need for an additional facility is not anticipated in the forseeable future.
Client: Martin County
Parcel #: 0439410000000012090000
Permit #: DI01 201000029
900 Se Salerno Rd, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Gerelco Electrical Contractors Inc
Date: May 25, 2010
Permit type: Architecture
Description: 34256 sf cmv adult day care facility with off site utility work.
Fee: $79,013.35 paid to County of Martin, Florida
Client: Council On Aging Of Martin County In
Parcel #: 5538410000530001050000
Permit #: BCLF 2010050626
1490 Se Cove Rd, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Gerelco Electrical Contractors Inc
Date: Jan 3, 2011
Permit type: Architecture
Description: This is an application for an administrative amendment to an approved institutional development application on a residential zoned property. the project is located on the south side of cove road a 1/4 mile west of ault avenue. the proposed addition to the samaritan education building of 20 square feet the modification to the resident drop-off area and the multi-purpose playground area qualifies this change as an administrative amendment to the approved final site plan. {the summary of the review for compliance with the standards contained in article 5.32.d of the adequate public facilities land development regulations (ldr's) martin county code for a certificate of adequate public facilities reservation.}. a digital submittal affidavit has been provided by the representative and that the electronic file is included in the application section of related documents. the graphics are provided as physical copies dated as revised 02-10-11 are in accordance with provisions of the ldr to qualify as an approved administrative amendment to the origianally approved development order.
Fee: $600.00 paid to County of Martin, Florida
Client: Samaritan House For Boys Inc
Parcel #: 3438410010000008140000
Permit #: D011 201100001
1919 Se Cove Rd, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Gerelco Electrical Contractors Inc
Date: Aug 8, 2011
Permit type: Architecture
Description: The subject of this application is a request for final site plan approval for a 17000 sq. ft. 2-story childrens day care center on 2.42 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of cove road and ault avenue. the proposed day care facility will accommodate a maximum of 300 children and will have a maximum staff of 20 during peak demand. the subject property is currently utilized for single family use. the existing single family structure on the property will be retained and the day care facility will be added to the east of the residential dwelling. the subject property is zoned re-2a rural estate district and is designated for rural density use on the future land use map (flum) of the comprehensive growth management plan (cgmp). the proposed day care use is a permitted use under the current zoning and is consistent with the land use policies of the cgmp for rural density uses. in addition to the standard land development regulations that are applicable for any development on the property there are specific regulations that are applicable for day care uses. the regulations are as follows:. sec. 3.66. day care commercial. 3.66.a. whether designed to serve adults or children a commercial day care facility shall:. 1. be located on an arterial or collector street. 2. have a minimum lot area of 15000 square feet. 3. provide special passenger loading and unloading facilities on the same lot for vehicles to pick up or deliver clientele including driveways that do not require back-up movements to enter or exit the premises. 4. shall satisfy all state regulations that pertain to such use. 3.66.c. when located in an li or gi district and designed primarily to serve the needs of the employees of businesses and industries located within such districts the locational requirement set forth in subsection a.1 above shall not apply. compliance with the general land development regulations and with the special day care regulation must be documented before approval can be granted for the proposed use of the property depicted on the site plan document. the subject property is within the primary urban services district of the county where urban services at an established level are either in place or must be provided to the site. water and wastewater services will be provided to the site by martin county by way of the regional water and wastewater facilities that services this area of the county. the subject property was converted to an urban use several years ago. there are no native upland habitats or wetlands on the property. the pond that is currently on the site is manmade and will be filled to accommodate the new uses for the property. for processing purposes the proposed use for the property meets the threshold for a minor development. as such final action on this request will be taken by the growth management director once the review process has been concluded.
Client: Alfredo & Maria Fararri
Parcel #: 5538410000660005100000
Permit #: DI01 201100208
450 Se Parrot Cir, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Accurate Fence Co.
Date: Mar 15, 2013
Permit type: Architecture
Description: This is an application for a commercial minor development final site plan. the applicant request is for a 57 lot rv (recreational vehicle) park on a total parcel of 12.04 acres off kanner highway behind the existing charlie's restaurant site at s.e. parrot circle. the existing zoning district of community commercial cc allows the establishment of a recreational vehicle park when all site design requirements of the ldr are met. the larger portion of the total site (+/- 8.0 acres) is where the rv parking spaces are located in the cc zoning district. the smaller portion which lies in the a-1a zoning district is exclusively set aside through a conservation easement set by the sfwmd and the pamp as a preserve area. the general commercial flum designation with the cc zoning district is thus eligible to support the rv park operation with 57 lots and the 3368 square foot community store meeting room and office with a caretakerapartment on the second story. there are no residential units assigned to the cc zoned final site plan. these rv parking spaces are defined in the land development regulations as short term rentals "for tenancies of less than siconseccutive months. (section 3.3 glossary of terms ldr). the following section of the ldr is specific to rv parks: 3.91.a. each recreational vehicle site shall be a minimum of 2000 square feet. 3.91.b. at least one wastewater pump-out station shall be provided within the facility. 3.91.c. such use shall provide recreational amenities such as but not limited to swimming pools tennis and all-purpose fields sized to serve the recreational vehicle population of the park. 3.91.d. the maximum density shall not exceed ten units per acre. all four of these standards are met with the final site plan revised 10-1-2. with the extension of the 60 days to respond the applicant provided a new package to staff for review of the changes on july 23 2012. the plan has added upland and wetland area to accommodate the previous preserve area impacts. the recently constructed parking lot that serves the restaurant will have a sifoot wide boardwalk/preserve area overlook adjacent to but outside of the wetland "d" preserve that separates the existing restaurant from the rv park. with the final site plan documents provided by the applicant on october 8 2012 (c & c rv resort minor/final site plan dated 10-1-12) the existing restaurant operation and the new rv resort share the recorded access easment (orb 2184 pg 1674) that is the private drive s.e. parrot circle. otherwise the two properties are separate but coordinated projects. the upland mitigation and wetland mitigation areas as well as the t-turnaround for emergency vehicles at the end of the existing restaurant parking lot extension are improvements noted on the final site plan dated 10-1-12. following the joint staff workshop meeting on september 6 2012 the applicant provides the needed prop-share agreement on september 21 2012 for the separate review by the county engineer and gmd for the separate processing for two public hearings before the board to resolve the traffic los on sr 76: within 30 calendar days after the application and proposed development agreement (prop share agreement) is determined complete or concurrent with the original departmental analysis when the application is accompanied by a development order or comprehensive plan amendment whichever timeframe is greater the staff review members shall review the application and forward their comments and analysis to the growth management department director. (section 7.5.f.1 ldr mcc). the applicant provided the related proposal for proportionate fair share agreement for clnsideration at the required two public hearings before the board on december 4 and 11 2012. this agreement requires board approval of the agreement as granted on december 11 2012 prior to final action by staff on the proposed minor final site plan dated 10-1-12. with the applicant's response packet provided on october 8 2012 a new staff report is prepared to ready the project as most recently provided on october 8 2012 for final staff action subsequent to the board consideration and action on the propotionate fair share agreement for c & c rv resort llc. with the second public hearing approval of the agreement held by tha board on december 11 2012 the update of the staff findings and a draft development order is prepared for acceptance by the growth management director during the week of december 17 2012.
Client: C & C Rv Resort Llc
Parcel #: 5538410000600003060000
Permit #: DI01 201300057
5850 Se Community Dr, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Accurate Fence Co.
Date: Feb 12, 2015
Permit type: Architecture
Description: This is an application for a revised expedited commercial planned unit development final site plan to accommodate a building addition of approximately 8885 square feet and additional parking. the applicant is also requesting a new two year timetable. the proposal is on an 8 acre property located on se community drive within the coastal health planned unit development (pud). the property has a commercial office residential (cor) future land use and surrounds the existing martin memorial south hospital. the property the subject of the request revised pud final site plan has been developed on parcels c and d as the health south physical rehabilitation facility in accordance with the tenth amendment to the pud zoning agreement approved in march 2012 and the approved final site plan. the existing approved project has been completed and includes a one-story physical rehabilitation building of approximately 49141 square feet with 120 parking spaces. the approval included a right to construct an additional 22 stabilized parking spaces as was included on the approved final site plan. the surrounding development parcels were approved and constructed in accordance with the coastal health pud or the existing institutional future land use designation. these uses include the existing hospital skilled nursing facility medical office building public library and indian river state college. conditions 28 and 29 attached to the coastal health park pud zoning agreement approved in 1993 make provisions for the change in use and intensity in parcels c and d. the proposed amendments are required to be included as revisions to the pud zoning agreement and master site plan. the proposed revisions to the approved master site plan and an 11th amendment to the pud zoning agreement and included the following:. 1) the proposed additional 8885 square footage an increase in building area from 49141 square foot to 58026 square feet; 2) expansion of the parking from 120 to 160 paved parking spaces and capturing the 22 previously approved stabilized parking spaces; 3) a new two year timetable will need to be included in the revised pud zoning agreement reflecting the building expansion by december 2014 and completion by may 2015 as per the applicant's request; and 4) modifications to the site data table and notations capturing the above changes on the master site plan including revisions to the open space and parking calculations pervious/impervious calculations and building data information; 5) a request for approval of a parking rate adjustment to support the increase in proposed increase in use and pave the temporary parking previously approved as 'stabilized' in the 10th amendment to the pud.
Client: Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital
Parcel #: 5538410000680003100000
Permit #: DI01 201500046
1400 Se Cove Rd, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Lucido And Associates
Date: Feb 26, 2015
Permit type: Architecture
Description: This is an application for a residential minor final development site plan to accommodate a 16 lot single family subdivision on an existing 21.2 acre property. the site is currently vacant and composed of wetlands and pine flatwood habitat associations. the property has a future land use designation of residential estate density two units per acre and is zoned re-1/2a residential estate district two units per acre. the applicant is required to demonstrate compliance with the proposed density allocation and intensity requirements of the comprehensive growth management plan (cgmp). ordinance 938 is pending an effective date and includes amended language to replace policies 4.1.f. should the qualify for approval prior to the effective date of ordinance 938 the applicant will be required to meet the provision of the cgmp as are adopted. demonstration of compliance of either the adopted or pending provisions requires a density transition analysis statement detailing how the proposed sixteen lot single family residential subdivision meets the requirements. a request for adequate public facilities reservation was included in the application submittal materials. the applicant is asked to address the unresolved issues provided in the staff report prior to final action on the project at the department director level as a minor development type application.
Fee: $12,910.00 paid to County of Martin, Florida
Client: Driftwood Cay Of Stuart Llc
Parcel #: 3438410000000003070000
Permit #: D001 201500072
5850 Se Community Dr, Stuart, FL 34997
Contractor: Lucido And Associates
Date: May 5, 2016
Permit type: Architecture
Description: This is a pre-application for a proposed planned unit development.
Fee: $1,100.00 paid to County of Martin, Florida
Client: Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital
Parcel #: 5538410000680003100000
Permit #: D202 201600126