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Architecture Permits in Safety Harbor, FL

105 Hickory Ln, Safety Harbor, FL 34695

Sponsored by Rehold
Information About Property

Date: Jul 21, 2011

Permit type: Architecture

Description: The following is the information a citizen submitted using the online form on the hillsborough county code enforcement complaint form. description of complaint = yard over grown street number = 105 street name = hickory ln apt./lot number = zip code = 33584 nearest major intersection = kingsway rd and us hwy 92 what road does the location run off of? = walnut on one end gay rd on the other end name of subdivision, apartment complex, or mobile home park = shangri la off of hwy 92 and kingsway owner name (if known) = address (if known) = , apt. or lot number = complainant name = phone = email me a confirmation copy of this complaint = no submitter's email address =

Parcel #: 063678.4036

Permit #: CE11008112

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.