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Architecture Permits in Largo, FL

11313 Broadview Dr, Largo, FL 33773

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Information About Property

Date: Nov 23, 2009

Permit type: Architecture

Description: Call animal control the following is the information a citizen submitted using the online form on the hillsborough county code enforcement complaint form. description of complaint = trailer is filthy, smells bad, full of roaches, over twenty cats, kittens running through house. terrible smell of cats fetches. not even a hall to walk through. misc boxes of junk everywhere. dirty, stinky, unhealthy quality of life. elderly woman. please check out. neighbors are complaining, but no one whats to call. street number = 11313 street name = broadview apt./lot number = zip code = nearest major intersection = 579 and interstate 4 and what road does the location run off of? = between hwy 579 sligh of black dairy rd name of subdivision, apartment complex, or mobile home park = n/a owner name (if known) = elaine shank address (if known) = , apt. or lot number = complainant name = rather no say phone = email me a confirmation copy of this complaint = no submitter's email address =

Parcel #: 062251.0000

Permit #: CE09016577

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