20834 Reno Monument Rd, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Jan 16, 1996
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Simplat - conveyance to adjacent owners
Fee: $85.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Stiles Michael
Parcel #: 07706027000001
Permit #: SI-96-002
21212 National Pike Lot 2, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Dec 11, 1997
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Prelim/final plat 2 residential lots revision 2 plat originaly approved (paper copy) 2/3/98. this plat proposed payment in leu of forest conser- vation. owner has decided to use off site retention of existing forest on remaining lands. planning commission must approve use of off site forest retention. appd at 4/6/98 plng comm mtg.
Fee: $155.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Kendle Lynn & Paula
Parcel #: 06408008800000
Permit #: S-97-163
6806 King Rd, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Ryan Homes
Date: Jan 6, 1999
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Entrance for proposed dwelling (dwelling located in town of boonsboro however entrance is off king road which is a county road) 7/21/00 release. paved w/std pipe-grm 7/24/00 sent release request to accounting-sls 8/8/00 accounting check #013826-sls
Client: G & R No 8 Inc
Parcel #: 6020008450B36A
Permit #: 99-00054
19517 Benevola Newcomer Road Lot 2, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Feb 27, 2003
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Revised plat to add acreage to existing lots parcels a-e were already approved not for development per si-02-024. they will still be not for development per this plat. parcels f & j are exempted from forest conservation per the simplified plat exemption. parcels g and h are exempted because they are being exchanged between lots that were existing prior to the adoption of the fc ordinance and because they are going to an immediate family member.
Fee: $395.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Bowers Richard L
Parcel #: 06802000200000
Permit #: S-03-033
7611 University Road Lot 6, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Apr 1, 2004
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Replat of forest conservation area rev 2 letters sent to fsa in file. final letter gives ok, but they ask for further info. sent approved forest conservation plan.
Fee: $135.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Solberg Greg & Janeen
Parcel #: 06717029400000
Permit #: S-04-056
6908 Monroe Rd, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Jan 4, 2008
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Proposed 40 lot sf subdivision the planning commission acted on and approved an extension for review of this subdivision on april 2, 2012. extension is granted until may 4, 2013.
Fee: $3,115.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Griffith Farm, Llc
Parcel #: 07309010000000
Permit #: PP-08-001
7303 Monroe Road Lot 4, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Feb 29, 2008
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Preli/final plat for lots 4&5 rev 1 the planning commission, at its regular meeting on december 5, 2011, approved a one year extension from the dec 5th date to the developer for obtaining plat approval. this action was taken in order to comply with the requirements of section 310 of the subdivision ordinance.
Fee: $265.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Leggett Ronald & Betty
Parcel #: 06820047500000
Permit #: S-08-020
6122 King Road Lot 1, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Fox & Associates Inc
Date: Mar 31, 2008
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Prelm/final subdivision of lots 1-5 rev 2 board of zoning appeals approved 6 lot subdivision on 10.05 acre parcel with condition that the 4.3 acre parcel 166 not be further subdivided. the forest mitigation is done on the 4.3 acre parcel which is considered "off site" thus the mitigation requirement doubles. 2.01 acre mitigation requirement is 4.02acrec. they will retain 3.49 which leaves 0.53 which is being paid by pil of $2,308.68
Fee: $1,790.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Estate Of Agnes House
Parcel #: 07323016600000
Permit #: S-08-032
19605 Shepherdstown Pike, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: May 21, 2009
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Simp. plat parcel a for holder dolores rev 2 lot line adjustment & parcel a being added to parcel 82
Fee: $290.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Holder Dolores L.
Parcel #: 07308020400000
Permit #: SI-09-002
6908 Monroe Rd, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Oct 8, 2010
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Variance request to create a total of six panhandles in a proposed subdivision. only four panhandles are permitted per subd requirements 405 11 g 2
Fee: $115.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Griffith Farm Ii, Llc
Parcel #: 07309010000000
Permit #: SV-10-012
7814 Abbott Drive, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Feb 15, 2011
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Stormwater concept plan for brad gouker - lot 2 antietam manor
Fee: $200.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Gouker Brad
Parcel #: 06708033900002
Permit #: SWCP11-003
7814 Abbott Drive, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: Apr 13, 2011
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Grading plat for one lot single family subdivision for brad gouker rev 2 i received a call from diane at the health dept. stating that per kimmy armstrong health dept is giving their aproval of this plan...health was not included on the route by the planner so this will serve as their approval. 4/27/11- msb
Fee: $882.50 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Gouker Brad
Parcel #: 06708033900002
Permit #: GP-11-011
10 Campus Avenue, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: Frederick Seibert & Associates
Date: May 8, 2013
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Stormwater concept plan for track renovation at boonsboro high school
Client: Washington County Board Of Education
Parcel #: 60000138100000
Permit #: SWCP13-015
80 Hillcrest Rd, Boonsboro, MD 21713
Contractor: D. K. Golden Land Surveyor
Date: Mar 6, 2014
Permit type: Architecture
Description: Simplified plat for property enlargement
Fee: $390.00 paid to Washington County, MD
Client: Dugan William E. And Dorothy E.
Parcel #: 01702001000002
Permit #: SI-14-005