249 Hart Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10301
Date: Oct 8, 2008
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc proposed (2) story addition to rear of existing one family residence.
Valuation: $7,422,000
Fee: $499.50 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 250/67
Permit #: 510053086-01-EW-OT
41 Josephine Street, Staten Island, NY 10314
Contractor: Loffreno Landscape Contra
Date: Apr 29, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - addition at the rear of the residence increasing room count. the horizontal enlargement is at the cel,01,02 and attic levels.
Valuation: $2,585,700
Fee: $288.31 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 709/51
Permit #: 510065304-01-AL
26 Giegerich Place, Staten Island, NY 10307
Contractor: Craft Master Builders Corp
Date: May 15, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - proposed filing to construct a two story addition at rear right side and one s tory addition at rear left side of existing two family residence. construct a two story horizontal enlargement of existing front foyer. no change in occupan cy/use or egress. refer to certificate of occupancy #085019/1996 for existing cc#5p0007626
Valuation: $9,000,000
Fee: $666.49 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 7809/10
Permit #: 510029835-01-AL
163 Hickory Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305
Contractor: Phase 3 Associates Inc
Date: Jul 9, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - second floor addition & 2 story addition.
Valuation: $10,000,000
Fee: $1,062.85 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3278/16
Permit #: 520002899-01-AL
3 Lockman Place, Staten Island, NY 10303
Contractor: Phase 3 Associates Inc
Date: Jul 22, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - second story addition to the rear of the existing house.
Valuation: $6,000,000
Fee: $426.93 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1236/125
Permit #: 520001382-01-AL
23 Cottage Place, Staten Island, NY 10302
Contractor: Stanley Michael Krebushevski Architect Pc
Date: Jul 24, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 3 - chan of tax lot alteration type iii submitted herewith for existing house 23 cottage place, existing tax lot 14, to indicate exh. iii land doc#221816 zoning decl. to subd ivide existing zoning lot into two tax lots. no certificate of occupancy for e xisting house.no change to existing zoning lot.no change to existing house.no change to existing tx lot #.change to existing tax lot size for exist. house.
Fee: $100.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 1012/14
Permit #: 510054316-01-AL
44 William Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10308
Contractor: Donald Rowe Jr Developmen
Date: Sep 14, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - vertical enlargement (second floor addition over existing building footprint). no change to use, occupancy or egress. single family use declaration land doc #299971
Valuation: $12,200,000
Fee: $947.51 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 5282/47
Permit #: 520011932-01-AL
328 Penn Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10306
Contractor: Brikins Inc.
Date: Nov 16, 2009
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 2 - gc proposed one story horizontal enlargement at rear of existing one story one fa mily dwelling
Valuation: $3,320,000
Fee: $403.23 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4007/213
Permit #: 520016438-01-EW-OT
227 Atlantic Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305
Contractor: Stanley Michael Krebushevski Architect Pc
Date: Jul 8, 2010
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - vertical enlargement (second floor addition and attic over existing bldg. footprint). curb cut-existing#r414.one family use decl.land doc.#307786
Valuation: $13,750,000
Fee: $1,153.51 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3330/27
Permit #: 520016161-01-AL
92 Crafton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314
Contractor: J. Smith Construction, Inc.
Date: Aug 27, 2010
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - proposed addition to existing second story, legalize one story addition at rear
Valuation: $8,285,800
Fee: $607.06 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 749/18
Permit #: 520035275-01-AL
63 Finlay Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10309
Contractor: Stream-N-Stone Inc.
Date: May 31, 2011
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - vertical/horizontal enlargement
Valuation: $5,000,000
Fee: $829.47 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 6750/30
Permit #: 520055369-01-AL
233 Wood Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10307
Contractor: Trevor's Contracting Corp
Date: Sep 12, 2011
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - two story addition to existing residence
Valuation: $8,800,000
Fee: $1,064.61 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 8043/39
Permit #: 520075034-01-AL
72 Hawley Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10312
Contractor: J. Smith Construction, Inc.
Date: Sep 28, 2011
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - proposed second story addition to existing one family one story dwelling - leg alize one story addition and inground swimming pool(648sf). existing curb cut # 3413
Valuation: $15,525,000
Fee: $1,193.65 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 6815/171
Permit #: 520065893-01-AL
132 Radcliff Road, Staten Island, NY 10305
Contractor: Zaim Contractor Corp
Date: Apr 25, 2013
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - proposed horizontal enlargement at right side of existing detached residence. also interior rearrangement of 1st flr. living room partitions & relocation of entry door & reconfiguration of basement stair. change from one car garage to two car built-in garage at basement.
Valuation: $5,412,800
Fee: $840.26 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3230/26
Permit #: 520124605-01-AL
132 Radcliff Road, Staten Island, NY 10305
Contractor: Zaim Contractor Corp
Date: Apr 25, 2013
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - construction equipment - fence proposed horizontal enlargement at right side of existing detached residence. also interior rearrangement of 1st flr. living room partitions & relocation of entry door & reconfiguration of basement stair. change from one car garage to two car built-in garage at basement.
Valuation: $5,412,800
Fee: $840.26 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 3230/26
Permit #: 520124605-01-EQ-FN
106 Leeds Street, Staten Island, NY 10306
Contractor: A & L Construction Servic
Date: Aug 2, 2013
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - alteration to an existing residence second story addition
Valuation: $8,038,000
Fee: $812.12 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4661/31
Permit #: 520145502-01-AL
54 Rice Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314
Contractor: Mrmd Ny Corp
Date: Jun 10, 2014
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - construction of rear extension and second story addition to one familyu detached residence.
Valuation: $2,050,000
Fee: $704.24 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 326/71
Permit #: 520192194-01-AL
34 Elvira Court, Staten Island, NY 10306
Contractor: Mohammas N Azhar
Date: Aug 6, 2014
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 3 - no work legalization of an extension of an existing wood balcony located to the rear of the house. no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Valuation: $500,000
Fee: $130.00 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 951/13
Permit #: 520195422-01-AL
48 Elmira Street, Staten Island, NY 10306
Contractor: Lawrence Mandarino
Date: Mar 20, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - horizontal enlargement and second floor enlargement.
Valuation: $5,000,000
Fee: $993.67 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 4295/22
Permit #: 520212270-01-AL
31 Crafton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314
Contractor: Lawrence Mandarino
Date: Dec 29, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 1 - legalization of a second story addition, bathroom in the cellar & wood deck located to the rear and south side of the house.
Valuation: $13,000,000
Fee: $813.75 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 746/37
Permit #: 520253127-01-AL
15 Windy Hollow Way, Staten Island, NY 10304
Contractor: Rock Solid Landscape And
Date: Jan 20, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr. proposed one story addition to accommodate a greenhouse/spa. enlargement of existing patio at rear. proposed inground pool at rear.
Valuation: $9,000,000
Fee: $567.75 paid to New York City
Parcel #: 896/5
Permit #: 520239395-01-EW-OT