3821 Pleasant Pl, Baltimore, MD 21211
Date: Oct 14, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a three-story 15''-0" x 12''-0" rear addition (basement above grade in rear)
Permit #: BMZ2015-00413
5716 Redmond St, Baltimore, MD 21225
Contractor: Angler Carpentry Llc
Date: Oct 30, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Extend existing 16x25 slab to create 45x16 slab 30x16 roof over portion of slab
Valuation: $2,350,100
Fee: $165.00 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: Stevens Teresa M
Parcel #: 5693-1227-8000
Permit #: B02324490
1110 Mcdonogh St, Baltimore, MD 21213
Date: Nov 4, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a 10'' x 12'' two-story rear addition.
Permit #: BMZ2015-00448
1112 Mcdonogh St, Baltimore, MD 21213
Date: Nov 4, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a 10'' x 12'' two-story rear addition.
Permit #: BMZ2015-00449
8231 Highpoint Rd, Baltimore, MD 21226
Date: Nov 6, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: 10'x 32'rga on blocks*no grading req*anchor kit to be installed. ref:article 18-2-204a
Valuation: $1,566,700
Fee: $140.00 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: Westcott Robert T
Parcel #: 3205-1338-9200
Permit #: B02323753
5404 Park Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
Date: Nov 19, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: Install a prefab (assemble on site) 12'x12' shed
Valuation: $402,600
Fee: $85.00 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: Calvert Suzanne M
Parcel #: 5047-1179-9300
Permit #: B02325205
5715 Redmond St, Baltimore, MD 21225
Date: Nov 25, 2015
Permit type: Additions
Description: 21x10 "l" shaped front porch *b-2015-0720
Valuation: $1,312,100
Fee: $160.00 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: Gibson David B
Parcel #: 5693-1590-3300
Permit #: B02325193
816 Mangold St, Baltimore, MD 21230
Date: Jan 12, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a 10''-0" x 12''-0" two-story rear addition.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00003
3307 Clyde St, Baltimore, MD 21224
Date: Jan 19, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct an 8'' x 12'' addition at second floor rear.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00009
406 Hillcrest Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225
Date: Jan 20, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: R.i.k. 19x18 12'6" high detached rga due to fire
Valuation: $1,674,400
Fee: $140.00 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: Henderson Michael J
Parcel #: 5411-1388-7000
Permit #: B02326790
315 Orchard Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225
Date: Feb 23, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Rv 2/26/16(ld)reloc gar&chg gar to(2)sty 16'x24' (17'h)2nd fl unfin strge(6'h stndng rm in unifin attic)rv2/29/16(ld)chg location of garage
Valuation: $2,937,600
Fee: $374.22 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: Puma Roberto Carlos
Parcel #: 5411-0945-5025
Permit #: B02327909
909 S Decker Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224
Date: Feb 25, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition (11''-8" x 9''-0"), a 3rd story addition (11''-8" x 32''-0") with a 11''-8" x 9''-0" deck at 3rd floor rear that will provide access to a rooftop deck (11''-8" x 16'').
Permit #: BMZ2016-00046
903 Binney St, Baltimore, MD 21224
Date: Mar 1, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition (11''0" x 13''-0").
Permit #: BMZ2016-00056
3517 Claremont St, Baltimore, MD 21224
Date: Apr 21, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Original permit description:(com2015-22065) construct 2nd story addition 12x14. 1344 cu. ft. new 2nd floor addition. as per drawing/code
Permit #: COM2016-10124
7601 Energy Pky, Baltimore, MD 21226
Date: May 5, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct 8'h fence around parking lot area
Valuation: $3,707,300
Fee: $249.51 paid to Anne Arundel County
Client: 7601 Energy Pkwy Llc
Parcel #: 3137-9005-1434
Permit #: B02301586
814 S Kenwood Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224
Date: May 20, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition (12'-6" x 12'-0"), and a 12'-6" x 16'-0" rooftop deck to be accessed internally.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00179
3424 Dillon St, Baltimore, MD 21224
Date: May 20, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition (12'-6" x 11'-0"), and a 12'-6" x 16'-0" rooftop deck to be accessed internally.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00180
311 Broxton Road, Baltimore, MD 21212
Date: Jun 13, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct two story addition on left side of house 17' x27' new sun room and breakfast room with wrap around porch (8x17,10x20) to connect to existing front porch, second floor addition to be 13'x17' for new library as per plans as per code.
Permit #: COM2016-11659
1116 Mcdonogh St, Baltimore, MD 21213
Date: Jul 6, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition: 12' x 10'.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00231
1114 Mcdonogh St, Baltimore, MD 21213
Date: Jul 6, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition: 12' x 10'.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00230
210 E Melrose Ave, Baltimore, MD 21212
Date: Jul 11, 2016
Permit type: Additions
Description: Construct a two-story rear addition (9'-3" x 26'-0) and a 5'-5" x 24'-0" rear deck.
Permit #: BMZ2016-00238