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Wood flooring Contractors in Verona, PA

Address: 516 Jones St, Verona, PA 15147

Phone: (412) 828-7847

Service: Flooring, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Hardwood, Tile, Carpets

HIC #:PA039893


Type:Retail Floor Covering Business - We Sell And/Or Install Flooring In Homes And Businesses.We Supply And Install Flooring, Carpet, Vinyl, Hardwood, Tile, Etc.

Address: 7951 Thon Dr., Verona, PA 15147

Phone: (412) 614-1870

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Handyman, Remodeling, Laminate

HIC #:PA074580


Type:Contractor Services For Flooring And Remodeling. Most Jobs Ranging From Light Sheet Rock Work To Taper And Painting. Light Kitchen And Bath. (Backsplash Ceramic, Tile Shoer)All Flooring (Hardwood, Laminate, Carpet, Tile, Vinyl). Repair Damaged Walls, And

Address: 113 Treona Drive, Verona, PA 15147

Phone: (412) 849-5838

Service: Flooring, Carpentry, Hardwood, Tile, Handyman, Carpets, Laminate, Vinyl

HIC #:PA089337


Type:We Install Floors Including Carpet, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate And Tile.

Address: 827 Fifth Street, Verona, PA 15147

Phone: (412) 828-2022

Service: Flooring, Carpentry, Hardwood, Handyman, Trim

HIC #:PA028431


Type:Sand And Refinish Hardwood Floors, Install Hardwood Floors And Install Wood Trim.

Address: Verona, PA

Phone: (412) 576-7833

Service: Staining, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Boilers, Tankless Water Heater, Drywall, Interior Painting, Painting, Plumbing, Garage Doors, Outdoor Lighting, Lighting, Electrical, Appliances, Wiring, Smoke Detectors, Texturing, Piping, Fans, Cabling, Plumbing Fixtures, Water Heaters, Plastering, Leak Repair, Drainage, Mirrors, Caulking, Walls, Home Automation, Laminate, Exterior Lighting, Vinyl, Textured Walls

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.