Address: 213 Superior St, Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: (330) 720-9723
Service: Carpentry, Handyman, Doors, Garage Doors, Exteriors, Windows, General Contractors, Garages, Custom Millwork
License: Pennsylvania #PA094737
Type:General Contractor Doing Installations Of Millwork Items From Lowes Inc. Including, But Not Limited To Exterior Doors, Replacement Windows, Garage Doors, And Storm Doors
Address: 15218 Creed Rd, Diamond, OH 44412
Phone: (330) 414-7521
Service: Windows, Handyman
License: Pennsylvania #PA074951
Type:Door And Window Installer
Address: 15185 Creed Rd, Diamond, OH 44412
Phone: (330) 766-7479
Service: Windows
License: Pennsylvania #PA122718
Type:Replacement Windows And Doors.
Date Issued:03-10-2016
Address: 8480 Talmadge Rd, Diamond, OH 44412
Phone: (330) 207-9592
Service: Windows
License: Pennsylvania #PA125174
Type:Replacement Windows And Doors.
Date Issued:06-15-2016
Address: 731 Champion Ave E, Warren, OH 44483
Phone: (330) 847-8132
Service: Handyman, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hauling, Painting, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, General Contractors
License: Pennsylvania #PA057735
Type:We Perform Minor Home Improvements And Handyman Type Work. Handrails, Winterizing, Small Decks, Some Bathroom Modifacations, Ie Toilet, Vanity, Flooring, Siding Repairs, Roofing Repairs, Carpentry, Doors/Windows, Gutters, Gutter Guards, Painting, Pressure
Address: 8585 Duke Boulevard, Warren, OH 45040
Phone: (513) 770-4800
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Windows
License: Idaho #RCE-14115
Type:Doors Windows
Address: 1438 Southern Blvd Nw, Warren, OH 44485
Phone: (330) 974-7890
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Remodeling, Windows
License: Pennsylvania #PA113938
Type:Replacement Windows And Doors
Address: 1203 Youngstown Rd Se, Warren, OH 44484
Phone: (330) 399-2732
Service: Painting, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Doors, Windows, Showers, Shower Doors
License: Pennsylvania #PA026026
Type:Glass, Glazing, Aluminum, Storm Windows And Doors, Replacement Windows And Doors, Shower Doors, Mirrors, Paint Products And Sundries
Address: 8129 Engelwood Ne, Warren, OH 44484
Phone: (330) 856-6583
Service: Windows