Address: 1466 Oak Ridge Dr, Salix, PA 15952
Phone: (814) 266-3495
Service: Landscaping, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Home Maintenance, Trim, Lawn Care, Mulching
HIC #:PA067550
Type:Small Family Owned Landscaped Business, Operated In A Part Time Basis. New Lawns, Shrub Plantings, Trimming, Mulching And Prunning.
Address: 282 Pine Bluff Rd, Sidman, PA 15955
Phone: (814) 487-0288
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Handyman, Trim, Remodeling, Exteriors, Roofing, Siding
HIC #:PA094731
Type:Construction Services Including But Not Limited To Remodeling, Siding, Roofing, Interior And Exterior Trim Work, Home Improvements And New Construction.
Address: 603 Sharon Ave, Windber, PA 15963
Phone: (814) 241-9769
Service: Landscaping, Home Maintenance, Trim, Landscape Design, Mulching, Design
HIC #:PA093351
Type:Horticultural Services Landscape Design Services Landscape Installations Mulching, Prunning, Trimming Hydroponics Designs For Diys Garden Design Maintenance Estate Gardening
Address: 103 Railroad Street, Windber, PA 15963
Phone: (814) 244-2745
Service: Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Handyman, Trim, Hauling, Landscape Design, Tree Service, Mulching, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Design, Demolition, Attics, Garages, Walls
HIC #:PA090034
Type:Quality Residential And Commercial Services- Landscaping Including Landscape Designing, Mulching, Shrubbery/Hedge Trimming And Small Retaining Walls. Tree Services Including Taking Down Trees Or Trimming. Demolition Of Houses, House Trailors, Shed, Garage
Address: 520 Berfod St, Windber, PA 15963
Phone: (814) 279-6901
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Drywall, Trim, Painting, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Landscaping
HIC #:PA080760
Type:I Install Siding, Decks, Roofs, And Windows. I Also Do Yard Work And Any Small Jobs Needed Around Your Home. Drywall Patches And Painting With Some Trim Work Is One Of My Favorite Things To Do. If You Need Something Fixed Give Me A Call And I Will Let You
Address: 3373 Elton Road, Johnstown, PA 15904
Phone: (814) 266-9553
Service: Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Paving, Trim, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Mulching, Stone, Masonry, Patios, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Concrete, Walls, Walkways
HIC #:PA107567
Type:Landscaping Spring And Fall Clean Ups, Shrub And Bush Trimming, Tree Pruning, Paver Walkways And Patios, Stencil Concrete Walkway And Patios, Retaining Walls, Field Stone Walls, Decorative Edging, Mulch, Decorative Stone, Top Soiling, Plantings, Lawn Mowi
Address: 132 Scenic Lane, Johnstown, PA 15905
Phone: (814) 288-4835
Service: Handyman, Trim, Tree Service, Stump Removal, Residential
HIC #:PA019535
Type:Residential Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lot Clearing
Address: 1232 Jordan Drive, Johnstown, PA 15904
Phone: (814) 341-0249
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Framing, Additions, Trim, Doors, Staircases, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Porches, Roofing, Windows, Railings, Sheds
HIC #:PA099758
Type:General Carpentry Interior/Exterior - Framing/Finish Carpentry. (Sheds, Stairs, Fencing, Decks, Railings, Additions, Porches, Doors, Windows, Trim, Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Roof Framing, Wall Framing, Etc.)
Address: 473 Shroyer Rd, Johnstown, PA 15905
Phone: (814) 539-9557
Service: Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Trim, Concrete, Brick, Walls, Snow Removal
HIC #:PA089109
Type:We Are A Landscaping Business-Trimming, Mulching, Edging, Fencing, Snowplowing, Brick Pavers, Some Excavations.
Address: 2229 William Penn Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15909
Phone: (814) 322-1713
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Paving, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Plumbing, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Porches, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete, Electrical, Garages
HIC #:PA012466
Type:We Do Roofing, Siding, Windows And Doors,Concrete Work,Bathrooms, Kitchens, Finish Basements. We Install Floor Coverings. We Build Garages And Additions. We Do Electrical Work. We Do All Types Of Interior Remodeling. We Install And Finish Drywall. We Do A