Address: 265 Constitution Ave, Connoquenessing, PA 16027
Phone: (724) 683-4515
Service: General Contractors, Cabinets, Home Builders, New Construction, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Tile, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Painting, Plumbing, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Power Washing, Demolition, Restoration, Caulking, Residential
HIC #:PA106997
Type:Interior And Exterior, Residential And Commercial New Construction, Restoration, And Remodeling. Painting, Drywall, Plumbing, Limited Roofing, Window And Door Installation, Cabinets, Tile, Flooring, Trim, Power Washing, Caulking/Sealing, Bathroom/Kitchen
Address: 114 Rancindin Rd, Butler, PA 16002
Phone: (724) 766-3737
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Flooring, Handyman, Trim, Remodeling
HIC #:PA046753
Type:Provides Services Of General Construction Including Cabinet Installation, Trim Carpentry, Flooring And Interior Remodeling.
Address: 124 Reiber Road, Renfrew, PA 16053
Phone: (724) 482-0155
Service: Carpentry, Home Builders, New Construction, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Plumbing, Remodeling, Windows, Electrical, General Contractors
HIC #:PA076918
Type:Remodeling Existing Homes, New Construction, Electrical, Plumbing, Dry Wall Finishing, Cabinatry, Trim Work, Replace Windows And Doors.
Address: 109 Polk St, Butler, PA 16001
Phone: (412) 614-9137
Service: Carpentry, Home Builders, New Construction, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Trim, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Landscaping, General Contractors, Garages, Sheds
HIC #:PA025161
Type:Interior Trim, Roofs, Decks, Additions, Kitchens, Landscaping
Address: 171 Cupps Road, Renfrew, PA 16053
Phone: (724) 482-2297
Service: Painting, Bathroom Remodeling, Trim, Doors, Interior Painting, Walls
HIC #:PA071052
Type:Mostly Interior Painting Walls, Doors, Trim. Faux Finising And Handpainting On Walls, Columns, And Furniture.
Address: 120 Westwood Manor, Butler, PA 16001
Phone: (724) 283-0752
Service: Roofing, Framing, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Tile, Gutters, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Fences, Siding, Windows, Sidewalk, General Contractors, Garages, Soffits, Fascia
HIC #:PA065794
Type:Whatever The Customer Wants. Roofing, Siding, Soffitt, Fascia, Gutters, Downspouts, Drain Ditches, Fencing, Basements, Baths, Kitchens, Etc.
Address: 999 Meridian Rd, Renfrew, PA 16053
Phone: (412) 614-9000
Service: Handyman, Trim, Tree Service, Stump Removal
HIC #:PA108532
Type:Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Removal, And Salvage. Stump Grinding And Removal
Address: 11204 Babcock Blvd, Valencia, PA 16059
Phone: (724) 816-7277
Service: Electrical, Flooring, Tile, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Painting, Plumbing, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Exteriors, Windows, Moving, Walls
HIC #:PA092885
Type:Residential renovations and repairs equal to adding and removing interior stud walls, HVAC rough-in and trim, plumbing rough-in and trim, electrical rough-in and trim, insulation installation, drywall installation and finish, interior and exterior paint a
Address: 1043 Prospect Rd, Evans City, PA 16033
Phone: (724) 553-4128
Service: General Contractors, Cabinets, Framing, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Drywall, Trim, Painting, Remodeling, Decks, Sheds
HIC #:PA106920
Type:Home Remodeling And Repair. Framing, Drywall, Painting, Flooring, Trim, Cabinetry, Decks, And Sheds.
Address: 386 Glade Mill Road, Valencia, PA 16059
Phone: (724) 584-3591
Service: Landscaping, Trim, Fire Protection, Remodeling, Lighting, Fences, Electrical
HIC #:PA099248
Type:Rns Outdoor Specialties Offers A Variety Of Outdoor Landscaping Including Mowing, Trimming, Fertilizing, Weed Control, Mulcing, Complete Lawn Renovations, Fencing, Outdoor Fire Pits, And Low Voltage Lighting.
Address: 620 Pattison Street Ext, Evans City, PA 16033
Phone: (724) 321-6431
Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Trim, Tree Service
HIC #:PA057959
Type:Tree Trimming And Pruning
Address: 229 Rt 228 West, Valencia, PA 16059
Phone: (724) 496-3679
Service: Trim, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Stump Removal, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA091083
Type:Tree And Stump Removal,Bush Trimming, Weed Eating, Residental And Commercial Lawn Mowing, Planting, Lot Clearing
Address: John W Paylo, Valencia, PA 16059
Phone: (724) 553-1056
Service: Carpentry, Handyman, Trim, General Contractors
HIC #:PA055037
Type:Trim Carpentry And General Contract Services
Address: 148 Buhl Rd, Evans City, PA 16033
Phone: (724) 996-6684
Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Painting, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Windows, Showers, Shower Doors
HIC #:PA093209
Type:Home Maintenance And Remodeling. Kitchens,Bathrooms,Shower Doors,Decks,Painting,Trimwork,Doors,Windows,Drywall. Anything Related To Home Construction Small Jobs To
Address: 136 Franklin St, Evans City, PA 16033
Phone: (724) 496-3208
Service: Electrical, Flooring, Handyman, Gutters, Home Repair, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Plumbing, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows
HIC #:PA095409
Type:Repair Or Replacement To Windows, Doors, Siding, Gutters, Downspouts, Shingles, Trim, Drywall, Flooring, Decks, Flashings. Minor Electrical And/Or Plumbing
Address: 735 Spring Street, Harmony, PA 16037
Phone: (724) 584-7144
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Trim, Tree Service, Mulching, Landscaping
HIC #:PA094325
Type:As A Landscaping Company, We Will Provide The Following Services To Customers Grass Cutting, Mulching, Planting And Sale Of Plants, Tree And Bush Trimming, Brush Cutting Removal, Spraying/Fertilizing And Other General Landscaping Services.
Address: 836 Perry Hwy, Harmony, PA 16037
Phone: (724) 553-0797
Service: Painting, Handyman, Drywall, Trim
HIC #:PA043524
Type:Painting,Drywall,Trim Work, Cleanouts
Address: 162 Saltworks Rd, Harmony, PA 16037
Phone: (724) 758-3112
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Framing, Paving, Trim, Remodeling, Roofing, Custom Woodwork, Concrete
HIC #:PA068831
Type:General Contracting - Remodeling - Concrete - Woodwork
Address: 308 Spruce St, Zelienople, PA 16063
Phone: (724) 816-0005
Service: Carpentry, Bathroom Remodeling, Home Repair, Trim
HIC #:PA047767
Type:Trim Carpentry And Small Repairs.
Address: 296 Tollgate Road, Zelienople, PA 16063
Phone: (412) 728-4098
Service: Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Handyman, Trim, Doors, Laminate
HIC #:PA098958
Type:Reface Old Cabinets With Laminate Or Veneer To Match New Doors And Drawers. Install New Trim And Hardware.
Address: 52 Marion Dr, Zelienople, PA 16063
Phone: (724) 991-3391
Service: General Contractors, Framing, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows
HIC #:PA089916
Type:Small Residential Home Remodeling Including But Not Limited To, Siding, Framing, Decks, Drywall, Interior/Exterior Trim, Windows And Doors, And Roofing.
Address: 439 Whitestown Rd, Butler, PA 16001
Phone: (724) 991-3650
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Flooring, Trim, Remodeling, Roofing, Siding
HIC #:PA100106
Type:We Do All Home Improvement Jobs. Roofs, Siding, Flooring, Trim And Carpentry.
Address: 922 New Castle Rd, Butler, PA 16001
Phone: (724) 290-6108
Service: Handyman, Trim, Tree Service
HIC #:PA064386
Type:Remove Trees,Trim Trees,Remove Stumps
Address: 118 Burtner Road, Butler, PA 16002
Phone: (724) 968-0716
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Foundations, Additions, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Drywall, Trim, Painting, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows
HIC #:PA095601
Type:Residential Remodeling Interior And Exterior, Additions, Decks, Roofs, Windows And Door Replacement, Siding, Insulation, Foundations, Drywall, Flooring Replacement And Repair, Painting, Trim.
Address: 100 Campbell Ave, Butler, PA 16001
Phone: (724) 285-8585
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Home Repair, Drywall, Trim, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Design, Garages
HIC #:PA094299
Type:I Repair Or Completely Remodel Any Room In A Home. I Build Decks And Small Out Buildings As Well As Garages. I Paint, Hang Sheetrock And Run Trim Including More Elaborate Built Up Trim. I Repair Minor Plumbing Problems. I Design And Build Indoor And Outdo
Address: 103 Lea Drive, Butler, PA 16001
Phone: (724) 482-2981
Service: Painting, Home Repair, Drywall, Trim, Interior Painting
HIC #:PA086583
Type:Interior House Painting, Minor Drywall Repair, Masking And Trim Painting.
Address: 1271 Lake Vue Dr, Butler, PA 16002
Phone: (724) 586-2561
Service: Trim, Tree Service, Stump Removal
HIC #:PA088290
Type:Tree Removal,Trimming,Stump Grinding