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Tree Service Contractors in Santa Ynez, CA

American Construction Landscaping And Maintenance

Address: 3771 Mattei Road, Santa Ynez, CA 93460

Phone: (805) 757-2005

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Home Maintenance, Hauling, Irrigation, Tree Service, Painting, Remodeling, Fences, Landscaping, Concrete, Construction, Drainage

License: California #750938


Type:General Building Contractor, Landscaping

Address: PO Box 1132, Santa Ynez, CA 93460

Phone: (805) 291-0808

Service: Handyman, Tree Service

License: California #1004654


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 1147, Santa Ynez, CA 93460

Phone: (805) 688-5580

Service: Tree Service

License: California #750949


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 1132, Santa Ynez, CA 93460

Phone: (805) 688-1610

Service: Landscaping, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Tree Service, Landscape Architecture

License: California #813707


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.