Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Tree Service Contractors in Orange, CA

Address: 1267 N Tustin Ave, Orange, CA 92807

Phone: (714) 688-0240

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Heating, Doors, Tree Service, Remodeling, Exteriors, Roofing, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Spas, Plumbing Fixtures, Tenant Improvements, Ventilation

License: Idaho #RCE-27741


Type:General Commercial

Address: 2328 N Batavia #112, Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (714) 637-1425

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Doors, Tree Service, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Patios, Commercial Contracting, Ceilings, Spas, Fans, Plumbing Fixtures, Tenant Improvements, Soffits, Walls

License: California #417935


Type:General Building Contractor

Address: 2157 N Batavia Street, Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (714) 998-1144

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service

License: California #885872


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

Address: 2424 N Batavia St, Orange, CA 92864

Phone: (714) 637-2000

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Tree Service, Landscaping, Demolition, Moving

License: California #738568


Type:61 / D28 - Doors, Gates And Activating Devices, 61 / D49 - Tree Service, 61 / D59 - Hydroseed Spraying, 61 / D63 - Construction Clean-Up

Address: 2336 N Batavia, Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (714) 282-0130

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, Landscape Architecture

License: California #815938


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

Address: 3910 Palm Avenue, Orange, CA 92869

Phone: (949) 572-7810

Service: Handyman, Tree Service

License: California #983041


Type:Tree Service

Address: 440 E Riverdale Avenue, Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (714) 685-9104

Service: Handyman, Tree Service

License: California #975634


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: 152 S Pine St, Orange, CA 92866

Phone: (714) 623-0929

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, Landscape Architecture

License: California #567142


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

Address: 2289 North Batavia Street, Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (209) 482-2730

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, Landscape Architecture

License: California #902500


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 12075, Orange, CA 92869

Phone: (714) 381-1724

Service: Handyman, Tree Service

License: California #1005003


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 3280, Orange, CA 92857

Phone: (714) 997-0903

Service: Landscaping, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Tree Service

License: California #654506


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 3877, Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (714) 693-8100

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, Landscape Architecture

License: California #820596


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 5810, Orange, CA 92863

Phone: (949) 337-9249

Service: General Contractors, Tile, Tree Service, Tenant Improvements, Engineering

License: California #794329


Type:General Building Contractor

Address: PO Box 3908, Orange, CA 92857

Phone: (714) 720-7927

Service: Tile, Air Conditioning, Tree Service, Tenant Improvements, Alarm Systems

License: California #871363


Type:61 / D16 - Hardware, Locks And Safes, 61 / D37 - Safes And Vaults, Hardware, Locks And Safes, Safes And Vaults

Address: 2031 East 1 St Ste. A6, Santa Ana, CA 92799

Phone: (714) 392-6076

Service: General Contractors, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Tile, Tree Service, Tenant Improvements, Engineering

License: California #925149


Type:Flooring And Floor Covering, General Building Contractor

Address: PO Box 141, Placentia, CA 92871

Phone: (714) 528-9828

Service: Tree Service

License: California #739475


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: 1111 E Kimberly Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801

Phone: (714) 449-7000

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service, Structural Engineering, Engineering

License: California #812921


Type:General Engineering Contractor

Address: 3971 E Miraloma, Anaheim, CA 92806

Phone: (714) 961-8050

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Tree Service, Engineering

License: California #380739


Type:6 - Cabinet, Millwork And Finish Carpentry, 61 / D49 - Tree Service, Cabinet, Millwork And Finish Carpentry, General Building Contractor

Address: 5753 E Santa Ana Cyn Rd, Anaheim, CA 92807

Phone: (714) 281-5123

Service: Mechanical, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #865725


Type:General Building Contractor, Warm-Air Heating, Ventilating And Air-Conditioning

Address: PO Box 6532, Anaheim, CA 92806

Phone: (800) 555-5888

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture

License: California #916878


Type:61 / D06 - Concrete Related Services, 61 / D49 - Tree Service, Concrete Related Services, Landscaping

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.