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Tree Service Contractors in Littlestown, PA

Address: 114 Locust Lane, Littlestown, PA 17340

Phone: (717) 359-0504

Service: Handyman, Trim, Tree Service, Stump Removal, Storm Damage Repair

HIC #:PA090737


Type:Trees, Shrubbery Trimmed, Stump Grinding, Brush Chipping, 24 Hour Storm Damage, Removal Services

Address: 566 Hooker Dreive, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Phone: (717) 451-7084

Service: Fences, Handyman, Home Repair, Trim, Tree Service

HIC #:PA020409


Type:Repair And Install All Types Of Fencing

Address: 877 Rear York St, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 624-8862

Service: Handyman, Tree Service, Stump Removal

HIC #:PA002042


Type:Tree Removals, Tree Pruning, Stump Grinding, Small Land Clearing, Topsoil Replacement.

Address: 1551 Manchester Rd, Westminster, MD 21157

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service, Remodeling

License: Maryland #102029


Type:Contractor Home Improvement

Address: 824 Shandy Brook Drive, Westminster, MD 21157

Phone: (410) 857-4744

Service: Landscaping, Hardscape, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Tree Service, Stone, Masonry, Cleaning, Concrete

License: Pennsylvania #PA063487


Type:Landscape Maintenance Services- Grass Cutting, Clean Ups, And Pruning Landscape Planting Landscape Hardscapes, Pavers, Flagstone Walkways

Address: 2 Dart Manor, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 632-0486

Service: Paving, Foundations, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Tree Service, Plumbing, Concrete

HIC #:PA040023


Type:Roads And Parkinglots., Ect. Anything To Do With Driveways, Line Striping, Crack Filling, Patch Work, Removal Of Trees(Interferingw/ Driveway Installation)Tar And Chipping, Hauling Of Materials, Drainage Pipes Installed/Removed, Installation Of Any/All Ba

Address: 12 Carroll Street, Westminster, MD 21157

Phone: (301) 991-5596

Service: Solar, Additions, Home Repair, Tree Service, Energy Efficiency, Decks, Garages

License: Maryland #101455


Type:Contractor, Additions, Garages, Decks, Home Repairs

Address: 637 E Middle St, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 465-1783

Service: Carpentry, Handyman, Tree Service, Moving

HIC #:PA106945


Type:I Am A Tree And Stump Remover And Also Specialize In Hard To Remove Trees You Cant Get A Crane Or Truck Too.

Address: 2751 Baltimore Pike, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 465-0300

Service: Landscaping, Hardscape, Handyman, Trim, Tree Service, Mulching, Patios, Commercial Contracting, Walls

HIC #:PA096940


Type:Retail Sales Garden Center,Landscape Installation And Maint.,Mulching,Edging ,Planting,Trimming,Tree Removal,Hardscaping,Patios,Walks And Retainig Walls

Address: 322 Stoner Ave, Westminster, MD 21157

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service, Remodeling

License: Maryland #130179


Type:Contractor (Corppart) Home Improvement

Address: 25 Cougar Drive, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 524-8327

Service: Carpentry, Trim, Tree Service

HIC #:PA092687


Type:Tree Triming, Removal, Crown Thining And Reduction, And Elevation And Dead Wood Pruning

Address: 1790 Stoverstown Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362

Phone: (717) 225-9242

Service: Paving, Restaurants, Tile, Tree Service, Remodeling, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Tenant Improvements, Restoration

HIC #:PA011830


Type:All Residential And Commercial Asphalt Paving. Backhoe And Skidloader Services. Asphalt Seal Coating And Maintenance. Dump Truck Hauling Services.

Address: 1618 Jefferson Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362

Phone: (717) 225-3852

Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Landscape Design, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Painting, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Porches, Roofing, Landscaping, Snow Removal

HIC #:PA062277


Address: 408 N Franklin St, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 524-9759

Service: Tree Service, Landscaping

HIC #:PA089364


Type:Tree Care,Tree Pruning, Tree Removal, Tree Planting, Brush Removal

Address: 920 Baltimore Street, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 476-2311

Service: Landscaping, Trim, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Mulching, Concrete

HIC #:PA090155


Type:Lawn Mowing,Mulching,Landscaping,Trimming,Weedcontrol,Fertilizing. Treetrimming,Pruning,Brushremoval,Ornamentalplanting,Pavers,Flowerbeds.And Gardens.

Address: 1140 Abbottstown Pike, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 637-1927

Service: Landscaping, Interior Design, Handyman, Tree Service, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA005629


Type:Landscape Design (To Scale) Marketing Of Quality And Government Inspected Nursery Stock Inc. Trees-S, Mulching & Maintenance Installation Of Above Products (If Requested) Our Pa Nursery License Number 6

Address: 881 Abbottstown Pike, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 637-7979

Service: Landscaping, Interior Design, Tree Service, Stone, Patios, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA003838


Type:Sullivan Nursery And Landscaping Is A Full Service Landscape Contracting Firm. We Design And Install New Landscaping Projects, Paver Patios, Walkways, Watergardens, Tree And Shrub Installation, Retaining Walls, And Lawn Installations. Bulk Delivery Of Mul

Address: 820 Hershey Heights Rd, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 633-6755

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, Stone, Lighting, Patios, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA047728


Type:Brick Patios And Walkways, Retaining Walls, Stone Work, Lighting, Decorative Ponds And Waterfalls, And Some Trees And Shrubs

Address: 418 Mc Cosh Street, Hanover, PA 17331

Phone: (717) 637-4641

Service: Tree Service

HIC #:PA046038


Type:Tree, Tree Stump, Shrubbery, And T.V. Antenna Removal. Also Delivery Topsoil And Mulch.

Address: 3075 Church Lane, Taneytown, MD 21787

Phone: (410) 876-0141

Service: General Contractors, Foundations, New Construction, Basement Remodeling, Handyman, Gutters, Paving, Tree Service, Waterproofing, Stone, Masonry, Room Additions, Patios, Landscaping, Cleaning, Concrete, Driveway, Sidewalk, Excavation, Demolition, Welding, Construction, Grading, Snow Removal, Gardens, Dump Truck Services

License: Pennsylvania #PA101901


Type:Construction Site Demolition And Clean Up,Bobcat And Dump Truck Services. Excavating, Grading, Planting, Concrete, Stone, Pavers, Sidewalks, Driveways, Curb Gutter, Welding

Address: 4805 Babylon Road, Taneytown, MD 21787

Phone: (443) 340-2982

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service, Mulching, Cleaning

License: Pennsylvania #PA098211


Type:All Phases Of Tree Care And Mulching And Grass Cutting Also General Lawn Clean Up

Address: 932 Oxford Road, New Oxford, PA 17352

Phone: (717) 334-1647

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service, Excavation, Snow Removal

HIC #:PA074725


Type:We Do Snow Removal, Tree Work, Small Landscaping And Excavating.

Address: 580 Mt Misery Road, New Oxford, PA 17352

Phone: (717) 624-0156

Service: Tree Service, Stump Removal

HIC #:PA046634


Type:Tree Pruning And Removal, Stump Removal

Address: 80 Billerbeck Street, New Oxford, PA 17350

Phone: (717) 624-7497

Service: Tree Service, Stump Removal

HIC #:PA079239


Type:Tree And Stump Removal, Prunnings

Address: 1707-C Old Harrisburg Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Phone: (717) 337-3828

Service: Handyman, Tree Service, Stump Removal, Cleaning, Cabling

HIC #:PA079580


Type:Tree Care Services. Tree And Shrub Pruning, Tree And Shrub Removal, Stump Removal, Cabling And Bracing, Lightning Protection, Tree And Shrub Installlation, Storm Cleanup

Address: 999 Barlow Greenmount Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Phone: (717) 752-6891

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Retaining Walls, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Gutters, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Paving, Drywall, Trim, Tree Service, Mulching, Stump Removal, Interior Painting, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Landscaping, Concrete, Electrical, Railings, Property Maintenance, Brick, Walls, Pressure Washing

HIC #:PA094161


Type:Deck Installation, Building, Railing, Exterior/Interior Painting, Drywall, Construction, Landscaping-Mulch, Planting, Tree And Shrub - Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding, Retaining Walls, Concrete, Brick Work, Handyman Services, Pressure Washing, Plumbing,

Address: 5 Elm Ave, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Phone: (717) 334-1542

Service: Carpentry, Trim, Tree Service

HIC #:PA094642


Type:Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Thinning Out, Prunning, Dead Wood And Taking Away All Brush

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.