Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Tree Service Contractors in Linden, CA

Address: PO Box 1592, Linden, CA 95236

Phone: (209) 942-1360

Service: Handyman, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #939001


Type:General Building Contractor, General Engineering Contractor

Address: 3202 W March Lane A, Stockton, CA 95219

Phone: (209) 390-4870

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Heating, Tree Service, Tenant Improvements, Engineering

License: California #927367


Type:Flooring And Floor Covering, General Building Contractor

Address: PO Box 217, Victor, CA 95253

Phone: (209) 570-8784

Service: Tree Service

License: California #936345


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: 1233 East Ronald St, Stockton, CA 95215

Phone: (209) 941-2921

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service, Electrical, Engineering

License: California #299756




Address: 2004 Franklin Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204

Phone: (209) 944-9867

Service: Landscaping, Tree Service

License: California #864379


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Landscaping, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 31614, Stockton, CA 95213

Phone: (209) 239-7325

Service: Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #793189


Type:Steel, Structural

Address: 3509 Stanfield Drive, Stockton, CA 95209

Phone: (209) 969-8681

Service: Painting, Restaurants, Tile, Tree Service, Remodeling, Roofing, General Contractors, Tenant Improvements, Restoration, Engineering

License: California #854783


Type:General Building Contractor, Painting And Decorating

Address: PO Box 55165, Stockton, CA 95205

Phone: (209) 993-9774

Service: Plumbing, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #939415



Address: PO Box 6377, Stockton, CA 95206

Phone: (209) 982-1804

Service: Paving, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #803464


Type:Earthwork And Paving

Address: 6046 Mustang Place, Stockton, CA 95210

Phone: (209) 242-1171

Service: Concrete, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #933227


Type:8 - Concrete, Concrete

Address: 2601 Sunflower Circle, Stockton, CA 95212

Phone: (209) 956-9493

Service: Landscaping, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, General Contractors, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #899289



Address: 1717 Black Oak Dr, Stockton, CA 95207

Phone: (209) 594-8531

Service: Painting, Restaurants, Tile, Tree Service, Remodeling, Lighting, Roofing, Landscaping, Custom Closets, Tenant Improvements, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Custom Home Design, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #862935


Type:Painting And Decorating

Address: 1227 Pinetree Drive Unit 1, Stockton, CA 95203

Phone: (209) 598-7332

Service: Tree Service

License: California #1012861


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service

Date Issued:04-13-2016

Address: PO Box 7906, Stockton, CA 95267

Phone: (209) 931-1646

Service: Tree Service

License: California #693806


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: 4445 Section Avenue, Stockton, CA 95215

Phone: (209) 915-1462

Service: Handyman, Tree Service

License: California #899081


Type:Tree Service

Address: 2403 Georgia Avenue, Stockton, CA 95206

Phone: (925) 864-2941

Service: Tree Service

License: California #1013777


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service

Date Issued:05-03-2016

Address: 3823 Delano Ave, Stockton, CA 95204

Phone: (209) 941-4859

Service: General Contractors, Cabinets, Offices, Restaurants, Home Builders, Foundations, Framing, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Hardscape, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Heating, Drywall, Fireplaces, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Mold Remediation, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Decks, Fences, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Roofing, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, Custom Closets, Solar, Docks, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Restoration, Water Features, Custom Home Design, Engineering, Mechanical, Alarm Systems, Low Voltage Systems

License: California #918647


Type:Electrical, General Building Contractor

Address: 8346 N Pershing Ave, Stockton, CA 95209

Phone: (209) 688-0734

Service: General Contractors, Tile, Air Conditioning, Tree Service, Tenant Improvements, Engineering, Alarm Systems

License: California #812827


Type:General Engineering Contractor

Address: 2100 Sanguinetti Lane, Stockton, CA 95205

Phone: (209) 948-1713

Service: Tree Service

License: California #732674



Address: 303 Convention Way, Stockton, CA 95215

Phone: (215) 784-4298

Service: Electrical, Handyman, Tree Service

License: California #0000428




All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.