Address: E 10808 Connner Rd, Valleyford, WA 99036
Phone: (509) 922-9946
Service: Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #CENTET 105J4
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Address: 2404 E Queen, Spokane, WA 99217
Phone: (509) 220-0625
Service: Roofing, Tile, Tree Service, General Contractors, Tenant Improvements
License: Washington #BIGTRTR932CZ
Type:Construction Contractor, Roofing, Dry Wall
Address: 615 E Sierra Ave, Spokane, WA 99208
Phone: (509) 868-7998
Service: Tile, Flooring, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #HATTRTT847DZ
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Date Issued:03-09-2016
Address: Spokane, WA
Service: Tile
License: Montana #203922
Address: Spokane, WA
Service: Tile, Tree Service, Tenant Improvements
Address: 423 W 1St Street 220, Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: (509) 828-7655
Service: Masonry, Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #ATABETS864D1
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Address: PO Box 473, Spokane, WA 99025
Phone: (509) 226-0735
Service: Masonry, Tile
License: Idaho #RCE-6170
Type:Stucco Masonry Tile
Address: 1117 North Evergreen Rd 1, Spokane, WA 99216
Phone: (509) 927-0800
Service: General Contractors, Tile, Tree Service, Windows, Tenant Improvements, Welding, Water Features
License: Washington #TWCLACL022DO
Type:Construction Contractor, General
Address: 501 W Bellwood Dr 6, Spokane, WA 99218
Phone: (509) 280-2917
Service: Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #ALLPRPT843DW
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Date Issued:03-16-2016
Address: 1416 N Mcdonald Rd Apt.19, Spokane, WA 99216
Phone: (323) 314-2153
Service: Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #MMTILT 847B5
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Date Issued:01-25-2016
Address: 1612 S Cochran St, Spokane, WA 99224
Phone: (509) 842-7485
Service: Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #LENIETH850PO
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Date Issued:10-20-2015
Address: 116 N Walnut Rd, Spokane, WA 99206
Phone: (509) 413-6551
Service: Carpentry, Cabinets, Tile, Tree Service, General Contractors, Tenant Improvements, Engineering
License: Washington #TTCABTC856MZ
Type:Construction Contractor, General
Date Issued:07-09-2015
Address: 16406 N Morton, Spokane, WA 99208
Phone: (509) 465-3083
Service: Tile
License: Washington #TILENS 007O2
Type:Construction Contractor, General
Address: 11504 E Valley Way, Spokane, WA 99206
Phone: (509) 879-5658
Service: Tile, Masonry, Stucco
License: Idaho #RCE-26048
Type:Stucco Masonry Tile
Address: 4105 W Rowan Ave, Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: (509) 327-4101
Service: Flooring, Tile
License: Washington #DYNAMF 010PK
Type:Construction Contractor, Resilient F/Counter M/Plastic, Ceramic/Plastic/Metal Tile
Address: 13007 E 12Th Ave, Spokane, WA 99216
Phone: (509) 953-9291
Service: Masonry, Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #NHCTITS851PF
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Address: 10615 N Woodridge Dr, Spokane, WA 99208
Phone: (509) 467-9862
Service: Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #CLASSTP110MM
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Address: 4920 N Oak St, Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: (509) 590-3396
Service: Masonry, Tile, Stone, General Contractors
License: Washington #TILESST856JL
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Address: 1619 N Sand Brook St, Spokane, WA 99224
Phone: (509) 534-8338
Service: Flooring, Tile, Stone, General Contractors, Engineering
License: Washington #ARONSF 975PN
Type:Construction Contractor, Tile, Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural And Mfg Stone
Address: 8909 N Colton St. Apt 29, Spokane, WA 99218
Phone: (509) 919-6016
Service: Tile, General Contractors, Engineering
License: Washington #RCTILT 840J5
Type:Construction Contractor, General
Date Issued:04-25-2016