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Septic Contractors in York Haven, PA

Address: 40 Shady Lane, York Haven, PA 17370

Phone: (717) 648-2548

Service: Electrical, Foundations, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, Septic, Grading, Snow Removal

HIC #:PA077972


Type:Sand Moundatgrade Systemsstandard Septic Systems Snow Removal Demolition Trenching Electricwater Foundations Footers Grading Geo Thermal Trenching

Address: 55 Sipe Road, York Haven, PA 17370

Phone: (717) 938-1888

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Excavation, Septic, Home Inspections, Drainage

HIC #:PA056767


Type:Excavation,Septic Systems Installations And Inspections, Storm Drainage,Water Damage,Equipment Rental, Under Ground Utilities, Asphalt Paving, Landscaping

Address: 2045 Carlisle Road, York, PA 17408

Phone: (717) 764-1264

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Fire Protection, Stone, Masonry, Commercial Contracting, Excavation, Septic

HIC #:PA036628


Type:General Contractor - Commercial And Residential New Construction And Renovations, Excavation. Land Development And Site Work (Public Utilities, Septic, Sandmounds, Etc.)

Address: 5985 Furnace Road, York, PA 17406

Phone: (717) 252-2017

Service: Foundations, Handyman, Concrete, Excavation, Septic, Grading

HIC #:PA013062


Type:Excavating Including Installation Of Septic Systems, Grading, Foundation Work

Address: 717 Maryland Ave, York, PA 17404

Service: Excavation, Demolition, Septic, Sewers

HIC #:PA056660


Type:Excavating, Demolition,Septic And Sewer Intalls, Lawn And Landscaping Deveolpment, Concrete, Blacktop

Address: 504 Douglas Road, Hummelstown, PA 17036

Phone: (717) 566-1028

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Retaining Walls, Landscaping, Excavation, Septic, Grading, Walls, Ponds

HIC #:PA013786


Type:General Excavating Including But Not Limited To Building Sites, Septic Systems, Landscape Contruction (Retaining Walls, Decorative Boulder Walls), Brush Mowing, Retention Ponds And Land Clearing.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.