Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Roofing Contractors in Matteson, IL

Address: 306 W Willow Rd, Matteson, IL 60443

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #104004363


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: 20918 Homeland Road, Matteson, IL 60443

Phone: (708) 720-0361

Service: Roofing

Address: Homewood, IL

Service: Roofing, Home Inspections

License: Illinois #451000142


Type:Home Inspector Entity

Address: 3637 Flossmoor Rd, Homewood, IL 60430

Phone: (708) 895-3447

Service: Exteriors, Roofing, General Contractors, Engineering


County:Cook County

Type:Roofing, General With Trades

Address: 3759 192 Nd St., Homewood, IL 60430

Phone: (708) 774-6000

Service: Roofing

Address: Homewood, IL

Service: Roofing, General Contractors

License: Illinois #104017245


Type:Roofing Contractor

Date Issued:03-22-2016

Address: 1728 Olive Rd, Homewood, IL 60430

Phone: (708) 772-1604

Service: Roofing

License: Arizona #303243


Type:Cr42 Roofing

Date Issued:02-16-2016

Address: Homewood, IL

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #104005280


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: 196 Country Club Road, Chicago Heights, IL 60411

Phone: (708) 705-3897

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #L-2013-093


County:Kankakee County

Type:Roofing - Limited

Address: 117 W Glengate Ave, Chicago Heights, IL 60417

Phone: (708) 228-1891

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Roofing

License: Illinois #2009-CR01620


County:Dupage County

Type:Gen Contractor W/Trades

Address: 165 West 10 Th Street, Chicago Heights, IL 60411

Phone: (708) 248-6451

Service: General Contractors, Roofing, Engineering

License: Illinois #CL-16-15991


Town:Orland Park

Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: 20089 Stoney Island, Chicago Heights, IL 60411

Phone: (708) 261-9290

Service: Roofing, Carpentry

Address: Chicago Heights, IL

Service: General Contractors, New Construction, Roofing

License: Illinois #104016299


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: 165 W 10 Th St, Chicago Heights, IL 60411

Phone: (708) 248-6451

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Drywall, Roofing, Demolition, Engineering

License: Illinois #CR4823

Legal name:DJH INC


County:Dupage County


Address: Chicago Heights, IL

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #104009690


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: 17350 S. Cicero Avenue, Country Club Hills, IL 60478

Phone: (708) 799-9393

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Roofing, Demolition, Engineering

License: Illinois #L-2006-055


County:Kankakee County

Type:Carpentry, Demolition

Address: Tinley Park, IL

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #104007043


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: Tinley Park, IL

Phone: (708) 429-2923

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Roofing, Garages

License: Illinois #104011157


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: Tinley Park, IL

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #104007005


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: 6820 W 157 Th Place, Tinley Park, IL 60477

Phone: (708) 429-9498

Service: Roofing

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.