Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Remodeling Contractors in Weedville, PA

Address: 233 River Rd, Weedville, PA 15868

Phone: (814) 514-7941

Service: Carpentry, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Paving, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Plumbing, Energy Efficiency, Stone, Masonry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete, Electrical, General Contractors, Wiring, Garages, Brick, Block, Sheds

HIC #:PA016335


Type:Small Contractor, Performing Services Such As Small Remodeling Inside Homes, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Drywall, Trim, Small Electrical Work, Recepticles, Switches, Lights, Wiring, Insulation, Windows, Doors, Plumbing, Flooring, Roofs, Siding, Decks, Small Maso

Address: 2939 Spring Run Road, Weedville, PA 15901

Phone: (814) 787-8777

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Plumbing, Masonry, Remodeling, Electrical

HIC #:PA027151


Type:New Home Construction - Remodeling - Plumbing - Electrical - Masonry - Garage - Roofing

Address: 30 Luthersburg/Rockton Rd Apt A, Penfield, PA 15849

Phone: (814) 590-5576

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Doors, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Windows, Barns

HIC #:PA090161


Type:Interior And Exterior Remodeling, Windows, Doors, Additions, Pole Barns, Decks

Address: 10 Evergreendr, Penfield, PA 15849

Phone: (814) 591-5593

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling

HIC #:PA084055


Type:All Construction

Address: 15118 Bennetts Valley Hwy, Penfield, PA 15849

Phone: (814) 913-1601

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling

HIC #:PA088251


Type:All Construction

Address: 469 Diamond St, Penfield, PA 15901

Phone: (814) 637-5753

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Remodeling

HIC #:PA014316


Type:New Homes And Remodeling

Address: 221 Horseshoe Dr, Penfield, PA 15849

Phone: (814) 603-3730

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling

HIC #:PA086137


Type:Home Improvement General Contractor

Address: 117 John Michael Drive, Penfield, PA 15901

Phone: (814) 762-4943

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling

HIC #:PA067944


Type:General Home Improvements

Address: 179 Fairview Road, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 594-3874

Service: General Contractors, Additions, Handyman, Remodeling

HIC #:PA123284


Type:Residential Building, Remodeling, And Additions

Date Issued:03-30-2016

Address: 147 Black Cherry Rd, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 512-0828

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Drywall, Plumbing, Energy Efficiency, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Electrical, Garages

HIC #:PA081848


Type:Home Remodeling, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing Additions, Garages, Drywall, All Types Of Remodeling Specializing In Bathroom, Kitchen, Attic, And Basement Renovations

Address: 172 Toby Rd, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 885-6397

Service: General Contractors, Flooring, Handyman, Carpets, Remodeling

HIC #:PA077205


Type:Installing Carpeting And Flooring Remodeling

Address: 1200 Million Dollar Hwy, Kersey, PA 15901

Phone: (814) 594-6599

Service: Roofing, Home Builders, Framing, Additions, Flooring, Handyman, Drywall, Trim, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Electrical, Garages

HIC #:PA077517


Type:Any New Construction Or Renovation Service Such As Framing, Drywall(Hang And Finish), Insulating, Minor Plumbing And Electrical, Roofing, Flooring, Decks, Additions, Garages, Kitchens, Baths, Concrete, Block And Stone Work, As Well As All Finish Work. Alo

Address: 106 Shelvey Road, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 772-1553

Service: Handyman, Additions, Remodeling, Roofing, Siding, Windows

HIC #:PA006141


Type:Remodeling, Windows, Siding, Soffit, Fascia, Doors, Roofing, Additions.

Address: 156 Fern Lane, Kersey, PA 15901

Phone: (814) 781-7728

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling

HIC #:PA003000



Address: 1394 Million Dollar Highway, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 389-9208

Service: General Contractors, Foundations, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding

HIC #:PA009793


Type:New Constuction,Roofing,Decks,Siding,Foundations,Home Improvement,Remodeling,And All Other General Construction Sevices.

Address: 325 Main Street, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 594-2776

Service: Excavation, Additions, Interior Design, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Concrete, Electrical, General Contractors, Engineering

HIC #:PA007727


Type:We Are A General Contractor Services Provided Are Concrete-Stamped, Structural, Flat Block And Brick Roof Systmes Replaced Garage Construction Porch Construction Pole Builders Interior Remodeling Excavation And Pipe Work Snow Plowing And Removal House Add

Address: 272 South Kersey Road, Kersey, PA 15846

Phone: (814) 885-6147

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Drywall, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete, Electrical

HIC #:PA011628


Type:Home Improvements. Windows, Doors, Concrete, Drywall Roofing And Siding, Plumbing, Electrical. New Construction And Complete Remodeling.

Address: 1758 Bucktail Trail, Saint Marys, PA 15857

Phone: (814) 834-6330

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, New Construction, Handyman, Masonry, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA021658


Type:Residential And Commercial Carpentry And Masonry, New Construction,Remodeling,Restoreation

Address: 1919 Bucktail Rd, Saint Marys, PA 15857

Phone: (814) 781-7033

Service: Foundations, New Construction, Flooring, Heating, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Patios, Roofing, Electrical, General Contractors

Address: 248 Charles Street, Saint Marys, PA 15857

Phone: (814) 781-6091

Service: Roofing, Carpentry, Cabinets, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Trim, Remodeling, Fences, Siding, Windows

HIC #:PA041579


Type:Roofs, Cabinets, Trim Inside And Out, Siding, Windows, Basement Remodeling, Custom Made Cabinets, Fences, Sheds, And Small Repairs.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.