Address: 13390 Southside Road, Monroeton, PA 18832
Phone: (570) 637-5985
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Additions, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding
HIC #:PA092031
Type:Roofing, Siding, Decks, Additions, Renovations Large And Small, New Construction.
Address: 1001 Fitch Rd, Monroeton, PA 18832
Phone: (570) 265-8875
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Framing, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Plumbing, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Exteriors, Roofing, Siding, Electrical, Garages
HIC #:PA034039
Type:General Contractor - New Home Contrction, Additions, Garages, Pole Barns, Interior And Exterior Remodeling. Involved In Most Aspects Of The Construction Framing, Electrical, Plumbing, Roofing, Siding, Insulation And Interior Finish
Address: 151 Shaw Blvd, Monroeton, PA 18832
Phone: (570) 265-2527
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Masonry, Remodeling, Restoration
HIC #:PA110907
Type:General Contrating
Address: 41 Shaw Blvd, Monroeton, PA 18832
Phone: (570) 297-3065
Service: General Contractors, Additions, Drywall, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Electrical
HIC #:PA011389
Type:Drywall, Plumbing, Electrical, Additions, Remodeling, Painting
Address: 321 Drift Rd, Monroeton, PA 18832
Phone: (570) 596-2361
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Repair, Remodeling, Decks, Garages
HIC #:PA084256
Type:A Custom Home Builder . Renovations, Additions And General Repair. Custom Garages And Decks .