Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Plumbing Contractors in Cowansville, PA

Address: 1079 Butler Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 545-8167

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Handyman, Plumbing, Remodeling, Electrical, Engineering

HIC #:PA064254


Type:General Handyman Services, Remodeling, Minor Electrical, Plumbing, General Carpentry

Address: 571 Fosters Mills Road, Cowansville, PA 16218

Phone: (724) 545-9221

Service: Plumbing, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors

HIC #:PA027357


Type:New Construction-Residential, Small Commercial 90 Service, Remodeling 10

Address: 1047 State Route 268, Cowansville, PA 16218

Phone: (724) 525-3972

Service: Hvac, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Repair, Air Conditioning, Heating, Boilers, Plumbing, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Electrical, Humidifiers, Garages, Water Heaters, Pumps, Heat Pump, Furnaces, Mechanical, Residential

HIC #:PA073739


Type:We Do Residential And Commercial Heating, Air Conditioning And Plumbing. Heating And Cooling Includes The Sales, Service, Installation, Repair And Replacement Of All Furnaces (Gas, Oil, Electric), Air Conditioners, Boilers, Heat Pumps, Humidifiers, Air Cl

Address: 452 Silvis Hollow Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 545-7613

Service: Concrete, Framing, Basement Remodeling, Flooring, Drywall, Plumbing, Siding, Windows, Electrical

HIC #:PA046359


Type:Most Phases Of Construction, Including Foundations, Concrete, Basements, Framing, Siding, Windows And Doors, Drywall, Flooring, Trim, Minor Plumbing And Electrical, And More

Address: 120 Russell Rd, Fenelton, PA 16034

Phone: (724) 283-1192

Service: Demolition, Restoration, Water Features

HIC #:PA025182


Type:E And S Control, Grub And Clearings, Storm Water Management. Site Work Cut And Fill, Including Vibratory Compaction. Finishing Grading, Yard Restoration-Fertilize, Seed And Mulch, Utility Lines, Driveway And Road Grading, Trucking, And Demolition.

Hollobaugh Heating & Cooling

Address: 320 Ridge Ave, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 954-0689

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA119201


Type:HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing and Appliance Repair

Date Issued:09-10-2015

Address: 119 Juniper Dr, Fenelton, PA 16034

Phone: (724) 282-4849

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Heating, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Landscaping, Electrical, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA117606


Type:New Construction, Remodel Inside Homes And Outside Homes, Building Decks, Painting, Electrical, Plumbing And Heating

Address: 523 Cadogan Slate Lick Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 763-2499

Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA057141


Type:Residential And Commercial Plumbing Contractor Specializing In Residential Plumbing Repair Work.

Address: 1151 Wilson Avenue, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 525-0860

Service: Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Electrical, General Contractors

HIC #:PA104808


Type:General Home Repair Including Plumbing, Electrical, General Remodeling, No Roofing. Bpi Certified.

Address: 422 Kittanning Hollow Road, East Brady, PA 16028

Phone: (724) 232-0090

Service: Plumbing, Foundations, Retaining Walls, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, Septic, Sewers, Grading

HIC #:PA091107


Type:Are Company Does All Types Of Excavation Work, Roads, Pond, Foundations, Land Clearing,Grading, Seeding, Demo Work, Pipe Work, Plumbing, Sewer Lines, Water Line, Septic Systems, Retaining Wall, And Much More.

Address: 168 Yough Lane, East Brady, PA 16028

Phone: (724) 526-3317

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical

HIC #:PA057495


Type:The Installation And Servicing Of Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventalation, Plumbing And Electrical Equipment.

Address: 283 Upper Hayes Run Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 664-0787

Service: Handyman, Carpentry, Plumbing, Landscaping, Restoration

HIC #:PA101156


Type:Light Carpentry, Plumbing, Landscaping And Restoration.

Address: 212 Leatherwood Rd, Templeton, PA 16259

Phone: (724) 290-0065

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Heating

HIC #:PA107346


Type:Residential Plumbing, Heating, And Air Conditioning.

Address: 671 North Water Street, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 902-9190

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Flooring, Tile, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Interior Painting, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Windows, Electrical, Faux Finishes

HIC #:PA095669


Type:Electrical And Plumbing Repairs And Fixture Installation/Replacement. Light Remodeling, Drywall Repair And Interior Painting/Faux Finishes. Finish Carpentry - Doors, Windows, Trim, And Cabinets. Wall And Flooring Tile And Specialty Coverings. General Home

Address: 118 St Rt 1034, Templeton, PA 16259

Phone: (724) 543-5050

Service: Hvac, Offices, Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing, Lighting, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, General Contractors

HIC #:PA019052


Type:New Installation And Replacement Of Furnace And Air Conditioning Units. Service Of Heating And Cooling Equipment. Minor And Major Repair And New Installation Of Plumbing. Drain Cleaning. Dot Certified Gas Line Installation. Electrical Entrance Updating. N

Address: 258 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 545-1237

Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Boilers, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, Furnaces, Refrigeration

HIC #:PA095478


Type:Installation, Repair And Servicing Of Furnaces, Air Conditioners And Boilers. Non - Registered Plumbing.Air Conditioning Installation - Repair - Servicing Of Central Air Conditioning And Window Units Commercial Refrigeration Walk-In Coolers And Freezers H

Address: 124 Venwick Drive, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 859-1394

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, Framing, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Drywall, Trim, Plumbing, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Electrical, Wiring, Showers

HIC #:PA092799


Type:Complete Kitchen And Bath Remodeling. Specializing In Tile Floors And Tile Showers With Custom Cabinet Installation And Hardwood Trims. New Plumbing And Electrical Wiring As Well As Drywall Work And Wood Framing.

Address: 1198 State Route 28 66, Templeton, PA 16259

Phone: (724) 664-0232

Service: General Contractors, Home Repair, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Staircases

HIC #:PA000442


Type:Residential Remodeling- Repair, Paint, Plumbing, Electric, Tile, Decks, Etc.

Address: 130 Meadow Lane, Kittanning, PA

Phone: (724) 664-1691

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Gutters, Drywall, Trim, Doors, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Porches, Siding, Windows, Electrical, Garages, Sheds, Soffits

HIC #:PA109917


Type:New And Remodeling Bathrooms, Decks, Porches, Windows, Doors, Tile Work, Hardwood Floors, Cabinets, Drywall, Light Plumbing And Electrical, Painting, Trim Work, Small Garages And Sheds, Siding, Soffit And Fasia, And Gutters.

Address: 214 Adams Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 859-0933

Service: Excavation, Foundations, Water Features

HIC #:PA042041


Type:Excavating- Driveways, Gas And Water Line Installation, Sewage Lines And Hook-Ups, Foundations, And Post Hole Drilling.

Address: 129 Glade Run Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 763-8791

Service: General Contractors, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Siding, Electrical

HIC #:PA042438


Type:New Construction,Remodeling,Roofing,Siding,Plumbing, Cement Work, Electrical.

Address: 102 Miner Street, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 919-3232

Service: Handyman, Flooring, Drywall, Plumbing, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete, Electrical

HIC #:PA114538



Address: 320 Cadogan Slatelick Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 763-2606

Service: General Contractors, Hvac, Heating, Drywall, Plumbing, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Electrical

HIC #:PA017836


Type:We Construct Residential Homes And Remodel. Small Excavating Jobs, Footer, Foundations (Block) Framing, Insulation, Roofing, Exterior Siding, Sofit, Fascia, Gutter, Decks And Porches.We Sub Contract For Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, And

Address: 188 Poverty Hill Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 664-7706

Service: Excavation, Water Features

HIC #:PA043110


Type:Backhoe And Small Dump Truck Services- Excavation Of Sewer/ Water Lines, French Drains, Driveway Cutting, Etc.

Address: 957 Pony Farm Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 663-1163

Service: General Contractors, Flooring, Hardwood, Handyman, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Electrical

HIC #:PA006762


Type:Remodelling, Plumbing, Electrical, Painting, Laminate/Ceramic And Hardwood Flooring, Grass Cutting, Small Snow Removal, Handyman Services

Address: 1932 Freeport Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 548-8768

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Drywall, Painting, Plumbing, Masonry, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Windows, Electrical

HIC #:PA046139


Type:Various Residential Remodeling Including Window Installation, Door Installation, Drywall, Painting, Interior Trim, Exterior Decks, Basic Carpentry, Interior And Exterior, All Phases Of Home Remodeling. Excluding - Electrical Plumbing And Masonry

Address: 111 Olinger Drive, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 548-1885

Service: Excavation, Foundations, Water Features

HIC #:PA026983


Type:Installations Of Residential Water And Sewage Lines.Digging Footers And Foundations.

Address: 210 B Linde Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 548-1611

Service: Plumbing, Basement Remodeling, Flooring, Patios, Excavation, Water Features

HIC #:PA047421


Type:We Are A Full Service Franchised Plumbing Company. We Service,Repair Or Replace The Followingfaucets,Disposals,Toilets,Bathtubs,Showers,Sinks,Waterheaters,Clogged Drains, Excavate Sewer,Gas, And Water Lines,Replace Drain And Sewer Lines Under Basement Flo

Address: 111 Graham Road, Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: (724) 548-1083

Service: Water Features

HIC #:PA062226


Type:Water Wells, Complete Systems, Pressure Tanks, Cisterns, Pumps

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.