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Plumbing Contractors in Cochranville, PA

Address: 728 Hilton Rd, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (484) 880-6543

Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA114171


Type:Plumbing Service And Repair, Residential And Light Commercial

Address: 2651 Bryson Road, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (610) 350-9907

Service: Excavation, Basement Remodeling, Water Features

HIC #:PA123833


Type:Excavating, Water, Sewer Connections, Driveways, Gradeing, Underground Storm Water Management Systems, Septic Systems, Basement Excavation.

Date Issued:04-19-2016

Address: 2077 Gap Newport Pike, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (484) 429-0660

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Flooring, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Electrical, Engineering

HIC #:PA045493


Type:Carpentry- General Remodeling, Siding, Roofing, Decks,Flooring,Doors,Windows. Electrical And Plumbing. Contractor/Builder

Address: 166 Faggs Manor Rd, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (610) 869-3219

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Commercial Contracting, Water Features

HIC #:PA055432


Type:All Phases Of Plumbing Work Service And Install Well-Pumps, Well Equipment, Sump Pumps, Hot Water Heaters Including On-Demand Heaters, Residential And Commercial Piping, Repair Leaks, Water Lines, Hot Water Heaters, Well Pumps, Rough-In All Plumbing, Wast

Address: 455-1 Faggs Manor Rd, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (610) 593-5719

Service: Electrical, Basement Remodeling, Stone, Water Features

HIC #:PA034494


Type:Excavating Contractor, Perc.Tests, Septic Systems, Basements, Site Prep., Ditches-Electric And Water, Storm Water, Driveways(Cut, Grade And Roll), Dump Trucks-Haul Dirt And Stone, Etc...

Address: 451 Faggs Manor Road, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (610) 593-1198

Service: General Contractors, Landscaping, Landscape Architecture, Water Features

HIC #:PA010444


Type:Excavation, Sewer Systems, Water And Sewer Lines, Water Drainage Problems, Storm Water Management, Land Improvements, Ponds, Dump Truck Hauling, Top Soil, Bobcat Brush Mower, Oil Tank Removal, Ground Testing, Water Bowls, Riding Arenas

Address: 166 Faggs Manor Rd, Cochranville, PA 19330

Service: Plumbing

Address: 411 Sunblaze Lane, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (610) 368-6388

Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA067538


Type:I Provide Residential And Commercial Plumbing Services.

Address: 2969 Highpoint Rd, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (919) 616-3839

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Framing, Trim, Plumbing, Remodeling, Custom Woodwork

HIC #:PA096845


Type:Carpentry From Framing To Trim. Custom Woodwork. Residential Plumbing. Remodeling.

Address: 818 Steelville Rd, Cochranville, PA 19330

Phone: (610) 593-8009

Service: Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Plumbing, Electrical

HIC #:PA085323


Type:Handyman - Electrical Repairs - Plumbing Repairs

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.