Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Paving Contractors in Newman Lake, WA

Address: 14611 N Mountain View Lane, Newman Lake, WA 99025

Phone: (208) 941-5764

Service: Concrete, Paving

License: Washington #FOURHHC866QO


Type:Construction Contractor, Concrete

Address: 7424 North Starr Rd, Newman Lake, WA 99025

Phone: (509) 288-0509

Service: Paving, General Contractors

License: Washington #FIRESP 847DN


Type:Construction Contractor, Paving/ Striping/ Seal Coating

Date Issued:03-15-2016

Address: 5516 S Starr Td, Newman Lake, WA 99025

Service: Concrete, Foundations, Paving, Tree Service

License: Alaska #CONS39133


Type:Specialty Contractor Concrete And Paving

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.