Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Painting Contractors in Wilmer, AL

Address: PO Box 717, Theodore, AL 36590

Phone: (251) 443-6110

Service: Painting

Address: 7124 Lott Rd, Wilmer, AL 36587

Phone: (251) 709-1797

Service: Painting, Sandblasting

License: Alabama #S-46172


Type:Subcontractor Pressure Washing, Sandblasting And Painting

Address: Post Office Box 717, Theodore, AL 36590

Phone: (334) 443-6110

Service: Painting

License: Mississippi #10518


Type:Interior Specialties

Address: PO Box 930, Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 649-2900

Service: Handyman, Painting

License: Alabama #18499


Type:H/Rr Heavy And Railroad, Hs-S Painting, Sandblasting, And Bridge Repair, Mu Municipal And Utility

Address: 8475 Moffett Road, Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 649-2900

Service: Painting, Sandblasting

License: Alabama #44885


Type:Adm New Administrative, Bc-S Painting, Bc-S Sandblasting

Address: Post Office Box 1144, Pascagoula, MS 39581

Phone: (228) 475-3360

Service: Mechanical, Interior Design, Painting, Commercial Contracting

License: Mississippi #12065 MC


Type:Industrial Plants

Address: Post Office Box 1325, Pascagoula, MS 39568

Phone: (228) 762-6344

Service: Painting, Home Builders, General Contractors

License: Mississippi #05279 SC


Type:Building Specialties

Address: Post Office Box 378, Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 649-2900

Service: Painting, Home Builders, Interior Design, General Contractors, Mechanical

License: Mississippi #06446 MC


Type:Building Construction

Address: 1942 Jackson Ave., Pascagoula, MS 39567

Phone: (228) 696-2695

Service: Painting, Commercial Contracting

License: Louisiana #62782


Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Demolishing Work

Date Issued:02-06-2016

Address: 8475 Moffett Road, Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 649-2900

Service: Painting, Roofing

License: Alabama #12458


Type:Bc-S Interior Finish, Bc-S Lath And Plaster, Bc-S Painting And Wall Coverings, Bc-S Special Coatings And Waterproofing, Bc-S Stucco, Hs-S Painting, Sandblasting, And Bridge Repair, Hs-S Special Coatings, Hs-S Waterproofing

Address: 5347 Southern Oaks Trail, Grand Bay, AL 36541

Phone: (251) 660-5330

Service: Painting, Drywall

License: Alabama #S-49100


Type:Subcontractor Drywall Finishing, Painting

Address: 1877 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, AL 36571

Phone: (251) 753-4544

Service: Painting

License: Alabama #50376


Type:H/Rr-S Sandblasting And Painting, Sc Painting And Coating

Address: 6386 Three Notch Rd, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (251) 661-9412

Service: Painting, Drywall

License: Alabama #S-37600


Type:Subcontractor Drywall And Metal Studs, Painting And Wall Coverings

Address: 214 South Lawrence St, Mobile, AL 36602

Phone: (251) 432-2246

Service: Painting, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Commercial Contracting, Sandblasting

License: Alabama #47576


Type:H/Rr-S Industrial Maintenance, H/Rr-S Sandblasting And Painting

Address: 6386 Three Notch Road, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (334) 661-9412

Service: Painting, Flooring

License: Mississippi #07168 SC


Type:Floor Covering

Address: 1931 Wolf Ridge Rd, Mobile, AL 36618

Phone: (251) 605-8976

Service: Painting

License: Alabama #S-46840


Type:Subcontractor Painting

Address: 552 Oak Drive Court, Mobile, AL 36606

Phone: (251) 545-8990

Service: Painting, Drywall, Masonry

License: Alabama #S-47845


Type:Subcontractor Drywall, Masonry, Painting, Sitework

Address: 6890 Three Notch Rd, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (251) 583-6566

Service: Concrete, Home Repair, Paving, Painting, Sealcoating

License: Pennsylvania #PA100449


Type:Sealcoating Concrete Coatings And Repairs Painting

Address: 6386 Three Notch Road, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (251) 661-9412

Service: Painting, Commercial Contracting

License: Louisiana #51963


Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Painting, Coating And Blasting (Industrial And Commercial)

Address: PO Box 190308, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (251) 443-7663

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Painting, Roofing, Siding, Commercial Contracting

License: Louisiana #31886


Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Specialty Lead Based Paint Abatement And Removal, Specialty Roofing And Sheet Metal, Siding

Address: 14 South Hathaway Road, Mobile, AL 36608

Phone: (251) 344-0013

Service: Painting, Interior Design, Carpets

License: Louisiana #41064


Type:Commercial License Certificate, Specialty Painting And Interior Decorating, Carpeting

Address: P O Bo 191057, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (251) 379-4073

Service: Painting

License: Alabama #50908


Type:H/Rr-S Painting

Address: PO Box 191165, Mobile, AL 36619

Phone: (251) 957-3485

Service: General Contractors, Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Remodeling, Roofing

License: Alabama #24669


Type:Bc-S Drywall And Metal Studs, Bc-S Flooring, Bc-S Painting And Wall Coverings, Bc-S Remodeling And Alteration, Bc-S Roofing And Sheet Metal

Address: PO Box 16413, Mobile, AL 36616

Phone: (251) 232-7732

Service: Roofing, Paving, Painting, Concrete

License: Alabama #S-49987


Type:Subcontractor Caulking, Concrete Repair, Painting, Waterproofing

Address: 6301 Sarasota Dr., Mobile, AL 36609

Phone: (251) 662-1769

Service: Painting

Address: PO Box 717, Theodore, AL 36590

Phone: (251) 443-6110

Service: Painting, Flooring

License: Alabama #22591


Type:Bc-S Flooring

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.