Address: 1202 Hwy 32, Water Valley, MS 38965
Phone: (662) 413-4427
Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Green Remodeling, Demolition
License: Mississippi #17991 SC
Type:Asbestos Abatement Or Removal
Address: 4361 Cr 90, Water Valley, MS 39041
Phone: (601) 675-2041
Service: Foundations, Concrete, Excavation, Drainage, Grading
License: Mississippi #11589
Type:Hwy. St. Drainage,Excavation,Grading
Address: PO Box 189, Taylor, MS 38673
Phone: (662) 473-2525
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, Mechanical
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Restricted), Heavy Construction, Mechanical Work (Restricted), Municipal And Public Works Construction
Address: 6768 Hwy 32 East, Oakland, MS 38948
Phone: (662) 458-4021
Service: General Contractors, Foundations, Concrete, Excavation, Drainage, Grading
License: Mississippi #17483-SC
Type:Clearing, Grubbing, Snagging, Excavation, Grading & Drainage
Address: 1242 Morrow Road, Courtland, MS 38620
Phone: (662) 563-5203
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Handyman, Fences
License: Mississippi #07160 MC
Type:Building Construction
Address: 133 South Mound St, Grenada, MS 38901
Phone: (662) 226-1631
Service: General Contractors, Swimming Pools
License: Alabama #49535
Legal name:HCB INC/
Type:Bc Building Construction, H/Rr Heavy And Railroad, Hs Highways And Streets, Mu Municipal And Utility, Rep Reciprocity State Of Mississippi, Sp Swimming Pools
Address: 799 Hwy 332, Grenada, MS 38901
Phone: (662) 226-1801
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Foundations, Tree Service, Concrete, Drainage, Grading
License: Mississippi #09446-MC
Type:Building Construction, Grading, Highway, Street And Bridge Construction, Hwy. Drainage
Address: 799 Hwy 332, Grenada, MS 39041
Phone: (662) 226-1801
Service: General Contractors, Stone, Masonry, Limestone
License: Mississippi #18287 MC
Type:Building Construction
Address: 22975 Highway 8 East, Grenada, MS 39041
Phone: (662) 226-4435
Service: General Contractors, Asphalt
License: Mississippi #12843
Type:Building Construction
Address: Post Office Box 1511, Grenada, MS 38901
Phone: (662) 226-1081
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Tree Service, Swimming Pools
License: Mississippi #09207 MC
Type:Building Construction
Address: Post Office Drawer 2060, Grenada, MS 38901
Phone: (662) 226-8454
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Tree Service, Energy Efficiency
License: Mississippi #00728-MC
Type:Building Construction, Flood Control Work, Heavy Construction, Highway, Street And Bridge Construction, Municipal And Public Works Construction
Address: Post Office Drawer 2060, Grenada, MS 39041
Phone: (662) 226-8454
Service: General Contractors, Energy Efficiency
License: Mississippi #00728 MC
Type:Building Construction