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Other Contractors in Thomaston, GA

Address: 616 N Church Street, Thomaston, GA 30286

Phone: (706) 647-0480

Service: Electrical, Mechanical

License: South Carolina #CLM113360


Type:Mechanical Contractor El2 - Electrical With A Project Limit Of $30,000

Address: 211 Sanders Street, Thomaston, GA 30286

Phone: (706) 646-2665

Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Mechanical

License: South Carolina #CLM112299


Type:Mechanical Contractor Ac4 - Air Conditioning With A Project Limit Of $125,000 Ht4 - Heating With A Project Limit Of $125,000

Address: 508 South Green Street, Thomaston, GA 30286

Phone: (706) 647-3906

Service: Foundations, Concrete, Grading

License: Alabama #S-44581


Type:Subcontractor Clearing And Grubbing, Drainage And Culvert, Grading, Sewer Projects, Water Projects

Address: 630 N Center St, Thomaston, GA 30287

Phone: (706) 647-8960

Service: Swimming Pools, Spas

Address: 108 Pine Street, Thomaston, GA 30286

Service: Plumbing, Carpentry, Energy Efficiency

License: Georgia #MP210233


Type:Master Plumber - Non-Restricted

Address: 3037 Hendricks Church Rd, Thomaston, GA 30287

Service: Electrical, Cabinets, Home Builders, Handyman, Trim, Remodeling, Lighting, Commercial Contracting, Demolition, Wiring, Spas, Fans, Tenant Improvements

License: Georgia #EN214500


Type:Electrical Contractor- Non Restricted

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