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Other Contractors in Scottsville, VA

Address: 12219 Howardsville Rd, Howardsville, VA 24562

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Swimming Pools, Decks

License: Virginia #2701034404


Type:Building Bld

Powell S Painting And Home Repair

Address: 1618 James River Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Phone: (434) 882-4031

Service: Painting, Bathroom Remodeling, Home Repair, Hazardous Materials, General Contractors

License: Virginia #2705127296


Type:Building,Home Improvement,Painting And Wallcovering

Address: 100 Buckhorn Lane, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Excavation, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705064101


Type:Highway, Sewage Disposal Systems

Address: 1189 Rockfish Run Road, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705061761


Type:Highway / Heavy H/H,Home Improvement Hic,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds

Address: 4247 Rolling Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Welding, Home Builders, General Contractors

License: Virginia #2705078274



Address: 749 W River Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Paving, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705102135


Type:Concrete Contracting, Commercial Improvement, Machinery Installation, Home Improvements, Sewage Disp

Address: 9788 Warren Ferry Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Fences, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors

License: Virginia #2705070262


Type:Commercial Improvment Cic,Farm Improvement Fic,Home Improvement Hic

Address: 1931 Kidds Dairy Road, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705049242


Type:Highway / Heavy H/H,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds

Address: 5398 Rolling Road, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Masonry

License: Virginia #2705093325


Type:Masonry Contracting

Address: 664 Coles Rolling Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Landscaping, Handyman, Irrigation

License: Virginia #2705061601


Type:Landscape Irrigation Isc,Landscape Service Lsc

Address: 772 Branch Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Handyman, Remodeling, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705093244


Type:Commercial Improvement, Home Improvements, Roofing Contracting, Sewage Disp

Address: 793 Paynes Landing Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Painting, Masonry, Roofing, Landscaping

License: Virginia #2705078547


Type:Building Bld,Landscape Service Lsc,Masonry Brk,Painting And Wall Covering Ptc,Roofing Roc

Address: 8954 S Constitution Rte, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: General Contractors, Paving, Masonry, Remodeling, Landscaping, Concrete, Slate

License: Virginia #2705125441


Type:Highway / Heavy H/H

Address: 9483 Hatton Ferry Road, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Mechanical, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting

License: Virginia #2705100034


Type:Commercial Improvment Cic,Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning Hva,Home Improvement Hic

Address: PO Box 283, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: General Contractors, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting

License: Virginia #2705042094


Type:Home Improvement,Commercial Improvement

Address: PO Box 164, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Electrical, Hvac, Plumbing, Refrigeration

License: Virginia #2705059431


Type:Electrical Ele,Gas Fitting Gfc,Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning Hva,Highway / Heavy H/H,Plumbing Plb,Refrigeration Ref

Address: 12000 S Constitution Rte, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Sewers

License: Virginia #2705081976


Type:Sewage Disposal Systems Sds

Address: 9481 Hatton Ferry Rd, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Concrete, Paving, Excavation, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705103386


Type:Concrete Cem,Highway / Heavy H/H,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds

Address: Rt 2 Box 4087, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Sewers

License: Virginia #2705037498


Type:Highway/Heavy,Sewage Disposal Systems

Address: Rt 5 Box 309, Scottsville, VA 24590

Service: Landscaping, Handyman, Sewers

License: Virginia #2705053116


Type:Highway / Heavy H/H,Landscape Service Lsc,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.