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Other Contractors in Orland, ME

Doane Foundations

Address: 690 Acadia Hwy, Orland, ME 04472

Phone: (207) 469-7989

Service: Foundations, Hardscape, Paving, Concrete, Driveway, Sidewalk, Asphalt, Foundation Repair, Footings, Flagstone, Parking Lot Striping, Slabs, Decorative Concrete, Tuckpointing, Brick, Block, Grading, Stamped Concrete, Walkways

Address: 435 Gilpin Rd, Orland, ME 04472

Phone: (207) 469-7897

Service: Electrical, Stone, Masonry

License: Maine #MS60019995


Type:Master Electrician

Address: 87 Hoxie Hill Rd, Orrington, ME 04474

Phone: (207) 825-4409

Service: Electrical, Stone, Masonry

License: Maine #HPE20037942


Type:Electricians Helper

Address: PO Box 926, Castine, ME 04421

Service: Architecture, Masonry, Custom Home Design

License: Alabama #AL2408



Address: 150 Herrick Rd, Brooksville, ME 04617

Phone: (207) 266-6721

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Electrical, Mechanical

License: South Carolina #CLM3059


Type:Mechanical Contractor El4 - Electrical With A Project Limit Of $125,000

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