Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Other Contractors in Glens Falls, NY

Address: 2 Rocky Trail Wurtsboro, Ny 12790, Queensbury, NY 12801

Phone: (845) 888-5246

Service: Home Builders, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Plumbing, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Fences, Roofing, Ceilings

License: New York #39442


Address: 175 Broad Street Suite 111, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (347) 799-2599

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Foundations, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Paving, Plumbing, Remodeling, Staircases, Exteriors, Fences, Roofing, Windows, Cleaning, Concrete, Sidewalk, Chimney, Ceilings, Plumbing Fixtures, Brick

License: New York #604950


Type:General Contractor - Registered, Cn - Construction Cc - Concrete Dm - Demolition

Address: 27 Arberger Dr, Queensbury, NY 12804

Service: Swimming Pools, Spas

License: Florida #0056737


Type:Certified Pool Spa Contractor

Address: 51 Walnut Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Home Builders, Handyman

License: North Carolina #66493



Address: 51 Walnut St, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Hvac

License: Iowa #C122753



Address: 51 Walnut St, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Handyman, Hvac, Commercial Contracting

License: Virginia #2705102709


Type:Equipment / Machinery Emc,Highway / Heavy H/H,Vessel Construction Vcc

Address: 51 Walnut St, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Framing, Handyman, General Contractors

License: South Carolina #CLG98498


Type:General Contractor Sf5 - Structural Framing With A Project $Unlimited Ss5 - Structural Shapes With A Project $Unlimited

Address: PO Box 504, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, General Contractors

License: Washington #MILLEMS110NM


Type:Construction Contractor, Boiler/Steam Fit/Proc Piping

Address: 51 Walnut St, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Handyman, Welding

License: Alabama #17743


Type:M-S Welding Sc Equipment And Machinery Installation Maintenance And Repair

Address: PO Box 504, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Cabinets, Home Builders, Handyman, Hvac, Heating, Energy Efficiency, Roofing, Commercial Contracting

License: Louisiana #24386


Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Industrial Pipe Work And Insulation, Specialty Installation Of Equipment, Machinery And Engines, Specialty Steam And Hot Water Heating In Buildings Or Plants, Specialty Storage Facilities, Metal Covers, Tank

Address: 14 Stonehurst Drive Queensbury, Ny 12804-9359 Us, Glens Falls, NY 12804

Phone: (518) 636-3427

Service: Green Remodeling, Energy Efficiency

Address: PO Box 504, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Handyman

License: Arkansas #0025710411



Address: PO Box 504, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Handyman

License: Tennessee #48972



Address: Glens Falls, NY

Service: Architecture, Energy Efficiency

License: New York #023039



Address: Glens Falls, NY

Service: Architecture, Energy Efficiency

License: New York #023238



Address: PO Box 504, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Service: Mechanical, Handyman, Hvac

License: Florida #0017177


Type:Construction Business Information

Address: PO Box 504, West Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: (518) 792-0430

Service: Mechanical, Handyman

License: Oregon #152899


Type:Commercial Cgc2 - General Contractor 2

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.