Address: PO Box 1921, Brandon, MS 39043
Phone: (601) 825-8884
Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Tree Service, Swimming Pools, Lighting, Wiring, Garages, Pumps, Fountains
License: Tennessee #52499
Address: 510 North Street, Brandon, MS 39402
Phone: (601) 825-5787
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Stone, Masonry, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #62093
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law
Date Issued:08-20-2015
Address: 311 East Government St., Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 798-8870
Service: General Contractors, Stone, Masonry, Brick
License: Mississippi #18266 SC
Type:Masonry, Brick Stone
Address: 350 Tradewind, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 825-8643
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Foundations, Fences, Concrete, Drainage, Grading
License: Mississippi #04031-MC
Type:Building Construction, Fencing, Grading, Hwy. Drainage, Municipal And Public Works Construction
Address: 126 Appleridge Dr., Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 618-3038
Service: Paving, Driveway, Asphalt
License: Mississippi #19367-SC
Type:Crack Sealing/Pavement Sealants, Driveways, Parking Areas,Asphalt/Concret
Address: 643 A Holly Bush Rd., Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 829-0677
Service: Flooring, Stone, Masonry, Brick
License: Mississippi #17408-SC
Type:Floor Covering, Masonry, Brick & Stone
Address: PO Box 703, Brandon, MS 39043
Phone: (601) 932-7581
Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Hazardous Materials
License: Mississippi #05182 MC
Type:Asbestos Abatement Or Removal
Address: 542 Holly Bush Road, Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 829-1169
Service: Masonry, Home Builders, General Contractors
License: Mississippi #14175 MC
Type:Building Construction
Address: 1043 Highway 471, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 824-3992
Service: Flooring, Demolition
License: Mississippi #16706 SC
Type:Air Pollution Control
Address: 2541 Highway 471, Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 624-2523
Service: Handyman, Foundations, Home Maintenance, Landscaping, Concrete, Grading
License: Mississippi #16140 SC
Type:Landscaping, Grading, Beautification
Address: 545 Tara Rd, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 504-0923
Service: General Contractors, Paving, Concrete, Asphalt
License: Mississippi #18555-SC
Type:Asphalt Paving
Address: 172 Mandarin Drive, Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 624-1302
Service: Landscaping, Irrigation
License: Mississippi #16265 SC
Type:Irrigation Systems
Address: 13 Marseilles Street, Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 214-4411
Service: General Contractors, Basement Remodeling, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Demolition
License: Mississippi #16607 SC
Type:Asbestos Abatement Or Removal
Address: 216 B Avalon Circle, Brandon, MS 39047
Phone: (601) 992-2490
Service: Engineering, Energy Efficiency, Structural Engineering
License: Mississippi #07884
Type:Energy Conservation
Address: 1312 Johns Mayton Rd., Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 829-4300
Service: Irrigation
License: Mississippi #07236 SC
Type:Irrigation Systems
Address: 760 Highway 468, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 825-5834
Service: Irrigation
License: Mississippi #12107 SC
Type:Irrigation Systems
Address: 236 Garth Farm Road, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 825-2345
Service: Landscaping, Foundations, Concrete, Grading
License: Mississippi #08909
Type:Landscaping, Grading, Beautification
Address: PO Box 1325, Brandon, MS 39043
Phone: (601) 939-0516
Service: Concrete, Masonry, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #38074
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Waterproofing, Coating, Sealing, Concrete/Masonry Repair
Address: PO Box 2246, Brandon, MS 39043
Phone: (601) 260-1544
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Interior Design, Carpets, Painting, Stone, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #39404
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Carpentry, Specialty Marble, Stone & Cast Stone Construction & Artifical Rock Fabrication, Specialty Painting And Interior Decorating, Carpeting
Address: 2865 Highway 80 East, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: (601) 591-5911
Service: Landscaping, Foundations, Concrete, Grading
License: Mississippi #12746-SC
Type:Landscaping, Grading, Beautification